What now

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A few days had gone by since the incident. Chopper had bandaged your foot , telling you to rest it for the next few weeks .

You didn't like the idea of being such a burden already but you didn't have a choice . Whenever applying just the smallest bit of pressure, it would hurt too badly.

You stayed on the couch in the living room mostly . All the crew members came by from time to time to check on you , except for Zoro , who would just poke his head through the door and then immediately leave again .

Sanji came to bring you food , Luffy was there to make you laugh , while the girls kept you entertained. Nami was telling the story of her and Sanji at the beach festival . They didn't kiss , but she said it was beautiful . You were happy for them . But you didn't want to tell them about your kiss. Not when you were so unsure of Zoro's feelings .

It was a sunny afternoon . You looked out of the small window of the room , lost somewhere in your thoughts .

The swordsman had completely taken over your system . He was in your head 24/7 leaving no room to deny any of your feelings . You were madly in love with him . And it was different to all the times you had been crushing on somebody. Because this time you were actually scared . You didn't want him to reject you . That time he did back at the beach felt like a punch straight into the soul. And now he kissed you , and he saved you , and he looked so damn pretty. And he was jealous.... damn right he was. .so maybe there's a chance that...

"Oi, waitress"
You shot your head back at the low voice grumbling from the door.
It was him . Of course . He had his bandana wrapped around his hair again . Only small strands of it ,poking  out at the back of his head . He was shirtless, and sweaty , looking like he had just been training .

"Back to the waitress thing ? Seriously?" You stuttered , trying not to stare.

"Gaaahhhwggg stop complaining " he yawned , stretching his arms . He walked over to the sofa wordlessly taking away your blanket.

"Heyyy. What do you think your doing?" You shouted .

"You need some fresh air"

With that he once again scooped you into his arms , holding you closely. He indeed was sweaty . He smelt like iron and salt. You never would have thought that being so close to a sweaty man wouldn't gross you out but for some reason he didn't smell bad to you .

"You're sticky" you murmured trying to hide your face . He opened the door with one foot walking past it and then up the stairs to the deck . The sun hit your skin when he walked outside , causing you to close your eyes and let out a loud exhale. 

"One more complain and I'll carry you back inside" he chuckled watching your relieved expression .

"Oi Zoro . Finally got someone to crack the ice ?" Lysop shouted , sitting in front of Chopper who was already laughing his ass off , same as Luffy .

"Oh yeah , looks like our (y/n)s got two soulmates" he grinned .

You held onto Zoro's shoulders feeling shame run down your spine . Daring to look up at him you saw him turn crimson red and very...very....angry .

"Oh and by the way Zoro , it suits you" Nami winked from behind you.

You turned your head signaling her to shut the hell up , but as if things weren't already bad enough Sanji now stepped out of the kitchen having the widest shit eating smirk on his lips .

"Oi Marimo. Not too shabby. Just when I thought you didn't have any feelings" .

Zoro was boiling with anger . His grip around your legs tightened causing you to yelp in pain . He walked over to one of Nami's sun chairs, dropping you rather harshly before turning around. 

"Shut the hell up you shit heads!!!!" He exclaimed loudly. You jumped at his voice .

"Do I look like I give a shit about feelings ?? All I did was help an injured CREWMATE . Nothing more. I'm not like you shitty cook " he shouted pointing at Sanji .

"I don't have time to keep up with a woman's shit . I'm not gonna start with all that love sick ero shit.  So don't y'all dare give me that crap with (y/n)" . He was full of screaming now . His head red as a tomato , and veins popping from his forehead .

Your heart ached hearing those words . It felt like someone had just grabbed straight into your chest ripping your heart out. You wanted to run away from the situation. You couldn't deal with the shoocked faces of the crew, with Zoro's panting and with your own tears that started to form .

Zoro stormed off running down the Merry. Usually you would be worried about him wandering around somewhere on his own , but right now , all you felt was pain . It hurted so bad you felt the hot droplets of tears stream down your cheeks , leaving a salty taste on your lips . You covered your face with your hands , trying not to sob but it was too hard .

"(Y/n)..." Nami started but you didn't reply . They had all gathered around you but all you wanted was to be alone .

"(Y/n)-chan we are so sorry" Sanji said quietly, his gaze going after the swordsman .

"Yeah we didn't expect him to-" Lysop started but you cut him off.

"Stop . It's not your fault. It's my fault for thinking I could get through to him . At least now I know about his feelings ." You sobbed feeling Robins hand on your back trying to calm you down .

Luffy grabbed both of your shouldes shaking you a little "No, (y/n) I don't think that's-"

"Guys....I appreciate all of your help but...I really need to be alone now. " You interrupted again turning around to face the wall of the Merry . Letting your tears silently fall down you heard the others get up . You knew they felt guilty, but you weren't able to help them right now as you were too hurt yourself.

Of course he wasn't touched by your kiss.  He wasn't one to have such feelings . Maybe some day when he has reached his goals ..maybe...

But for now ...that must be it.

Heyooo. Thank you so much for +1000 reads guuyyyys.

And also lots of joy with the last episode of AOT.  I'm going to watch it now . Guess this will be a lot of crying .

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