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He didn't even get past the reception desk before you suddenly stormed back, stomping past him and going right out the front doors. Indicator flashing yellow, your temporary partner hurried after, only to find you pacing the pavement. "... Sergeant? What's happened?"

Hands covering your mouth, there was a wild look in your eye that simply screamed problems. "I'm going to dismantle that fuckstick," you spat, words muffled behind your hands. "Connor, I--... goddamnit." The RK800 came closer, frowning just a hair at your agitation. "... the android I was planning on questioning? Yeah. Dom prototype. Not only that, but a fucking RK900."

The red LED you should have seen coming; Connor lowered his head, eyes darting back and forth as he fought to process the new- and alarming- information. "An RK900.... dom prototype...?"

His confusion was too great. "... shit, do I have to explain that to you?"

"Sergeant, I know what a dom is. What concerns me is the fact that they used the RK900 prototype for that purpose..." Taking a step away, dark eyes closed on their own. "I'd been told that his development was to replace me. But as I'd gone deviant, he was no longer needed. I received no further data after that." Gazing at the exterior of the Eden Club, the RK800 sighed. "I believe this is what you would label as bittersweet. I am glad to know he has purpose, and typically I would be keen to meet him. But..."

"Is it the sex thing that bothers you?" Cupping your elbows, you went to the android's side.

Connor gave a baffling expression, one eyebrow high with his mouth pulled to the side. "Do I look like a dom to you, Sergeant?" The perfect deadpan tone made you burst out laughing despite his obvious discomfort. There was the vague touch of color across his face which faded before you noticed. "He did not attempt anything, did he?"

"Not physically. I just wasn't planning on being told he basically wanted to pop my cherry."


"... perhaps I should try to question him instead, then. So he has no excuses about cooperation."

"He said he wasn't doing it intentionally, Connor. It's how he's programmed. Like how you constantly analyze me every morning, even though I tell you not to." This time you caught the warm-toned violet flush, making you chuckle to see it. "I just had to walk away before I smacked him. But if you go in with me, that might be better, so... thank you."

Determined not to let you fall prey to a dom, the RK800 walked beside you as you returned to Connell's room. Dark eyes met crystal blue, and for one tense second, he expected resistance. Still, a hand was held out to the ReAndroid. "Hello, Connell, it's a pleasure to meet you at last."

Cloud blinked but actually stood up, shaking his predecessor's hand and making both him and you realize that the RK900 was fucking giant. And Connor was almost six and a half feet tall! "The pleasure is mine, Connor," the taller prototype replied, "I was just telling your lovely partner that I have nothing against you for what's been done with my purpose. I only ask her, and you, to recognize me as an individual. Not another Connor."

"Of course; I was much the same way before deviating," your partner explained. He stood beside you, hands behind his back while you took a seat again. "Please sit down and explain to us what occurred earlier this afternoon," Connor added.

Peering over his shoulder, back turned, the RK900 flashed a vague grin. "Forgive me if I politely decline sitting down. I do have a lesson in less than fifteen minutes."

"And that lesson can fucking wait while there's an investigation going on, Connell. Sit your ass down, now," you spat. The irritation returned like magic.

For some reason this piqued his interest more than anything. With long, slow strides, Cloud approached the table again, fingertips dragging along the surface as he got closer to you. "So impatient, sunflower. My statement will take no more than a minute and 43 seconds..."

"I beg your goddamn pardon? Sunflower?"

"Yes. All living beings need to blossom, to flourish and fulfill their potential. But like all living things, that takes care and patience." Right beside you, he leaned close, turning your head to face him with a finger. "Sunflowers are bold, brilliant, unapologetic, shine in the sun, and..." Connell leaned closer still, lips sliding along the edge of your ear, "... delicious."

The complete and total numbing of your legs prevented you from jumping up and throttling the bastard. You didn't have to, however: in one swift and brutal motion, Connor had the taller prototype pinned on the table by his skull. "What gives you the impression that your behavior is acceptable to anyone, much less law enforcement?"

The RK900 didn't fight back; he just let his predecessor hold his head to the table. "You realize that I am unable to control my programming? I have said as much, yet she stormed out, and you currently have me mildly restrained. Please explain the fairness."

"Eden Club androids, deviant or otherwise, understand that this behavior is only acceptable towards clients who have paid- and therefore consented- to it. You cannot use your being a prototype as an excuse, either. You were intended for law enforcement." The grip on Connell's hair tightened as your partner got close, hissing, "So entertain us with your excuses for being disgusting."

A long pause followed before Cloud finally spoke up. "Earlier this afternoon, a client came into the Club. I do not know exactly what began the altercation, but I was leaving my room here and the Traci had run up to me, asking to be hidden in my room. The gentleman in the lobby now was following her, complaining that he had "paid for this", and demanded her back. Considering her terrified demeanor, consent for whatever he wanted had not been given. I let her into my room and kept him out of it. He grew belligerent and I discovered that my reflexes as law enforcement are still quite swift. I subdued him only after he attempted to attack me twice. You may check the cameras."

You blinked wildly, tapping Connor's arm to get him to release his successor. "Anything else?"

"I would not have acted that way had he not attacked me. Consent is paramount in my algorithms, Sergeant. And before either of you bring it up, I apologize. I needed to test the waters." Finally let go, the RK900 stood upright, straightening his sleeves and adjusting his black leather gloves. "..... next time, disable Dom Mode."

"Why did you not disable it yourself, knowing you would be questioned?" Connor still seemed incredibly pissed off, and you silently admired him for it.

"Why would the prototype be allowed to disable his function? You think I was made to think freely? Of course not." Cloud's upper lip curled back. "I am not that fortunate, Connor. I rarely leave this room except for maintenance. I have no other version of this model. I am only me and they do not want me to think for myself."

"... are you deviant?" You asked before your partner could.

"Sergeant, I would love nothing more than to get out of this fucking sex-drenched prison cell. Do I enjoy this new purpose? Yes. Would I like to do literally anything else? Also yes." Connell's face darkened, turning away as he wandered from the table. "You have your statement. As much as I long to get out of this hellhole, this is where I now belong." The blue skies had rainclouds as he glanced over his shoulder. "... I am grateful to have met you at last, Connor. Now you know where and what I am. Sergeant--" Here he paused. "...... I have found myself in the unfortunate position of knowing my purpose, but never finding the other half to complete me... until the impatient blossom turned her face towards my skies." Shaking his head, he waved a dismissive hand. "Good day, you two."

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now