Let me love you

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A soft brush on your cheek had you drift in nostalgia for a second. You thought about your mother. Her hair, her scent , her smile. The way your eyes felt heavy as soon as she would pull you into a hug, the way her laugh would make you feel like the world was a good place. You hadn't thought about her in a long time. It'd hurt too much. Right now it didn't. It was warm and cozy. Inviting you to stay . An other brush at your cheek made you shoot your eyes open. You were confused for a second, convinced that you just spend the afternoon with your sisters and your mom back at your house. 

But there he was .You knew that man in front of you. His eyes, his lips, his hair. You looked up at him wordlessly and he did the same. It was hard to sort out your thoughts in that moment , but he didn't pressure you, just smiling while stroking your cheek lightly with his fingers. Nothing needed to be said as you took in your surroundings. You were placed into a big comfortable bed inside what looked like a doctors office. You heard waves from outside and felt the room rock with them ever so slightly. 

That's when it hit you . This was choppers office , you were attacked by a marines soldier,  trying to save Zoro after he had kissed you up against the railing , and you were luckily safed by your captain in the last moment. You looked down your body noticing your upper leg and both your forearms being fully bandaged. 

You shot your head to the man sitting next to your bed , finally recognizing him fully. He looked at you with big eyes, full of pain and guilt. His forehead was bandaged as well but other than that there didn't seem to be any injuries, causing you to sigh in relief.

"Zoro" you breathed out , noticing your sore throat , probably from all the yelling.

"Don't talk" he whispered lowering his head painfully slow, his eyes closed shut. He pressed his forehead firmly against yours, just letting it rest there. You watched as a single tear escaped through his lashes , rolling over the apple of his cheek until it dropped onto yours. You knew what he wanted to say . It wasn't whiny or weak . Indeed it was the bravest most manly tear you had ever seen.


The door shot open revealing your captain with that same smile of his. Zoro jumped away from you getting up to step aside . 

"(Y/N) YOU'RE AWAKEEEEEE" he yelled jumping from his spot to land on top of you  harshly , causing you to groan in pain. 

"Careful idiot" Zoro mumbled through gritted teeth. 

The other straw hats entered the room leaving a smile on your lips. It was good to see them completely unharmed.  

"Guess i really am a bloody beginner am i right?" you chuckled up to your captain , making him giggle. 

"It'll get better" he simply stated , making Zoro groan again. 

"That was really brave (Y/n)" Robin smiled at you. 

"Hell yeah who would have thought you could kick through the door with an injured ankle" Lysop rambled in excitement. Sanji approached Zoro with a click of his lighter. 

"Who would have thought the Marimo would let a woman safe his ass" 

"No , Sanji that's not what ha-" you tried to explain but were interrupted by the greenete himself. 

"He's right" Zoro clenched his fists, audibly gritting his teeth. 

"I didn't pay attention and fell for their dirty taser trick. Shouldn't have expected fairness from the government i guess. Either way you had my back. " he stopped , swallowing thickly. 

"If it wasn't for you I would be dead now" 

You stared at him in shook from his words. He admitted to his weaknesses in front of everyone. 

He turned his body to face you, stepping closer. He let his head fall to his chest before dropping his upper body, now slightly bowing in front of you. 

"I will never put you in a situation like this ever again" he yelled out , holding his forehead with his hand, while staring sternly at the floor. 

"I will never let you down ever again." 

Your heart raced as you sat up to be at the same level as him until he finally looked at you. The room was silent. Nobody believed the words that came out of the swordsman's mouth. 

You chuckled audibly as you got up on both your feet ignoring Chopper's protests, now standing in front of a dumbfounded Zoro. 


you stated plainly as you grabbed is collar pulling him close to press your lips on his. Zoning out of the room , the only thing that mattered was his mouth that moved over yours with force and gentleness and the same time and his hands that would finally, confidently slide up your neck to bury themselves in your hair. You Had missed this feeling so bad. His taste was addicting it messed with your senses as you tried to feel as much of him as possible. You only noticed the loud laughter and squeals of appreciation from your crew , when you pulled apart with a tiny *pop. 

You buried your head in the crook of Zoro's neck , welcoming the warm feeling of his arms that tightly wrapped around your back. 

"Don't underestimate me" you mumbled only loud enough for him to hear. 

He chuckled quietly 

"Kuina would have liked you"  


Not me being sad that we are so close to the end :(

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