The soft spot

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You woke up due to the sounds of water splashing up and down from the outside . Seemed like the crew had already sat the sails. You yawned loudly stretching your arms and getting out of bed. You wore a more or less skinny black tank top with your sleeping shorts. Looking into the mirror you felt safe to step outside your room . So you did. The floor was cold under your feet making you shiver . Just when you were about to walk up the stairs to the deck you heard some loud snores from the room next to you.

You turned around , the door was slightly opened . You knew this was not polite at all but you couldn't help it . Poking your head through the door you witnessed a scenario that melted your heart . Zoro was laying flat on his mattress , one leg hanging down from it . On top of his stomach , you saw chopper , curled up into a tiny cinnamon roll . Zoro's hands were wrapped around him so he wouldn't fall , allowing the reindeer a pretty damn good looking sleep .
You stepped closer , kneeling down next to his bed . You let your arms rest on top of his mattress , your chin resting in the palms of your hands , while you looked at him dreamily.
Something you defentetly weren't used to though, were Zoro's senses. He didn't even have to be awake to know that you were there.

"Watcha doin weirdo" he grummed sleepily. Voice hoarse and low making you melt once again.

"Acknowledging your cuteness" you answered only loud enough for him to hear as to not wake up Chopper.

He opened one eye , a sleepy tear rolling down his cheek

"Mmhh?" He mumbled looking at you.
But you were to caught up in wiping the tear from his face . That's when he noticed ...

"GAHHHH CHOOPPA" he yelled making the little reindeer jump up from his spot.

"WHAAAAAAAA" he screamed running out of the room.

"Heyyy you scared him" you pouted looking at the greenete accusingly.

Zoro sat up brushing through his hair with his fingers. He looked down at you now noticing you were still kneeling in front of him , your head now lazily resting on his mattress.

"When he gets nightmares he always crawles into my bed. Probably because he thinks I'm the strongest "

You pouted even more at the cuteness of it , looking at Zoro through your lashes .

"Or maybe just because he loves you " you questioned giving him a cheeky grin.

"Tsss. Don't take it to far" he grumbled daringly.

"Or what" you played back at him seriously wondering what he would do .

Zoro chuckled , the shadows once again darkening his features he turned to look at you , giving you a mischievous grin . With that he grabbed your shoulders tightly, and with minimal effort he pushed you onto his mattress . His hands were still pressing down on your shoulders keeping you in place while slightly hovering above you from his sitting position.

"How about I tell everyone that you're a little spider eater" he teased not letting you escape his gaze.

You fake gasped before grinning back at him

"Tsss. You don't even know the real embarrassing stuff about me "

"Ohhhhh you're going to tell me then "

"What if i don't ?"

"I'll make you " he said his face turning into an evil almost amused expression.

With that he lowered his face painfully slow putting almost all his upper body weight onto your shoulders.

Your heart skipped a beat . You didn't except him to be so confident all of a sudden . You were able to see through the collar of his shirt , admiring his perfect collarbones. Now you were the one to hold your breath , watching as his face inches closer and closer until you could feel his breath on your skin .

That's when you suddenly felt the weight lift from one of your shoulders , and a sneaky hand tickling your belly. You looked at him in confusion before bursting out into laughter . Zoro lifted himself fully from you to have both hands tickling your stomach , making you pant and laugh through the painfully funny sensation .

"Will you tell me?" He asked almost laughing himself

"Neverrrrr" you managed to squeal , trying to wiggle out of his grasp . This only caused Zoro to take both of your wrists into one hand , pinning them above your head . You knew he did it so you couldn't escape the tickle attack but you weren't going to lie , him hovering on top of you pushing your hands into the mattress while giving you that shit eating grin , had you feel that well known hot sting in your core area , making your face flush red.

Zoro continued his tickle torture, regardless the way he enjoyed the sight of you under him .

"Okay hhhhhhh...okay....hhhh stop ....please "

He let go of your hands sitting up straight again . You took a moment to catch your breath pulling your top back over your stomach , since it had lifted under his fingers.

"I'll tell you on the next round of sake " you implied , still being an out of breath mess .

"But only if I get something about you in return " you added pointing your finger at him

"Fair enough" he grinned getting up from the bed and pulling his shirt over his head. Your eyes almost popped out of your scull. It's not like you've never seen him like this before , but because of his careless way of getting undressed in front of you.

"Third time I caught you spying on me weirdo" he added mockingly .

You got up too ,slowly making your way out of the room , when suddenly you heard Sanji yell from the kitchen.



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