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...Her Obsession...

“I am addicted to you, and I never want to break this habit.”


Mr. Jeon's perspective

" I'm n-not w-w-worth of it.. "She said while lowering her gaze and fidgeting with her fingers..I don't know but when I heard these words from her I felt myself getting angry.. But I decided to calm my anger or else I'll do something which will hurt her...I just don't understand why she is so insecure about herself.. Why don't she understand that I love the way she is.. And there is no girl in my life other than her and I'll never hurt her...I took a deep breath before pulling her closer to me by her waist..

" Don't you dare to say that again Y/n..I don't want to hear that ever again from you. You don't know that How fucking precious you are to me? Your fucking everything is so precious to me.. Your time, your existence, your smile and you are so precious to me..You're worth of every precious thing in the world my're so pure my love.. I love you so fucking much and your so precious to me.."  I said while caressing her cheek gently and saying while looking straight in her doe brown eyes which held nothing but pure innocence..I wiped her tears from her chubby cheeks which were falling continuously from her cute doe eyes..I immediately took her in my arms as she started crying badly..

" Shh.. Shhh.. Why are you crying Doll?..I'm sorry if I hurted you..." I said while caressing her hair gently and kissing on her head while rubbing her back gently like a small baby.. To me yes,  she was exact like a small baby who starts crying easily..sometimes So happy and sometimes get angry too...

"Angel.. " I said while cupping her soft cheeks and making her to look at me.. I looked at her, she was looking like a red tomato as her cheeks were being so red for crying and her small nose it was looking so red but cute.. I chuckled while looking at her before kissing her forehead gently..

" Why did you cried?.." I said when I felt her body calm now in my embrace.. She was in my embrace keeping her head on my chest and laying on my body.. Her soft , small and tiny body was nothing compared to mine..Her small legs were reaching till my knee.. I sighed deeply looking at her being comfortable in my arms.. I came out of my thoughts when I heard her sweet like honey voice..

" N-No.. one e-ever in my l-ife hav-e eve-r s-said t-hat I'm w-worthy and pr-ecious to t-hem.. So I-I-I.."She said while sniffing and sobbing while telling me and at last she burst into tears..I hugged her soft body gently and kissed on her forehead lovingly..

Her Obsession [18+]  ¦¦ {Jeon Jungkook X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now