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Your heart was racing as you walked through the sand with Zoro holding your hand. The others were pretty far ahead and your shoes didn't perform too  well . You stopped for a second quickly sliding them off , so that your bare feet hit the hot sand. Zoro stared down at your feet before a grin formed on his lips . He snapped your shoes out of your hands , carrying them in one hand and the other one grabbing yours again. You held your breath when you inter whined your fingers. Zoro let it happen though, he didn't protest. 

"I didn't know you liked to dress so formal" you started, hoping to break the silence. Zoro grunted 

"Borrowed it from the cook" 

You stared at him in disbelief , not thinking that he would ever agree to such formalities. 

"What? Why?" you asked dumbfounded . He shrugged 

"He said i should "

Now that you looked at him , the shirt was definitely  a little too tight , especially on his arms, showing of the carvings of his biceps . Not that you would complain . 

"He was right though, it suits you well" you complimented , squeezing his hand . Zoro grunted again looking at the ground. He wasn't used to  compliments.

After some more walking you reached the festival. It was beautiful . The beach was decorated with fairy lights that were glowing in all colors of the rainbow. There were little tents and pavilions where people would sit and drink and laugh . In the middle of it all was  a band  playing and singing . You looked around for the others , finding them sitting around a long table . You dragged Zoro with you, leading him through the crowd , when you noticed he was about to take the wrong turn again. 

"OIII (Y/N) , ZOROOO" Luffy greeted , commanding for you to sit down . 

"Oh yeah there's only one seat left , but im sure you'll figure it out" Sanji grinned towards the swordsman and you couldn't help but feel like they had a talk. You weren't sure how to react , scared that Zoro would be weird about it, or that he wasn't ready for such closeness. You heard a grunt behind you , when you turned around you saw the greenete had sat down on the chair , holding out his hand for you. Now you were the one to be nervous about his sudden foreignness , but you took it, mesmerized by the cheeky grin that formed on his face , when he pulled you down to sit on his lap . One leg of his was strong enough for you to sit on , making your own legs hang down  between his. You leaned on his upper body slightly to get comfortable. He looked at you with flushed cheeks but still with a smirk . You almost got lost in his eyes again ,your hand resting against his chest . You laid your head in the crook of his neck , hearing him hum a little and feeling the goosebumps from his skin. 

Some time had passed and the crew was chatting while Luffy had killed about 10 plates of food although he was still far away from done . You felt a warm large hand sneak around your waist , holding you carefully. You smiled against Zoro's neck before you sat up a little . The band had just completely changed their rhythm , making you sway your head a little . It was music made for dancing , and you loved to do so.  Zoro eyed you up and down. The way your legs were crossed in between his , and how you moved your body ever so slightly to the beat . He adored you. 

"(Y/N)" Nami exclaimed jumping from her seat next to Sanji seemingly drunk. She walked her way over to you. 

"Wanna danceeee?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows . You did want to , but also you didn't want to leave the swordsman's warmth you had worked so long for. You turned your head to face him , giving him a bit of a puppy face. His body tensed up a little his hand immediately tightening on your waist. But he knew it was not his to decide so he just shrugged his shoulders in response now letting go of you but shooting a glare at Nami. You smiled , getting up to take Namis hand . She dragged you with her in between the people that also decided to dance. The mood was perfect . You closed your eyes letting the music take over your body . That way your thoughts were completely turned off , leaving only you and the beat in your ears. The rest happened by it's self. 

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