Let's visit salt lake island

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Nami shouted . Her voice rattling through every last inch of the ship .

"Island island island island island island island OUCH" luffy exclaimed getting his head almost smashed in by Namis fists.

"Can't you for once act like an average person of your age ? "

Luffy just ignored that comment of hers excitedly climbing to the head of the ship covering his forehead with his hand to see .

"Let me see , let me seeeee" He heard a little voice squeal of excitement . Chopper jumping up and down behind Luffy.

"shiiishihsihsi come up her little reindeer"
With that he stretched out his arm jolting chopper next to him .

"The hell is going on here . I was trying to get some sleep " a grumpy swordsman complained . His voice deeper than ever due to him just waking up

"Didn't you sleep the whole day already ?" Nami muttered angrily staring ahead .

"Can't you just keep your mouth shUUHHH-" -PONGGG.

A certain blonde had brutally hit Zoro with a pan .

Muttering some harsh insults , he took off not being in the mood to fight Sanji after a nap like that . Sometimes he was really tired of him always stepping in for that maniac redhead with a way to high temper .

"I think this is salt-lake-island." Robin commented .
"It is known for its very precious and expensive salt . Since over here it has a slight blue color . This is because of special water conditions and sun constilla-"

"ROBIN-SWAAAN you are just so smart. Let me treat you with a cold drink "
Sanji yelled . He always had this thing around woman . They just made him crazy.

After finally reaching the harbor , the crew made their separate ways to buy what was needed . Lysop (I'm going to call him the japanese way) was in deep need of new supplies for Namis climate weapon . He took off first .

'Sanjiiiiii can I join youuuuu" Luffy asked doing a little puppy face . He knew damn well Sanji went to buy food .

"As long as you won't eat the hair of my head "

"Robin , I really need new paper for my maps . Do you think we could go to a library or something ?" Nami asked taking the hand of the black haired woman .
She nodded giving her that kind smile of hers.

"I'm going to watch the ship" Chopper said already sorting his medication supplies .

Zoro took off without giving any information about his plans , leaving Nami shake her head .

"This sucker is 100% going to get lost" .

Zorro's Pov

I wasn't in the mood to get called out again . This girl would never stop commenting on every single bit of my actions . So I just left. I knew my way .

The center of the island must be only a few meters away . I can already smell warm food. Even though I trained a lot , I never restricted on food .
The body needs food . It's like fuel and it will build up into pure energy.
I didn't treat food like Luffy did though. To me every bite is a gift wich I'm thankful for.
"Where the hell does that smell come from? " .

Narrators Pov
Zoro actually made his way to the city , even though its not that big of an achievement since it's only a few steps from the harbor. The town looked weird . It was grey , the streets smelled like dust . Kind of like a cellar . There were many holes in the floor creating puddles of water .
But it seemed to be decorated . There were tons of colourful flags and fairy lights , lanterns and flowers hanging from the sad and lifeless buildings . Quite a contrast .
Maybe a festival , Zoro thought walking his way through the alleys. The cause of the nice smell seemed to be a little table with a hot stone . A man was behind the counter of his stand grilling some rare fish . He had a big mustache and a cig was hanging out of his mouth . He looked really nice though .

Zoro walked his way towards the man .
"Watcha got old man?" He asked looking at the variety of goods.
"Ohhh young swordsman today in honor of this towns anniversary, we have fish from the west , east and north blue . All captured by our own fishing companies. The samples are free anything else is 20 berry. "
Anniversary? Zoro thought to himself while trying the east blue eel .
"So 'munch' tell me old man ' munch' are we celebrating tonight ?"
"Yes indeed . Every shop is preparing for the evening "
Zoro nodded .
He turned his head around to see where the sound came from . It was a women storming out of the pub nearby.
She had (y/hc) Wich was the first thing Zoro noticed . Her face was pretty even though it was filled with anger. She wore a skinny top and a long  black skirt and boots . But then a man took her by the wrist and dragged her back inside .

"Not so fast young lady. You are literally scaring away the customers you fool"

What in the world. Zoro debated with himself whether he should go after this , but he decided that it was probably non of his business and took off after trying a few more samples .

"Wait ..where the hell did I come from ??" He looked around . Every alley looked the same to him . Not good . He wanted to tell the others about the festival .

He heard a voice behind him and turned around

"Are you lost?"

Your Pov
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY" you yelled at your boss .

"(Y/n) I know you might not get this , but I really don't give a shit about your little ow ow's . This is a business where people want YOU to serve them ! "

"I'm doing the best I can to do so , but not if somebody slaps my ass in front of everyone and makes me fall. I don't care about your stupid profit in this "

" Ok I tell you what . I'm going to forget about this little incident because i really need you tonight . So until 8 pm i want you to take a break and calm down . I will pay you double the amount I would usually pay you "

You hated the way this man was able to manipulate you . He knew you were short on money. So what choice did you have . You agreed , getting up . You were ashamed of yourself for letting you down to this point . You walked out of the back door sitting down for a moment .

"Where the hell did I come from?"
You heard a voice say . It was a low voice, probably a voice that would scare the shit out of you , if used correctly . You opened your eyes. It was a man . Quite tall but a very fit physique. He wore a white shirt with a few undone buttons at the colar and black pants that almost looked green in a certain angle. A bandana of same sorts was wrapped around his arm and around his hips was a black belt holding three massive swords . What caught your eye mostly though , was his vibrant green hair that looked wild but in a perfect way. You almost giggled at the confused look on his face . His face was interesting too .

It perfectly matched his voice . Dark eyes , and a rather annoyed expression . Still ...you thought he was very attractive. And since you dealed with so much filth during your shifts , beautiful men always caught your eye .

"Oi. Are you lost ?"

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