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"You know, you've been sitting with that grumpy look on your face the entire day", Thoma said and placed the plate full of food in front on Cyno

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"You know, you've been sitting with that grumpy look on your face the entire day", Thoma said and placed the plate full of food in front on Cyno.

Cyno sighed.

"Thoma, have you ever been rejected by someone you like?", Cyno asked.

Thoma gave it some thought. "Not really boss. The person I like happens to like me back as well."

Cyno gave a even sadder sigh.

"Boss, if you wish, I can find out more about this Tighnari."

"No... leave it.", Cyno said and started eating his food. "Tell me about our current state"

Thoma immediately took out a pocket diary. "Abigor Valdis. Our name has been spreading in the black market more and more. Our recent jobs however... have been becoming troublesome."

Cyno paid attention.

"The Rogbridge family have been hiring our men but the requests they make are absurd. One of them was forced to spy on the daughter of PoDiab Family while the other was requested to sexually assault her"

Cyno continued listening.

"Needless to say, our men refused and thus we earned nothing this week. The son of professor John had started his own business and wishes to buy his products through us. Negotiations about his requests are still ongoing."

"I will go through his requests personally ", Cyno said.

"As you wish boss. Further, a murder took place last wednesday and we had the request to hide the body. It was from The Khun family head. We had sent Our newcomers there to test them. Needless to say, they did excellent."

"Who stood out in particular?", Cyno asked

"Mostly Scaramouche. He shows the most aptitude in stuff like these. Bennett has been doing well in spying and Sayu has been getting better at secretly securing information from secure places. Klee however... has been getting notorious with her experiments."

"As long as she causes no nuclear hazard-", Cyno said as he ate the last bite of his meal.

"Hand over the requests of different oganisations to me. I will sort them all out and assign duties to everyone today. Inform everyone about it", he said to Thoma.

"As you wish boss", Thoma said and left the room.

Cyno looked at the night sky which was adorned with stars. "Huh... the sky that night lacked stars..."


"Dad... my stomach hurts..."

"Don't think that you saying that will help you right now.",Tighnari said as he brought the plate full of vegetables near Collei.

"Heh! I hate vege!!!"

"And do I look like I care?"

Collei's eyes became teary. She got up and started running around the house. Tighnari caught her easily, gave her a shiny potato in her head after which Collei obediently ate up her vegetables. Things like these were a daily routine for him now.

As Collei somehow swallowed her food, she asked,"Dad... why does Mr.Uncle not come to buy flowers anymore?"

Tighnari paused.

"I already miss Mr.Uncle! He used to give me headdies!(she means head pats)"

Tighnari did not say anything. He made Collei eat up everything and walked off. As he washed the dishes, he took a nice deep breath.

It had been a week since Cyno had last visited and they had a big quarrel. A day after that, some guy dressed in a suit who claimed himself to be Thoma came and gave Tighnari the compensation for his broken desk. A new desk was brought immediately and Tighnari had been trying his best to get it all out of his head.

But why did Collei have to bring him up all of a sudden?

"Is this is what is called connection between father and child...", a painful smile surfaced on his face. "I... am I doing the right thing?... Won't it be better if I give Collei to Cyno..."

Tighnari immediately shook his head and hit himself. "AS IF! That man is a freakin murderer Tighnari! Get a hold of yourself. No... I won't ever give my daughter to the likes of him."

He washed all the dishes and made the bed for Himself and Collei. Collei creeped into the bed and made herself comfortable. Tighnari came up too after getting dressed in his nightgown.

"Dad! Tell me a story!"

"Story? No. You won't sleep if I tell you one"

"Ehhh~ I peomise I will sleep!"

"Its promise not peomise.", Tighnari said and sighed. "Okay fine. Only one story though"

"Ya!", Collei exclaimed with excitement.

Tighnari told the story of ugly duckling. Collei listened with every bit of interest and even teared up as she heard the pathetic condition of the duck. A bird disowned simply cause it was different from others.

"The duck was never ugly! No one is ugly" , Collei screamed at the end of the story.

Tighnari smiled. "Thats right Collei. No one is born ugly or pretty. Its our hearts that makes us who we are. So always be honest and kind. And be brave. Have a strong heart", he said and kissed Collei on her forehead. Collei moved into Tighnari's arms and snugged in as close to him as possible.

"I love you dad!", she said as she closed her eyes.

Tighnari held her close to his chest. "Yes... I love you too Collei"


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