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"Uuhhhh I ...I gotta go" . You stammered, hurrying off the ship and quickly making your way up the street , towards your apartment . You were still pretty wobbly on your feet, causing you to have to take a break, holding onto a lantern .
You took a deep breath before walking the last few meters to the house .

Your Pov

I would love to go with them . I hate this town . I hate the smell , I hate it's looks I hate my job , I hate my flat I even hate the majority of the people living here . What is holding me back?

First of all, I have no money . Wich means I would have to live on their costs . Second of all , they are pirates , they probably get into fights ,third of all Zoro. He isn't a problem in general . Quite the opposite. But that doesn't mean he wasn't scary , because he was .

But also ,...what do the other members think of this , maybe they don't want me to join .
Before I make a decision , I'm going to ask them .


Narrators Pov

You didn't even bother changing into different clothes . Instead you just ran downstairs to get to the pub as soon as possible . Your shift began half an hour ago . This would cause an absolute disaster .

You sprinted down the street , passed the big lantern and pushed the door open with the side of your hips, heavily breathing .

"I'm..hhhhh sorry...hhhhh boss " you panted , your hands on your upper legs to calm your breathing .

You looked up at him through your lashes . He just threw a tray at your direction
"Just start already" he grumbled between gritted teeth .
You swallowed heavily , starting to clean the tables and serving customers. Just your everyday business. There he sat . That bastard that hit your butt.

Back on the ship

"Guys ....GUYS" Lysop yelled from the top of his lungs
"What's wrong?" Luffy said in a bored tone , sticking a finger into his nose .

" .."

"Mama? You miss your mama?"

"NO IDIOT...MARINE SHIPS" Lysop yelled again tears streaming down his face


The other members joined to see what's wrong .

"Holy shit guys " Nami said " we are going to have to leave as soon as possible"

"Alright I'll get the ship ready" Zoro said a little too eager , already heading off .


Back to your pub

Luckily it wasn't busy today. Here and there some drunk pirate or some hungry travelers. It took you more time to clean . Your boss made you clean all the dishes while also serving the guests.

Your hands started to cramp and you it felt like they were dissolving from the soap.

That was until you heard some loud screaming from outside .


Something inside you twitched . This was your chance . You stormed out of the kitchen walking directly towards them . Luffy's angry face turned into his giant grin once he saw you . You couldn't help but smile back , until you felt a hand around your wrist .

Zoro's Pov

We had been running the entire way to her pub . I still can't believe everyone is on board with this . Where even is she ??

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