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You couldn't care less about your shoes. There were so many emotions floating through your body , you were shivering. Still sitting on the ground next to Zoro , you wrapped your arms around your body. The both of you had been sitting there for a while now, staring at the sea. It wasn't an awkward silence though . It was comfortable and you felt safe now that he was so close to you .

Although you wondered if that kiss meant the same for him . You still couldn't quite believe it actually happened . You felt the butterflies in your stomach again , just by thinking about his lips on yours and his hand on the back of your head .
Without noticing , you put your hand up to your lip , slightly touching them in order to remember the breathtaking feeling .

"Too stunned to speak are we ?"

You shot your head at Zoro , who was smirking at your actions , his elbow lazily resting on his knee. God why is he so hot.

"Tss . I've had better " you mocked . Elbowing his side . He didn't seem to like it though , making him look down to the sand .

"Yeah.  Guess you did. But ....I also never really ever done this before " he spoke softly . He seemed to be ready for an actual talk , wich surprised you due to his usual lack of words.

"What?" You asked raising your eyebrow . A man like him couldn't possibly have no experience.

"Nah. I mean , I did interact with woman but it was never something personal.  And it was basically just for satisfying ...certain needs " he mumbled scratching the back of his head. 

"What, you mean sex ?" You asked plainly, making him squint a little , his eyes glued to the ground .

"Yeah. But ...I learned to suppress my needs in order for my body to get stronge-"

"Wait wait wait " you interrupted his boring babbling about self control . That man needed some mind freedom .

"Are you telling me that you've never had a girlfriend?"

He stayed silent , not daring to look you in the eyes .

You laughed out loud , stroking your fingers through your hair .

"What the hell are you laughing about " he grumbled between gritted teeth .

"Nothing I just ...I can't believe someone as beautiful as you never had a girlfriend".
He finally looked up at you , his eyebrows knitted together , and lips slightly parted , looking more than unconvinced.

"Alright . Let's go " he murmured trying to hide his blushing cheeks .

"Aww too stunned to speak are we ?" You mocked him again , grinning from your sitting position up at his now standing figure .

"Shut up"

He held out his hand for you and you took it still lightly laughing . The laughter turned into a squeal of pain though once you tried to stand .
Hearing a crack from your left ankle you yelped out , dropping back down to the ground .

"What?? What is it?" Zoro almost yelled worryingly, kneeling next to you .

"Fuck . I think when that bastard tackled me , I twisted my ankle ...I didn't notice until I stood up " you cried holding your foot. You knew it had to be dislocated and you knew you had to do something about it .

Fearfully you stroked your fingers over the skin of your ankle , finding the knuckle that needed to be pushed back in .

"C...could you ...hold me from the back , so I don't flinch?" You asked him , eyes glossy from the pain . You could feel your pulse on the hurting spot , causing you to also get slightly dizzy.

Zoro looked at you , his eyes wide open . He looked like he was panicking more than you were , but he wordlessly obeyed.

He crawled behind you , his legs on either side of your hips . His arms sneaked around your waist , hugging your stomach and pulling you close to his body . He was so warm and comforting , you almost forgot about the pain .

He let his chin rest on your shoulder and made sure you were tucked in closely so you couldn't flinch .

You breathed in sharply , slightly kneeding your skin to make it easier.

"Ready?" you whispered shakily, trying to sound reliable.

"When you are" he answered plainly his grip tightening around your stomach .

You held your breath before, with one quick snap , you twisted your foot , relocating the knuckle . Pain shot up your whole leg .

You let out a scream , holding your foot tightly to distract from the pain . Zoro didn't say anything. His face was now buried in the crook of your neck , as you felt him carefully placing kisses on your shoulder.
You shivered from the sensation . Too many things were going on . So you just let go , leaning your whole body weight into his embrace . It didn't seem to bother him as he just held you until your panting stopped .

"You ready to go ? Because otherwise I might actually kill that son of a bitch " he grunted into your ear , sounding dangerous. 
You looked around , your attacker was still laying on the ground . You heard him breath though so you didn't worry too much .
"I...I don't think I will be able to walk" you said ashamed of yourself . You finally managed to kiss him and now you were just a burden. 

"Tss" he just clicked his tongue in response , letting go of you to get up.  You  immediately felt empty and cold .

But it was soon replaced by two strong arms.  One below your knees , the other below your arms , lifting you up bridal style , as easy as lifting a pillow. You held onto his neck in order to lift some weight of yours from his arms.  But he seemed to be unbothered. Even while walking through the sand .

"Ain't I getting heavy? " you asked worryingly, adjusting your position every few seconds.  He just raised an eyebrow looking at you.  You remembered his gigantic weights he trains with on a normal day . So in order to not insult his strength you just let him carry you up the Merry and into the living room . He placed you down on the couch carefully . Then he took two pillows , placing one under your head and the other one under your foot.

You smiled at his actions , feeling the blood creep up to your face but you didn't care. He was the only thing you cared about right now .

"You should get some rest and let Chopper look over that later. I gotta go up to the crows nest to watch over the Merry until the others come back ." he murmured, kneeling down next to the couch to face you .

"B..but...if you need something..just... Yell. I'll hear you. " He stuttered .

His hand reached up to carefully stroke your head , making you feel the incredible exhaustion of your body.
You yawned loudly adjusting your position so that your face was so close to his again. 

"Thank you swordsm- .. Zoro" .

He liked the way his name rolled over your lips.  As if they were made to say his name . He looked at you , completely carried away, his gaze focused on your lips.

Your heart was beating way to loud . It was impossible he could not have heard it.  But you couldn't resist , leaning in to close to gab between you two. It wasn't rough or heated though . It was just two shy pair of lips , carefully pressing against each other.  Zoro closed his eyes , his hands still fumbling with your hair , enjoying the way you made him feel so warm and allowing himself to relax into the kiss. 
Now you were the one to pull away though , smiling at him kindly.

"Oh and just so you know .."
you hesitated remembering your mean words from earlier,
"you do kiss pretty damn good for such little experience".

He blushed madly once again , coughing to cover his heavy breathing and gripping his shirt to get some cool air on his skin .  He slowly got up ,walking towards the door.

"Good night (y/n)"
You smiled to yourself , feeling your body already drift off to sleep , knowing he was upstairs , protecting the Merry and protecting you. And you weren't sure if you were already in dream land but you heard his voice say something like :

"You do too"

Guess who's back :)
Sorry that took so long but I passed my drivers license in the meantime. YEHAWWWWW.
Hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️

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