Just a little stop

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The ship had been sailing for a few days now . Every mile that passed by ,felt like it lifted more and more weight from your shoulders , making  you feel like you could fly. Fly above the going Merry and look at yourself from above. Look at the Crows nest and at Namis mandarin plantage. Look at Luffys straw hat ,  Choppers fluffy head and Zoro's grass green hair . A smile crossed your lips when you noticed you just stood there , eyes closed smiling .  Everything was okay . Nami shouted something about a new island. Her voice sounded like it came from an other world. That's when you felt a heavy weight, tackling you down , making you hit the ground with a "humphh" . You weren't mad though when you saw your captains, face grinning brightly right above yours . Luffy laid on top of you , both hands on each side of your face . 

"Island!" he simply  stated making you laugh out loud and cheer with him to match his excitement .

That's when a large hand wrapped around his neck pulling him off you rather harshly. 

"hurrghhhlll , ZORO YOU PSYCHO" Luffy squealed holding his throat and coughing loudly . 

"Do you even know what a Psycho is?" The greenete asked with an uninterested gaze towards his captain  . He looked at you , holding in for a second, before reaching out his hand for you to grab it. You hesitated but took it gratefully , getting pulled up on your feet with such ease , it felt like  Zoro didn't even have to move a finger to do so. 

"Thank you" you smiled at him , making him grunt in response .

"Guys looooook. It seems like these people are also celebrating some kind of festival" Nami shouted excitedly , pointing towards the shore . 

The rest of the crew walked up next to her looking at what she pointed at . The beach was decorated with colourfull fairy lights and there seemed to be citizens continuing to make the place look pretty , setting up chairs and tables  . Your face brightened just like Luffys . 

"Tsss. You two look exactly the same right now" Robin chuckled looking at yours and Luffys direction gaining yet an other grunt from Zoro in response . That's when you noticed you were still holding his hand . He followed your gaze , now realizing as well. You both looked at your hands and then into each others eyes , quickly stepping away from each other and both blushing madly. 

"Shishishishi , (Y/N) and I are soulmates am i right ?" he asked you grinning . He wasn't wrong. You had never ever have someone make you feel the way Luffy did, but in a way that was not at all like lovers would do. This was rare . He was more like a brother. Like a person you had lost long ago and that finally come back to you. It felt like you had known him since forever. It felt like he had accepted you as a member of his family . Wich is probably why you felt the way you did. Deeply grateful, and somehow you felt like he was above your own importance of existence . You would give your life for your captain .

It was different with Zoro . He was completely new. He was exciting . He lighted a fire in your heart , making you melt each time you had the slightest interaction with him . He didn't feel like someone you had known since forever, in fact you believed that you had never met someone quiet like him .  Either way he was the puzzle peace that seemed to complete you , even though you never knew that before. And either way, you would give your life for him too. 

"(Y/n)?" You heard a voice once again from an other world . You had zoned out completely, having you shake your head in order to come back to reality . 

"Yes" you said plainly but honest "we are" . You turned around on the heels of your feet leaving a slightly confused crew behind . You wanted to think a little. 

Time skip

You had taken a nap , making you feel a lot better than before .Stepping outside on the deck, you noticed that nobody was there . You walked into the kitchen almost jumping when you spottet Sanji. 

"Hello Sanji-kun" you yawned stretching a little . 


You stood still for a second, unsure if you heard him correctly. You looked at him . He had his back turned towards you , washing dishes. You knew something was wrong. Wordlessly, you stepped next to him , grabbing a kitchen towel to dry up the cups and plates he had already set next to him .  He paused , looking at your actions . You could feel his inner gentlemen slap him in the face. 

"(Y/n)-chan" he said quetly, his voice a little less cold than earlier ,

 "Stop this . It's not appropriate for you sweet skin" 

"Oh don't give me that crap Sanji , i worked as a waitress for the past years" 

He didn't respond , continuing his work. You stood in silence for a little. The sounds of the cutlery clashing against each other filled the room . You glanced up to him . His faced looked different than usual , the corners of his mouth hanging down , and his eyes not as cheerful. You stopped your actions , placing the towel over your shoulder and carefully grabbing his with your hand . He stopped once again , but didn't look at you . His eyes stayed put on the sink in front of him . 

"Sanji-kun" you began , tightening your grip lightly in order for him to look at you. 

"Tell me what's wrong" 

he looked up at you making you gasp. He looked genuinely sad. 

"You shouldn't worry about me . Get  your pretty head around something appropriate of it's beauty" he said blankly, not sounding drunken of love but like he really meant  it. 

"You're appropriate" you said beginning to pet his arm and shoulder . He exhaled sharply , fiddling with his pockets to get a cigarette. 

  "I feel pathetic. All my life I've cherished woman . And i guess i'll never be able to stop to do so. But it seems to never work out for me . And maybe that shitty Marimo was right. Seems to work just fine for him" he swallowed, making you almost cry from his sight right then and there . 

"Sanji" you grabbed both his shoulders turning him to face you and keeping your hands on them. " i don't think I was ever treated so nicely by a man of your league. You are so beautiful and the woman that is lucky enough to get you should really be grateful . You've made  me and the other girls feel like a princesses and ...and"

"As you should"he muttered interrupting you . 

"And ...I want you to know that if i didn't feel your heart belonging to someone else , i would be absolutely honored" you rambled on making him open and close his mouth in order to speak but deciding against it. 

"Follow your heart Sanji-kun. I know you love her" you didn't even need to say Namis name. 

He looked at you completely dumbfounded. 

You turned to leave , stopping at the door to the kitchen , facing him once more 

" Oh and by the way , she gets madly jealous seeing you around other woman" You winked at him before closing the door completely. 


You guys don't even know how many times i got interrupted writing this. Anyways this is more of a thoughtful chapter, the next ones will be more spicy again . Anyways if you liked the story so far , feel free to vote  <3

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