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The diner was expectedly busy, since it was still the lunch rush; you didn't know just what Connor said to the host, but within a minute you were being seated in a coveted corner booth. The grin on his face felt terribly smug... which made little sense when he didn't eat.

Only after you'd ordered food did your partner finally speak up. "I owe you an apology, Sergeant. Yesterday was chaotic, especially for you, and I feel that my poor attempts to tease were ill-received. So I am sorry."

Shrugging, you smiled just enough to ease the concern lining his face. "Chaotic is an understatement, but... apology accepted. Thank you." Distracted when your coffee was set before you, you thanked the waiter as well- only to have the piping hot drink taken by the android. "--Connor what the fu--"

He blinked at you, preparing the coffee how you'd normally take it in the first place. "Something the matter?"

Opening and closing your mouth a few times like a fish, you hung your head a bit. "I don't even know anymore," you commiserated. "But you don't have to do that for me."

"I know." Your coffee was gently pushed back in front of you; the prototype had somehow layered the cream on top in the shape of a flower. "Consider it a test for myself. As your partner, I must learn what kind of woman you are: your preferences, your routines, your habits. The more I learn, the more I understand you, and the better I am able to assist you."

Holding the cup with both hands, you were honestly unwilling to ruin the little blossom on top. "... did you do the same for Hank?"

Meeting your eyes, Connor's smile was soft, both elbows on the table with his arms crossed while he studied you. "Yes, but not nearly as urgently. I hadn't anticipated his wanting retirement this soon. So when I was asked about choices for a new partner... it was a bit startling."

"I can imagine; you've been partners since you arrived." Taking a mindful sip, you grinned as the coffee was set down again. "Well, that's perfect, so thank you." The prototype's smile widened a hair when you faced him again. "Who else are you considering as a partner?"

"... I don't believe I have any other options for someone I want," he replied slowly. "Gavin would sooner try to tase me than cooperate. Sergeant, you are the only person I want to be partnered with." Shifting half an inch closer, the volume fell a good deal as he went on. "I find you fascinating. And, if I am being honest..." A faint violet flush dusted his cheeks. "I... enjoy your a-attention..."

Reaching over, you found one of his hands and squeezed it gently. "Well, you're too cute not to give attention to. Honestly, when you tilt your head to the side sometimes? You look like a puppy."

Pulling your hand from his, the RK800 caught yours before you'd gotten out of reach. It was raised to his lips, a kiss pressed slowly while you were carefully studied for your reaction... which was to endure a burning face and twisting stomach. Releasing his grasp on your hand at last, Connor chuckled low. "So would that make my model number an RK-9-800?"

It took a hell of a lot of willpower to pull yourself back to reality, but you shook your head and smirked. "You know what? Yes. You're my K-9 unit partner now. Congratulations. After we're done here, I can take you to pick out your collar, how does that sound?"

It was a joke. He knew damn good and well it was a joke, and that you were just playing along. But the RK800's face went a deep shade, spreading down his neck. Every goddamn wire inside of him was sparking, and Connor ended up clapping his hands over his face.

[No. No no no. Oh dear God no, not now, not now! Why?! WHY?!]


"CLOUD!!" you screamed the moment you set foot in your home. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"Sunflower, why are you shouting?" Drying his hands on a towel, the RK900 had been cleaning the kitchen, sleeves rolled up and vest set somewhere out of sight. "Everything-- ow ow ow ow ow--"

You'd grabbed him by the ear like before, but this time you didn't care if it hurt. He'd deviated enough to feel pain, so that wasn't your issue. Dragging him through the back door, he was shoved into the backyard, while you let the door close behind you. Arms crossed you glared daggers at the tall android. "What the fuck did you tell him, Cloud?"

Visibly confused, Connell's mouth worked over. "Context, please."

Not wanting to scream and cause Connor further embarrassment, you stormed over and grabbed the android by his high collar. "I don't know what you said to him, but that poor kid damn near melted in the middle of a diner this afternoon. I joked around about him being my new K-9 unit partner and that I'd take him to get a collar. I'm surprised he didn't end up shutting down right there!! Now what the fuck did you tell him?!" Just as the prototype opened his mouth, you cut him off: "Disable Dom Mode."

"Denied," Cloud responded. "It's been done too often already, I would rather not have complications."

"Too fucking bad, maybe complications will make my life easier with you not corrupting him."

"I haven't told him a thing, sunflower," Connell answered softly. His expression was calm despite being stuck in your grasp. "He took the book I ordered last night himself. Clearly he's gotten far enough to discover what certain things are."

Your grip didn't falter, but your voice went quiet. "... he took it himself?"

"Yes. He's curious, I won't put a stop to that. He did speak with me about your routines and habits, as I stated this morning... but that was all. You can plug me into a computer and check my memory files if you're still suspicious." When you finally released his collar, the dom prototype stood up straight, hand on your shoulder. "Listen to me. I am sorry that I am so terribly forward. But I have zero control over what my predecessor chooses to do." Blue eyes closing, his LED blinked yellow once. "... he is curious, and he is drawn to you. With a little encouragement, he will want to experience the things he's reading about. The things I am made to do. But he will not come to me in that way, sunflower. Not without you."

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now