Will becky be half Carter half Mitchell?

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Linda's POV
I know Beckys up to something, but I just can't get my finger on it.
It was 6:30 and time I get up for becky to go to school.

Beckys POV
I was woken up by the sound of Nancy's alarm.
"Get up sleepy head" mum said as she chucked a cushion at me and i groaned.
"Please mum, I'm really tired" I begged.
"Your dad told me that you were asking phil for a job in the Albert. you know it's Sharon's pub?" She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Yeah I know, I was asking him if he could ask Sharon. b-because I couldn't find her yesterday" I lied.
"I don't believe you" she said.
"Phil told me that I'm not old enough anyway" I said and laid back down.
"Alright then. just get up, you're gonna be late" she laughed and walked out. that was close. I got ready, had breakfast and walked down into the pub.
"Bye mum, bye dad" i said sweetly.
"Bye baby" dad said and handed me a glass of water to quickly take my tablets.
"Bye darling" mum said and with that I went.

"Hello liam" I said and kissed him.
"Hello babe" he replied happily.
We walked to school and went to our forms.


The school day was over and I walked back home with liam.
"Text me" liam said and kissed me.
"Will do, love you"
"Love you too" he said.
I walked into the pub and upstairs. I unpacked my bag and put on the TV. dad and Nancy are downstairs working and mum is in her bedroom with olly.
I took my phone out of my blazer pocket to text liam, only to realise Shirley has texted me. the text read:

"I've booked and urgent DNA test for tomorrow at 2:30"

"But I'm at school" I texted back.

"Me and phill will pick you up" she replied in 30 seconds.

"Alright, bye".

"Who's that you're texting, becky?" Dad asked me.
"It's liam" I lied. I can tell mum and dad know I'm up to something. I will tell them about the test only if phil is my dad but if it comes back negative, I'll leave it.
"Okay" he said and sat next to me. he took the remote off me and turned the Channel over. I stood up, going to leave.
"What's your problem lately?" Dad asked.
"Huh?" I asked, confused.
"You know what I mean. as soon as you come back from Shirley's yesterday you've been so quiet then all of a sudden phil wants to talk to you? And I've just come and sat next to you and you leave? What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing, dad. I swear" I laughed at the end. "I'm just a bit tired that's all" I lied and walked out.
"Becky, becky!" Nancy ran up to me.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Can we talk in the kitchen for a minute please?"
We walked into the kitchen and sat down and Nancy at on the chair opposite me.
"Well I was talking to Roxie today and she said she loves how she has sister to sister talks with ronnie and I thought we should have one. because we're sisters now." she explained. I thought about this and thought it'd be a good way to come closer to her even though we were already extremely close.
"I think that's an amazing idea' I said in excitement.
"How are you and liam?" She asked.
"We're fine, great actually. how's you and tamwar?" I asked.
"Aw that's great becks. Well I still love him and he still loves me"
"Aw that's so cute." I awed. Nancy leaned over the table and grinned.
"Have you two you know... done it?" She whispered.
"Nancy" I groaned. this was private.
"Well?" She laughed.
"Yes" I gave in and told her the truth.
"Oh my god" she squeelled. "how many times?" She added.
"Four or five. I don't really count. it has only been a month" I said, quietly.
"I can't believe this. my little sister all growing up"
"I am sixteen now, Nancy"
"I know, I know. I'm just so happy" she said.
"Happy about what nance?" Lee asked.
"Nothing" I stood up and stared at nancy. Nancy paused for a moment.
"Becky has done it with liam" Nancy burst out laughing.
"Nancy, this was suppose to be a sister talk" I said very annoyed.
"Oh" Lee said, not knowing what to say.
"Please don't tell mum and dad" I begged.
"N-no" he said and walked out.
"Did you see the look on his face becky?" Nancy laughed.


I got out of the bath and laid in bed and thought about things.
If phil is my dad, mick won't be my brother, he'll be my half brother.
How do I tell mum and dad about the DNA test?
What if phil is my dad? I'll be half carter half Mitchell...

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