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"Perhaps... you are a masochist afterall", Cyno said with a concerned expression on his face.

In front of him sat Tighnari.

A black mask, black hoodie, oversized pants and sunglasses- all these combined with Tighnari's quietness made him seem like some terrorist.

Compared to him, Cyno was simply wearing a shirt and some blue pants.

And Collei in the midst of it all was simply enjoying her meal.
"But what is a moshohist?", she asked with her mouth stuffed with a huge bite of her burger.

"Masochist you mean... haha... how do I explain this to a five year old without making it weird", Cyno said and started thinking.

"Don't use such vulgar terms in front of my daughter", Tighnari said. His voice sounded scuffed because of the mask.

"No but seriously Tighnari... do you not see the sun shining sun right on top of our heads? If you stay like this you'll end up like some cooked vegetables ", Cyno said.

"Dad! After this can we go to the park!!?", Collei asked with a smile.
She was way too excited about having Tighnari with her outside for the first time.

"Of course Collei. Well go wherever you want", Tighnari said and smiled. But that smile couldn't be seen due to his weird fit.

Cyno felt hot just from looking at Tighnari.

Tighnari took Collei everywhere she wanted to go. To the park, then to the bazaar and next to the games store.

 To the park, then to the bazaar and next to the games store

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"Next... Next to Grandma!!!" Collei declared. By then, the sun was already starting to set.

Tighnari hadn't been outside for over 4 years. He felt utterly exhausted. But Collei was so excited. He didn't Deny her.

"Collei this will be the last thing we do today okay?", Tighnari said and Collei agreed.

Cyno really just tagged along the entire way. But he stopped.

"Tighnari... I think I'll not follow you two along to your mothers grave", he suddenly said.

Tighnari wasn't expecting to hear that.

"I'll wait here instead. You two visit the grave and come back. And then I'll drop you both off back at the house"

"But why?", Collei asked.

"Because~ you two should visit grandma. I am sure she would love to see you two"

"And not you?"

"No not me.", Cyno bent down and kept his hand on Collei's head. "Collei... no matter how close we are, you dad is your only real family. And you and Tighnari should go as a family to meet your grandma. I am an outsider. That is why I cannot go"

Collei was sad to hear that.

But Tighnari stood frozen with complex thoughts. He held Collei hands and walked with her into the graveyard. It took him a few mins but as soon as he stood in front of his mother's grave-

He could feel his soul being tormented.

Collei closed her eyes and prayed.

Tighnari took off his mask and hoodie. He walked closer to the grave and slightly spoke-
"Mother... I am doing something wrong... I am sorry... I- I don't understand what I should do anymore. But mother I... have someone I love. And to protect that person... I keep on hurting him over and over again. Keep on lying over and over again. Ingore him again and again-
Mother please tell me... what can I do...?"


Tighnari felt a tiny hands pulling his sleeves. "Collei?"

"Granny will be sad if you look so sad", Collei said.

Tighnari patted Collei's head and bent down to kiss her. "Yes... you are right. Let's go back home Collei"

He walked off with collei.

Collei jumped around as she walked ahead towards to road where Cyno was waiting for them.

"Collei go slow. You'll fall down", Tighnari said.

Cyno watched them returning back and waved at Collei. Collei was extremely happy to see Cyno. She sprinted ahead towards him. He was holding a balloon in his hand. He gave it to Collei.
"You like it?".

"Oh! Yes so much!", Collei said and smiled.

Tighnari yet again watched from a distance. He felt happy everytime he saw them both together.

Cyno looked at Tighnari and gave a smirk. "My prince? So how was your day?"

Tighnari squinted his eyes. "Because of you very much not like how I would've liked it to go"

Cyno laughed. "Okay enough of all this. You two wait for a min. I'll go get the car"

As soon as Cyno walked off a little bit, a strong wind blew. Tighnari's hair went around everywhere disrupting his vision. "Ahh- when did I take off my hoodie"

"Ah my balloon!", Collei yelled.

"Huh?", Tighnari removed the hair from the front of his eyes and looked around. Collei was gone!

He looked ahead and saw her in the middle of the road chasing her balloon.

Luckily the signal was green. He shouted, "collei come back! We'll buy another balloon!"

But he suddenly noticed a speeding white car coming towards Collei. The signal was green still. But the car showed no sigh of stopping.

Tighnari immediately ran in to save Collei. "Collei! Move away!"

Cyno heard a loud crash.

He immediately turned around and instantly the keys of his car fell from his hand. The extreme look of horror on his face and panicked countenance.

He ran and pushed past the crowd that had gathered around the accident.
"Move! Move away! Let me through!!!"

He saw both Tighnari and Collei lying on the road. Both bleeding and unconscious. He instantly picked them both up in his strong arms and rushed towards the hospital in his car.

His heart wouldn't stop beating like crazy and his entire body shook out of fear. After every minute he kept on checking if the two were actually breathing.

As soon as he was at the hospital, both Tighnari and Collei were taken to the emergency section.

"Sir- you must wait here outside.", the nurse said and closed the door.

Cyno stood outside with his head covered in his hands. He was scared.

"Please... nothing must happen to those two"


Monster (Cyno×Tighnari)💟Where stories live. Discover now