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Cyno really did come to visit Collei everyday.
Collei absolutely loved being with Cyno. She would climb on top of him and play with him until dusk.
Cyno often brought new toys and dolls for the little girl.

At first Tighnari avoided Cyno. And Cyno didn't try to get on his nerves too much.

But one day he just had to directly ask Tighnari-

"Isn't Collei about to be five soon? When is her birthday?"

Tighnari was a little skeptical about actually telling it. The day right after nine months since they had met-
What if it made Cyno think weridly?

"Its on 8th of May", Tighnari said. He didn't lie.

"8th May... okay. I'll keep that in mind"

And then the silence again made him uncomfortable. So he asked another question,
"Tighnari, Collei wanted to go out with you. Won't you take her out for once?"

Tighnari stopped cutting the flowers. He looked at Cyno and then back at the flowers.
Taking Collei out... he had been making Albedo do that for the last year.
"What if I go out and somehow get found by Father's men?... what will happen to Collei? But I can't keep her inside the house with me. She will have to go out. What... am I supposed to do?...", He thought.

"Troubled with lots of thoughts?", Cyno asked and leaned against the wall.

"Cyno- hadn't I told you to only meet Collei and leave. Why are you trying to initiate a conversation between us?"

"Hmm. Cause I hate it."


"I hate it when you are right here in front of me and yet I cannot do anything"

Tighnari sighed. Collei finally came out of her room with a small plush in her hands. She ran all the way to Cyno and gave it to him with a smile .

"You are giving this to me?", Cyno asked with a confused look.

Collei's smile grew brighter. "Yes! I wrote our names in it! And I want to give it to you!"

Cyno turned the plush around and saw the names-

All of these were written in a strange handwriting with a black marker. Cyno laughed and patted Collei's head with satisfaction.
"This is the best gift ever Collei. Thank you very much"

Collei loved playing with Cyno's hair and often made weird hairstyles.

Collei loved playing with Cyno's hair and often made weird hairstyles

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Sometimes even Tighnari couldn't help but laugh.

And days passed by just like that.

Until, the 8th of May arrived finally.


"Happy Birthday Collei!!"

Collei laughed and cut the cake in front of her with her small hands. The first bite she gave to Tighnari.

But the very Second one went to Cyno.

And next was Albedo followed by Thoma and Bennet.

Cyno had brought those two along with him cause Collei insisted on having more people celebrate her day.

Tighnari had stopped denying Collei's wishes. And after all these days even he knew, Cyno was not a murderer.

At least not a heartless one.

Cyno sat down on the ground and handed Collei a bag.

Collei opened it and found a strange looking toy inside. It was definitely a toy but super soft and weirdly green and black with pointy ears.

Thoma and Bennet looked tense.
"I had told boss not to buy such a scary looking doll. I wonder how miss Collei is going to react now.", Thoma thought.

Collei carefully examined the doll.
She suddenly declared.

"Cuilein-Anbar?", Cyno asked.

Collei smiled. "I'll call this doll Cuilein-Anbar! Its very very beautiful Mr.Cyno!", she yelled and jumped to hug Cyno. "Thank you so much!"

Thoma and Bennett finally relaxed. "Guess we were worried for no reason"

Thoma gave her candies and Bennett gave her a cute little bow.

Albedo had brought some cute accessories for her as well and Collei loved every single gift that she got.

And at last-
It was Tighnari's turn.

Tighnari sat down in front of Collei and gently kept his hand on her head.
"Collei... I am sorry it took me this long to say this but- Shall we go out?", he asked with almost a look of guilt on his face.

Collei paused.
Then a bright smile appeared on her face. "Out!!?? We go out!? Me and you!?"

Tighnari nodded his head. Collei almost jumped with joy and turned over the chair behind her.

Albedo looked slightly concerned. After everyone was engaged in keeping Collei entertained, Albedo told Tighnari in private- "I am glad you finally made this decision but you should not go simply alone with Collei."

Tighnari knew that. Especially knowing how much influence his father had.

After the evening sun had set, Thoma and Bennett went back first followed by Albedo.

"And when are you leaving?", Tighnari asked.

"Not yet", Cyno answered and sat down on the couch. "Also, tomorrow you are finally going out with Collei. I bet she is happy. Look at her. She was so excited the entire day that she fell asleep in between", Cyno smiled and caressed Collei's hair as she slept.
"Its strange how much connected I feel with her"

Suddenly Tighnari paused as Cyno said that.

It wasn't strange at all.

Cause Collei was his daughter afterall.

"Tighnari, let's all go out together tomorrow ", Cyno said.

"You... I don't understand you Cyno", Tighnari said. Cyno turned around and saw a weird expression on Tighnari's face. Almost as if he was too tired to even stand straight.

"Tighnari?... are you not feelings well?", Cyno asked.

"No... But listen to me...you really should stop trying to get into my life. Its not because I-"

"Not because of what?", Cyno asked immediately after Tighnari paused. "Say it all"

"No never mind... if you wish to come along, I won't stop you. Only because Collei likes you so much"

"Is that so", Cyno said and smiled. "Tighnari you... don't hate me do you?"

"I do"

Cyno laughed and got up. He stood in front of Tighnari and held his face In his hands. "You are still as beautiful as you were."

"And you are just as shameless as you were back then"

"Ah~ how cold", he said and gave a slight smirk.


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