The next morning

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"Uggghhh"you groaned holding your head. You had fallen asleep on top of the table . Last night got pretty long after Sanji had introduced you to his secret selection of red wine .
Everyone got pretty drunk , except Luffy since he doesn't need alcohol to loosen up , and Zoro , since he didn't return after leaving .
You looked around . Everyone seemed to still be sleeping . Sanji was sat on the floor , his back resting against the wall and his legs elegantly crossed . Lysop was laying flat on the ground his legs and arms spread wide apart , and Chopper laying on top of him. Luffy was passed out next to the fridge, a bone hanging out of his mouth and heavy snores escaping from it.
Robin was in a similar sleeping position you were in , her head still resting on top of her arms . Nami on the other hand , had fallen asleep sitting straight on her chair . Her head hanging to her chest . It was painful to look at .
You decided it was impolite to stay for breakfast without an explicit invitation, so you quietly got up , and left the room .
"Holy ffff-" you cursed immediately shutting your eyes closed due to the immense light difference . It took some time for your eyes to adjust . After they did though , you took the opportunity to inspect your surroundings . The ship , although it was not the biggest , looked beautiful in the morning light .
You walked down the stairs , breathing in the fresh air . "What would it be like to sail ?" You wondered , walking up the deck .
You jumped when you suddenly spottet a green haired beauty laying flat on the ground sleeping . His arms were crossed behind his head for support . His swords laying neatly beside him . You couldn't help but kneel down next to him to acknowledge his features .
Now that he was asleep , his expression wasn't that dark anymore . It was relaxed . His closed eyes showed his beautiful lashes . His chin was very defined as if it had been lifting heavy weights , just like the rest of his body .

His cheeks were colored in a rosy shade due to the morning sun wich also made his hair appear in a green gold . His lips were plump and slightly parted.
You couldn't help but caress his cheeks with your fingers. You were perfectly trained on gentle touches . You knew exactly how much pressure to apply as to not wake him up . But to be honest , his face looked like it was made to be caressed by you .

A high pitched scream shook you out of your thoughts , and Zoro out of his dreams . His reflexes making him immediately grab his swords .

He yelled , still not being fully awake yet.
His eyes already turned his expression into the dark and dangerous mode you knew all so well.

Your heart skipped a beat , scared of what was about to happen . That's when Sanji came running out of the dining room .


"I'M HERE SANJI " You yelled in response relieved that it was nothing serious . Until you noticed that you were given an absolutely offensive side eye from Zoro. Sanji was already back in the kitchen appearently taking care of Nami.

"Were you just creeping up on me waitress?" He asked partly amused and partly serious .
"I...uhmm.. ...maybe?" you didn't know how to respond.

"Whatever weirdo" he yawned rubbing his eyes.

Sanji came running out carrying Nami, with Luffy running behind them. "What's wrong with her Sanji ?? What's wrong ? Is she going to die ???"

Sanji put her down right in front of you and Zoro .

You crawled up behind her and rubbed your hands together to create warmth . Pressing your hands onto Namis neck , she sighed in enjoyment. You slowly started to stroke your fingers above her skin , searching for the sore spot . She whined when you found it .

"It's okay Nami don't worry . The pain will be gone in a few moments " you started to carefully dig your thumbs into her skin with little pressure at the beginning , always applying a little bit more . You started to also massage the rest of her neck and her shoulders giving her time to adjust to each movement . You then took her head in both hands and started to slowly turn it around . First to the left and the right and then towards the chest and eventually her back . It seemed to work just fine .
"Does that hurt ?" You asked , carefully keeping on turning her head .

"No (y/n) . It feels so much better . Thank you so much . "
"Don't worry about it . You should defentetly rest your neck today though . It would be best if you stayed in bed laying down on the back . "

Luffy stared at you with an open mouth as if he had just seen a ghost .

You laughed out loud once again but agreed . You gave Luffy a similar massage like Namis. You just focused a little more on his back , warming him up first and then slowly kneeding every inch of his back .
He was skinny but still muscular . A really athletic body .
He groaned and sighted in bliss relaxing into your touch . When you were done , his strawhat had moved almost to the nose , creating a dark shadow above his features. He looked serious.

"(Y/n)" he said in a low voice.
"I need you in my crew"

Zoro's Pov

What the fuck is going on ? This fucker . So what she's a good at massaging . When it comes to fighting she wouldn't stand a chance . Why is nobody considering this .
And why does this shit head of a captain never ask for my opinion "

Your Pov

Did I just hear that correctly?
Am I supposed to answer now ....
To travel the ocean has been my dream since my mother passed...and I get along with everyone here so well.

But ..I just can't ignore that pissed of look on Zoro's face ..

"I...don't know..."

Thx for reading btw. :)

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