A hint of jealousy

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You looked through your clothes settling for a smaragd green bikini . Nothing too fancy about it. Also you put a loose white bathing robe on top . The material was almost see through , but it was a good addition to your outfit . Sliding into a pair of slippers , you opened a little cabinet Nami had allowed you to put your stuff in . You had bought some esoteric oils for your practices yesterday, and maybe a night at the bonfire would be the perfect opportunity to lift the crews stress of their shoulders . You threw everything into a bag swinging it onto your shoulders.

You opened the door checking if Zoro maybe was somewhere to be seen but he wasn't.  So you just made your way up to the deck. Nobody was there except for Lysop.

"Oi Lysop ? Where is everyone? Did they already leave ? "

"Oh yeah . Luffy was making a scene . They needed him to shut up so they headed of . "

"Oh alright. Are you coming then ? "

"I don't think so. They said something about a cliff and....jumping down from it..."

You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh come on . A great warrior of the sea isn't scared of some swimming fun.  Come on ! Get your ass ready! If you really have to jump you will get one of Luffys swim rings.

Lysop ended up agreeing . You walked down the coast for a few minutes eventually ending up at a beautiful bay. The water was blue and there was a huge white sand beach with coco trees and many wild flowers. 

Luffy yelled yeeting himself next to you and tackling Lysop to the ground with him. 

"Shishishishi , you know what that means right ?"

You looked around . There was indeed one large cliff reaching a few meters behind the shore. A perfect jumping spot to be fair. 

"If you want me to jump , I will take one of your rings " Lysop argued pointing at his captain. 
That's when you noticed Luffy was wearing two swim rings , one blue on pink , both having little faces on them. 
You thought it was adorable .

He wiggled out of the pink one handing to Lysop who grummed something about wanting the blue one , when his attention turned to you .

"Soooooo what about youuuuuuuu" he grinned coming closer. 

"If you insist Captain" you grinned back making him look at you in shook .

"REALLY?? Robin and Nami said no and hit me :(. But at least Zoro and Sanji jumped "

"They did ?" You asked looking around.  Sanji was noodling around the two girls who were just trying to take a sunbath.  You had trouble finding the green head though. That's when you noticed he was sat under a coconut tree napping . Who would have thought .

"ALRIGHT LETS GO" You heard Luffy yell when you suddenly felt a rubbery arm around your waist , pulling you closely into his chest.  You held tight , Lysop already sobbing on the other side , when your body was lifted into the air .

With a massive crash you landed on top of your captain falling relatively pain free. But with the smallest effort you were now sat on top of the cliff , giving you an insane view. If someone had told you about this one month ago , you would have called him insane . You helped up Lysop and took both of their hands , feeling the adrenaline inside your body.

"(Y/N) swaaaaaaaaaaan your so brave" you heard Sanji yell from the shore . Not gonna lie , this was pretty scary . You felt a lite squeeze on your hand . Looking at Luffy once again he was grinning madly at you , taking all the fear away . Lysop was basically just a crying sack of potatoes but you couldn't care less in that moment .


The three of you ran towards the end of the cliff you closed your eyes holding their hands tightly when you jumped.

Within a matter of seconds you sunk deeply into the cool water . It almost felt like it was swallowing you.  Until you felt yourself slowly drifting back to the surface .

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" You were greeted with heavy laughter . Your heart still racing in an unhealthy rate , but you felt alive . More than ever before . You laughed out loudly with your captain , pulling his swim ring closer to you so he wouldn't drown. 

"(Y/n) look at Lysop " Luffy giggled pointing towards the long nosed man . He was all passed out floating in his ring.  You burst out laughing once again . What you didn't know was , that the swordsman had his eyes on you all the time. 

Time skip

The sun had gone down.  Everybody was sat around the bonfire , Sanji serving delicious things and everyone engaged in the conversation. To your displeasure, Zoro was not next to you . You didn't even talk to him after he woke you up .

"Alright guys" you started searching around in your bags . "If you let me , id like to try out my new massaging oils. Also I think it would be good for you after all the troubles the last few days . " You smiled holding up a little brown bottle. 
Everyone happily agreed and so you just set down behind the strawhat first , rubbing a little bit of oil in your hands and then rubbing it into his skin.  The conversation went on but you were to concentrated on your work , making sure to take care of every single inch of his shoulders.  You earned some shivers and some groans . It felt like a reward every single time . You made your round taking care of every single crew member.

You didn't even notice Zoro who was drilling holes into your scull with his eyes . They darkened especially when you took care of Sanji. Kneeding his slim shoulders and neck and brushing his hair from time to time with your fingers. 

"Hey Nami", you said  while keeping on massaging Sanjis neck. "Sanji seems to have a very sore spot right here " you lied looking at her mischievously.
"Do you think you could help me here?"

Sanji grunted in shook trying to be cool about it. Nami looked at you like she was about to smash your face in , taking a moment to think . To your surprise though she crawled up next to you.

"Okay look" you said taking your hands away
"you are going to kneed the skin right here all around his neck , and I will push that spot " Nami did as you ordered . Goosebumps appeard on Sanjis back , giving her a slight blush. You carefully dug your fingers into his neck as to not actually damage something. 

"Okay seems better. Please continue like that a little longer . I will take care of Zoro " you grinned at her

"B..but ..(y/n)" you left , leaving both a little speechless . But it seemed to work.  Nami was doing a good job , having Sanji close his eyes, actually not having his typical love attack , but instead just relaxing into her touch. 

You crawled up next to Zoro . There was this dark shadow once again making him look frightening. You smiled anyway. He was wearing a loose Hawaii shirt but with all the buttons being undone you couldn't help but stare.  You had seen the scar on his chest before , but you had never had a look at his whole upper body. His muscles were glowing in the light of the fire . To you he looked like a perfectly shaped sculpture of a man .

He caught you staring , looking at you in a weird way.  You raised an eyebrow .
"What?" He asked coldly.

"May I have access to your back ?" You answered holding up the bottle of oil .

"I think I'll pass"


"What ..?" You questioned looking at him confused

He didn't answer at first crossing his arms and looking down , almost like an angry child.

"Don't need your hands on me after they touched all these men " he said his voice so low it was vibrating in your ears .

With that he got up heading back to the ship . Leaving you and the crew in complete confusion.

It wasn't like he didn't want to . Zoro thought about you , in your green bikini , with all of these fuckers scrunching their faces in pleasure when you touched them.  But worst of all, leaving him for last.

I'm so happy so many of you are reading this . Thank you<3

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