Thoughts and dinner

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You woke up after a really really long sleep. It felt like you had been sleeping for 2 days . You defenetly needed it . 11:34 pm
"Damnnnnnnn" you groaned holding your head. It was still pounding like shit from last night . And your legs hurt from all the running . After a little while of staring onto the ceiling you got up.
Stretching all the way to the bathroom .
"What the fuck ..."
You exhaled looking at your reflection . Your eyes were swollen and below your eye formed a bruise . It wasn't too big but visible . You let your head fall into your neck groaning once again.
"Oh my god... dinner ...tonight ..on the ship..." this is bad ...really bad. You decided to take a long hot shower to calm down and sort your thoughts.
"Okay so ...I can cover the bruise with make up and maybe after the shower the swelling will be gone . Until tonight I will just try my best to relax ."
After you were done washing your hair you turned off the shower and got to everything else that needed to be done. Brushing teeth etc. The swelling did get better eventually.

Back on the ship
Zoro was laying on top of the crow's nest . His swords neatly placed next to him . His hands were underneath his head for support , legs spread and eyes closed.
"Oi sleeping beauty "

"It better be important dart eyebrows"

"How about you get up your ass and start helping us with cleaning this shit hole of a pirate ship . We have a lady coming over tonight " Sanji called , upset about the swordsman.

Lady? Dinner ? What is this shit cook talking abo-....HGGGGBHHH

"Why wouldn't I mean it ? She was a beautiful women and everyone agreed . So do something useful for once and start mopping "
Sanji threw the mop at Zoro heading back to whatever he was working on .

Zoro groaned , picking up the mop to start . He went inside to get a bucket and some soap , filled it up with water and started cleaning .
'They are all pretending like this isn't leading nowhere' . Zoro thought . Slowly mopping every inch of the floor . He could be a perfectionist if he wanted to .
'They are going to eat together , laugh and eventually this women will talk about herself and Luffy will ask her if she wants to join ' . His nose scrunched at the thought of this .
His expression darkened.
' I don't need any extra luggage to take care of . This girl looks like she doesn't have any fighting skills whatsoever. What's she going to do for us ? It will be me in the end that will have to deal with her not dying ...

But that smile of hers ...'

Zoro finished cleaning every last inch of the deck . It looked better than before he must admit that .

Well , I'm going to get some more sleep then .

Time skip a few hours later
Back at your place

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit . What do I wear ?I didnt even think about that...and how am I going to style my hair ? Do they want me to dress fancy?? "

You stood in front of your wadrobe. It wasn't like you had much choice , the amount of clothing you owned was slim . You had lots of maxi skirts . One black and one white , and your (y/fc) top . Also some black and white basic tang tops that suited you well still. You had a dress but it was black , with a very bold cut around the boob area. You also owned a red flowy top that showed just the perfect amount of skin but still didn't look too bold . It was casual but still elegant.

You settled for the top together with the black maxi skirt and the slit

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You settled for the top together with the black maxi skirt and the slit . You decided to just let your hair down . Because it looked fluffy and flowy and just suited the vibe . For make up you went for mascara and a little lipstick , the same colour as your top .
You liked your look today. It made you feel confident and ready for the night . The bruise under your eye was visible but you decided that it would be pathetic to cover it up . Its not like it was your fault anyway .

You took the keys to the apartment and a little gift you got for Sanji , for inviting you to dinner.
You hated walking down the streets after the festival . The decoration was already gone and compared to yesterday, the town became this old , dead , dusty cellar again .
You hurried your steps a little as to not be alone in the streets for too long . You didn't exactly new what ship you had to be at but you would figure out eventually.

When you walked the last steps to the harbor you looked around for some sort of hint . You could easily make out your towns trading ships , it got a little harder to the point where you had to decide between the different pirate ships .
There was one with a mermaid at the front , one with a really scary looking face , and one with a goat like creature .
"Uhmmmm..." you were about to make your way to the mermaid ship when you suddenly heard a door slam open

"(Y/N)!!!!! COME ON HURRY IM SO HUNGRY" Luffy now stood on top of the weird goat head his arms both stretched out with a really whiny look on his face .

You laughed hard at this quickly making your way over to his ship and carefully walking up the plank . Sanji was waiting for you at the top , holding out his hands
"Up here (Y/N) san . You look even more beautiful than I remember . If that's even possible " he looked at you with deep blue eyes . You took his hand smiling. "Thank you Sanji. I appreciate your words".



"But I'm made from rubber ...."

You couldn't help but laugh out loud again .

Sanji opened the door for you revealing a small but very nicely decorated dining room . On the table, everyone had their own neatly placed plates and cutlery as well as a swan , made out of napkins .

"Did you make those Sanji ?"
You asked politely, carefully picking up your swan .
"Yes i did , do you like them ???"

" I do . You know what they say , if you make a thousand of those you get a wish" you winked at him making his nose bleed heavily once again .
"Oh my god Sanji , I'm so sorry are you ok?"
The door opened revealing Nami and Robin "Don't worry. You'll get used to it ".
You gave them a hug , not sure if they would hug you back , but they did, sitting you down next to them . Luffy was sitting across you, already tightly holding his chopsticks.
Lysop came inside next , Chopper on his shoulders.
"Aaaahh I'm sorry I'm a little late , I had to fix the hole that thick head smashed into the Merry after trying to hit a fly " he said accusingly : "and then eating it "

"EWWW LUFFY" Nami shouted, again hitting him badly. You held your mouth to keep back the giggle . That's when you felt a little tug at the hem of your skirt. You looked down to see Chopper looking at you with big eyes.

"Can .. can I sit next to you miss (y/n) ?"
Next to your seat was a big pile of books.
"I need those so I'm the same level as you guys " Chopper explained his blue nose reflecting the candle lights .

"Chopper this is your ship, you can sit wherever you want . But it would be my honor to sit next to a skilled doctor like you "
"OH SHUT UPPPPP" the little reindeer screamed covering his face with his hooves.
"He can't take compliments" Robin giggled next to you . "Don't worry though, he still appreciates them a lot ."

After everyone settled down , Sanji started serving the pre course .

" WAIT A MINUTE" He stopped :" where is the fucking moss hea-".

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