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It wasn't enough . You didn't want to stop . Earning tiny groans then and there felt like the biggest reward you had ever gotten. You crawled up from behind Zoro , now sitting in front of him. He glared at you in confusion but you couldn't care less. You took his hand , beginning to kneed his palms and stretching his fingers . Interwining them with yours from time to time. You loved his hands . So big , so strong, so rough from all his training. You reached up further , massaging also the rest of his arms ,placing his hand in your shoulder to have better access.

Zoro looked at you , lips slightly parted , hoping that this wasn't just a dream. You looked so beautiful, he didn't even bother to admit it to himself anymore because it was undeniable. The way your face looked so confident when concentrated. The way your fingers wrapped around his. Zoro lost himself from the sight of you, his head following you when you switched sides to take care of his other arm.
Why does she care so much?

You had been rubbing his upper arm pretty intensely, feeling his biceps flex under your grip . A strand of hair had once again fallen out of your messy bun. You tried to blow it out of your face , not wanting to lift your hands from Zoro's skin . That's when you felt his fingertips carefully brush your cheek and the strand of hair behind your ears. You looked up facing the green head now being only inches apart. He wasn't drunk this time , but he didn't move . He looked back into your eyes, his fingertips still resting on your cheek. Your heart skipped a beat and butterflies built up in your stomach.
But so they did in Zoro's . You saw his Adams apple bob when he swallowed heavily not escaping your gaze . You couldn't help but fall for him again. His face looked so beautiful in the dim light of the fire and since it was so close to yours , you were able to acknowledge all of his features even better. His eyes , his nose , his ...his lips ...

"(Y/NNNN) I want my massage!!!"

Luffy ordered making the both of you jump .

"Huh?? Oh ..right away captain "

You looked at Zoro once again before carefully getting up. His fingers that were still on your checks slipped down your shoulder and your arm until they reached your fingers. His gaze had moved to the ground but his fingers were ever so slightly holding onto yours before he dropped his arm . You had to take a moment to adjust , not wanting to get away from him at all . You heard whispers from behind . It sounded something like

"Luffy you damn baka , you destroyed everything" .

Either way you did what you were here for. Taking care of everyone's back. Nobody got the special arm treatment though . It was something you had planned just for him. At least tonight .

When you were done , the crew started to pack their stuff , heading back to the ship. You were a little behind since the butterflies still wouldn't let you think straight . As you packed your stuff , someone stepped behind you .
You turned around quickly, facing Zoro who looked somewhat embarrassed.

"Come on waitress , don't want you to get lost"

You chuckled a little because of those words coming out of HIS mouth but you didn't complain . You got up trying to swing your bag over your shoulders but Zoro stopped you ,holding your wrist . He took the bag from your hands and carried it himself wordlessly walking ahead . You couldn't help but smile, jogging back next him .

"Zoro" you said sneakily "why do you always call me waitress "

"You are a waitress"

"I'm not , I'm a pirate , I'm a strawhat just like you are"

"What do you want me to call you then " he asked  looking at you . Now that you were walking next to him , you noticed that he was much bigger than you . Your head reached about the hight of his shoulders.

You grinned when you started to hold onto his arm with both if your hands , your head resting against his shoulder while walking .

"(Y/n)" you answered

Zoro grunted in response but you felt the goosebumps from his skin.

After reaching the ship you let go of Zoro's arm , to reach up to your hair . Detangling your messy bun , you let your hair fall down onto your shoulders, making Zoro almost drop your bag.

You tried to take it from him but he caught your fingers with his , now holding both your hand and your bag . You looked up at him but he just shook his head , signaling that he was indeed going to carry it to your room. Entering the ship You walked down the stairs in front of him , opening your room with your free hand and stepping in . He stopped at the door , once again looking down at you . You stood right in front of him holding the door with one hand. The other one slowly reached up to his face , cupping his cheek. He looked at you still in disbelief but he let it happen as if he was curious what you were going to do. You lightly stroked his face with your thumb feeling the heat build up between you and him. The tips of his ears had turned beautifully red once more You leaned closer, your head reaching up to be at the same level as his. You heard him hold his breath but also you heard him drop the bag , for his hand now to slightly touch your arm. It was more like a hint of a touch but it was there. His other hand held onto the door frame Wich made him look so incredibly hot you were loosing your senses.
The tips of his nose slightly touched yours ,making you close your eyes turning your head to the side of his face . Your lips brushed ever so slightly over his skin before you placed a gentle but loving kiss on his cheek.

"Good night swordsman" you whispered into his ear before pulling back ,now standing a little further away from him. His head crimson red, his lips parted and a vein appearing on his forehead causing you to giggle. You were about to close your door when he stopped it , firmly gripping onto the wood.
You looked at him, he hesitated

"Good night...-" He breathed out


You smiled brightly , acknowledging his accomplishment, before you carefully closed the door .

You turned around back pressed against it , letting your fingers run through your hair. Your heart was pounding out of your chest. You had interactions with boys before , but for gods sake ....that Marimo was a whole different story.

Tehehehehehe :3

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