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"What... is this place Papa?",Collei asked as she got out of the car.

"Its where I work Collei", Cyno said and picked up Collei from the ground.
"Tighnari, I'll lock the car"

"I already did", Tighnari said and walked past Cyno. "Let's go in"

Cyno carried Collei and walked beside Tighnari. As soon as they entered the building, everyone bowed slightly.

"Greetings boss!", They all said collectively and Collei got scared. She tightly held onto Cyno.

"You all are intimidating my daughter. While she is around, try not to act too modest", Cyno told them.

He then Held Tighnari's shoulders and declared to everyone-
"Meet Him. He is Tighnari. My partner"

Everyone looked at each other with confusion.
Most of them had never heard of Cyno having a partner. And a Daughter!?

"Is that a foxin-"

"And is that his adopted daughter?"

"Sushhh! Don't you dare say anything about him. Boss will kill both you and me"

Tighnari could hear them clearly however. He walked upto the two and smiled at them. Menacingly.

"I hope we can get along in here", he said and the two became so scared that they stepped back.

"He.. he is so intimidating ", this exact thought passed all their heads at the exact same time.

Thoma came out finally and properly greeted Tighnari and Collei.

"I can finally rest assured about boss's safety", Thoma said and shook hands with Tighnari.

After all was done, Tighnari and Cyno went to Cyno's office with Collei.

"So everyone we met were members of Abigor Valdis?", Tighnari asked.

"Yup. All of them. Except a few, all of them are handpicked by me", Cyno replied.

"Its a lot more people than I expected. Probably around 1/10 of what The Valukhasuna have"

"Wow... that didn't make me feel better Nari", Cyno said and sighed. "Nari, tell me- what do we do?"

Tighnari sat down on the couch. "First of all, I can already tell that most of your members are inexperienced"

"Of course they are", Cyno replied. He still had Collei in his hands.

"And your number is not High enough to overwhelm My Father. Listen Cyno, every group in the entirety of Sumeru has a Valukhasuna spy within. So even if I had no connection with you, Dori would've still been a spy sent from the Valukhasuna. That's just how they operate. Or rather- how my father like to operate things "

"I had realized that quite some time ago", Cyno said and crossed his arms. "The Valukhasuna are weird. The way they operate- it's almost a defensive play always."

"Papa, I am not understanding anything ", Collei said and curled up in Cyno's arms.

"Ah... do you want to play Collei?"

"No... I want to sleep", Collei said and hugged Cyno.

Cyno smiled. "Of course. You can go to sleep in my arms."

"Cyno, The most fitting thing for us to do now would be to wait for my father to make his next move", Tighnari said and stood up. "Till then, continue working just as you've been doing in the past"

"And then what? What do we do after your father makes a move?", Cyno asked.

"That depends on the situation we are in", Tighnari answered and walked up to Cyno. "She really fell asleep...?", he whispered as he moved Collei's hair which covered her eyes.

"That was fast", Cyno gently mumbled.
He had a warm feeling creep into his heart everyt8he saw Collei peacefully asleep.
"Cyno, I don't think I have to come with you here everyday. From what I saw today, its far too early for me to engage directly with Abigor Valdis. And also..."

Cyno squinted his eyes. "Also?"

Tighnari took a breath. "Most people in the gang are probably suspicious about me"

"Why would they be? I already declared to them that you are my partner"

"That doesn't make their doubts go away Cyno. Like you said, most of them are still new. They don't have that sense of familiarity with you like Thoma or Bennett does.", he took Collei from Cyno's arms and held her instead. "That's enough wastage of time for today. Since I am here, tell me what I can do to help you. I'll put Collei to bed if there is one in this building "

"Oh of course there is", Cyno said and led Them both to a room with several beds. "No one uses these anymore. You can Lay her down in one of these beds. Don't worry they are all clean. Noelle never misses any spot"

Tighnari slowly put Collei on the bed. "Tell me. What exactly do you people do in Abigor Valdis?"

Cyno smiled and tried to hide the funny expression on his face.
"We are a gang Nari. Just regular gangster stuff. That's all we do"


"Like... cleaning up dead bodies, spying on people- all those sorts of things"

Tighnari gave a dissaponted sigh. "No wonder. So this is why your gang is still so weak."

"What exactly are you trying to say Nari?"

"The fact that you all work for people even still. Instead of having a more independent workspace."

Collei Suddenly moved in her sleep.

"Umm... let's get out of here. She'll wake up if we keep talking here" ,Cyno said and the two went back to Cyno's office.

"Abigor Valdis... this used to be a bigger name when Dhesret Mahamatra was in charge ", Suddenly Tighnari said and time seemed to have frozen for Cyno.

He looked at Tighnari in disbelief.
"How do you know him...?"

"You both share the same surname. And from what I remember... you are his younger brother right? I know him. Because I've met him in the past", Tighnari replied and Cyno was now even more confused.

"How did you meet him...?"

"He once came to the Valukhasuna headquarters. Cyno I dont know... I don't know why I am only saying this now. Perhaps because the entirety of all this had escaped my memory... but sixteen years ago, I met him. A meeting that... shouldn't have happened"

___________________________________________A/N: ya this was a buildup chapter

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A/N: ya this was a buildup chapter. But damn 2k reads😭😭😭 what are you people? Gods of kindness!!!???

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