30k special~

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Y'all...where do I even start. When I first started writing this I was expecting like a hundert reads max...so if you read my story, all I can say is thank you so much, I am overwhelmed by all the positive feedback and each and every of your comments is making me melt. 

To celebrate this milestone of my simp- career  I am gonna write out all of you guys request or mini scenarios that come to your minds. Depending on how many are coming in, I might even start a new book, containing all OP-characters. (except like Buggy or some sht coz I gotta see the vision yk)

But for today lets start with the request from YourLocalChair101 hope you enjoy this <3

Secret Talent 

"I swear, If one of you fuck-heads is playing a prank on me, I'm going to slice you into pieces as soon as I find them" our all time favorite green-head groaned angrily, moving around chairs, crawling underneath the table and hitting his head with such force, the plates that were placed on top started rattling. 

"Nobody hid your stupid swords Marimo" Sanji stated in annoyance, leaning against the door frame, watching the swordsman crawling around on the floor. 

"It doesn't make sense shitty cook. I woke up and two of them were gone" 

"Tchh yeah. Or you were just fighting the "evil pirates" in your sleep again. Now come on everyone is waiting for your slow ass"

Zoro's head shot up, turning crimson at the blonds words, who just smirked devilishly puffing out a thick cloud of smoke that evaporated in the air soon after. Just when he was about to bombard him with insults, the door to the kitchen swung open, immediately wiping every bit of anger out of the greenetes features. 

You raised your eyebrow at your boyfriend who was still sat on the floor a painful looking bump forming on the back of his head. 

"What are you doing there lovie? " you asked in amusement, trying to hide the sarcasm in your voice. Zoro's head got even redder. 

"N..nothing" he stuttered before slowly getting up.  You walked over to him, gently rubbing up and down his arm. He lowered his gaze slightly, trying to hide how he still wasn't used to all your sweet gentleness. 

"Pfft" Sanji made, before turning around to take his leave. 

"You better hurry up moss-head" 

You giggled quietly. As soon as the blonde was out of sight you felt your lovers strong arms wrap around you from behind. His head nestling in the crook of your neck, letting out a stressed out angry huff. You patted through his spiky locks, gently kissing the side of his face. 

"You seem upset, what's wrong?" 

"Two of my swords are missing" 

"Is Kuina's still there?" 

"Mmh" he made, nodding approvingly. You scratched his scalp with your nails, which made him release a quite groan. 

"Then everything is fine. I'm sure they will show up again. I tell you what, while you and the others are out running errands, i'm gonna look for them." 

He tilted his head slightly, his sharp eyes looking up, before he tenderly bit into the skin of your shoulder, rolling it between his teeth and releasing it with a tiny pop. He kissed the sore spot after that, seemingly lost in his thoughts. You were kind of glad about that though, since his actions made goosebumps form down your arm and back. 

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