Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

We all halted our ponies to watch the hobbit run up to Balin. "I've signed it." He panted, handing over the contract.

Balin skimmed it over before saying, "Everything appears to be in order." He tucked the paper away and smiled. "Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

"Get him a pony." Thorin said roughly.

Bilbo's eyes went wide. "No, no. That's fine. I can keep up just fine on fo- WOAH!"

I couldn't help but laugh. Nori and Oin had each grabbed an arm and lifted him onto a caramel colored pony. He looked extremely uncomfortable, clutching the reins with only the tips of his fingers.

I suddenly remembered my bets. "Hey, Bifur, Nori! Pay up!" I yelled.

"Well earned, lass!" Nori tossed me a small sack of coins. and Bifur had his handed to me. Money was passed between the dwarves. While I made sixty in all, Kili earned twenty from his brother and another ten from Bombur.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thorin slip Gandalf a handful of gold, a stormy expression on his face. I had to smile. Thorin gambling. I never would have guessed it.

"So, where're you from?" Kili asked.

"I don't really know. My parents traveled a lot, so we were always moving." I told him.

"Well what do you like to do for fun?"

"I don't do much for fun." I said. "There's never much time."

Kili groaned. "You poor, deprived child! As soon as we stop to rest, you and I are going to go have some fun." He decided.

"Like what?" I laughed.

"I'll let you shoot an apple off my head." He offered.

"What if I miss?" I asked, terrified at the prospect of impaling Kili with an arrow.

"I trust you," Kili shrugged.

I felt my features unwind into an easy smile. "You are something else."

He smiled at me. "You have very pretty eyes." He said.

I blushed. My eyes were a pale blue color. They did not compare to the raging storm of amber and lightning of his.

"Ariel," called Dwalin.

"I'll be right back," I said to Kili, then rode up to Dwalin.

"What is it?" I asked.

He just smiled.

"What?" I laughed.

"You like Kili." Dwalin said in his rough tones.

My eyes must have widened to saucer plates because he exclaimed, "I knew it!"

"Shh!" I hissed. "There are people around."

Dwalin chuckled. "Aye, lassie, I won't tell."

"It's not that simple!" I told him. "I mean, I just met him! I don't even know him! And plus.. he's Thorin's nephew. Thorin is like my father. How could I do that?"

He smiled at me from under his bushy mustache. "Even Thorin cannot stop young love."

"Oh, but he'd do his best." I grumbled.

"So you admit it, you do like Kili." Dwalin grinned. 

"Youre putting words in my mouth!" I whined. 

Dwalin gave a roaring laugh. Thorin glanced back at us and flicked his head for me to come.

"Thanks a lot," I grumbled and nudged my pony. He trotted faster to catch up to Thorin.

"Made a friend, have we?" He asked, keeping his eyes ahead.

I blushed. "We were just joking around."

His mouth curled into the smallest smile I'd ever seen. "Dwalin is a good man. Just don't drink with him. He's a partier."


Before I knew it, the sun was setting. We pitched camp and tied up the ponies with professional ease. I ran a hand through the top of my hair, wispy strands flying loose.

"Uncle, Ariel and I are going hunting." Kili called to Thorin.

Thorin eyed him carefully. "Be back soon," he said, mostly to me.

I nodded. "We will." I walked over to Kili as quickly as I could. "C'mon, before I change my mind. I hate lying to Thorin."

He smirked and melted into the tree line. I knocked an arrow and started in after him.

"We'll hunt for something first, so it's not technically a lie." he whispered. I nodded, and the hunt began.

As quiet as two cats, we stalked through the forest. Kili and I covered each other's every move, like we had been working together for ages. He went ahead, I fell back. He tensed, I was instantly on alert. We were invincible.

I saw the rabbit before Kili did, which meant I got the shot. I drew back my bowstring, inhaled, exhaled, and released. My arrow pierced the animal's eye.

Kill shot.

"Nice," Kili admired the white rabbit, holding it up by the foot.

"Thanks." I said uneasily.

"Now it's time for fun and games!" he sang.

I bit my bottom lip. Kili pulled an apple out of his pocket and showed it to me. He backed up about fifteen steps and placed it on his head.

"You are suicidal," I decided. "You have a death wish."

Kili smiled at me. "My mother thinks I'm reckless."

"Aren't you?" I asked.

"Nah," He said.

I hesitated, my bow hanging at my side.

"Well, come on!" He encouraged.

I took a deep breath and knocked an arrow. Drawing my bow string breath, I blew out all the air in my lungs. Aim, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, release.

The arrow pierced the very center of the apple, knocking it off Kili's head.

Kili roared his laughter, touching his face. "You didn't kill me!" he bellowed.

"Haha," I forced a laugh, feeling a bit light-headed.

"I knew you wouldn't kill me!" Kili ran towards me and picked me up by the waist. He lifted me with strong arms and spun me several times.

I didn't have to force the laughter this time. I squealed (something I'd never done before) and pressed my eyes shut.

Kili put me back on the ground, but kept his hands on my waist. I nervously bit my bottom lip. His throat worked, dark eyes staring into mine.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Kili whispered.

I blushed. "I'm just me."

He reached down and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful. You're a fighter. Thorin obviously loves you, and he is terribly difficult to get along with." Kili leaned down so his breath fanned over my ear.

"You must be doing something right." he whispered.

I couldn't suppress the shivers that ran down my spine.


Wait, was he going to kiss me?

For the love Durin, he was!

Why the hell not? I thought.

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