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[This was a terrible decision, yet it was also not mine to make. But I can't convince her to throw my successor out over things he had no control over.]

In your spare bedroom, the RK800 sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands while he internally agonized over having a goddamn sex android there, as well.

Truth be told, Connor wasn't sure which was worse: having the RK900 there at all, having the ReAndroid version end up as a dom, or having said dom offer to fucking include his predecessor into his plans for you! Plans which, despite the new directive, only made your partner uneasy.

[You are lying to yourself.]

Connell was not there, nor was he speaking internally. Just the mere memory of being told he was lying made Connor freeze, hands sliding until they covered the lower half of his face instead.

[... I do not lie to myself. I am not curious about being turned into little more than a... puppy. It is demeaning, not appealing.

........ right?]

"... shit."


By the time you'd wandered into the kitchen, you found your partner at the stove, android jacket neatly hung up by the front door and his shirtsleeves rolled up above the elbow. What confused you, however, was the fact that he was cooking. "Connor? You're not... making dinner for me, are you?"

Dark eyes peered over his shoulder, a hint of a grin lighting them up. "Why can't I? Consider it a way of repaying you for allowing me to stay. I... also find myself enjoying preparing food, so... no complaining," he added, chuckling at your briefly startled face. "I have taken into account the contents of your kitchen, and weighing my options with what I have seen you consuming before... I believe I have a relatively accurate idea of what you enjoy, Sergeant."

"Oh. Well, uh... thank you, I think." Wandering closer, drawn by the scent permeating the kitchen, you stood beside the android. He seemed... at peace. Better than earlier, for sure. Maybe he'd gotten over the intrusion of the RK900. "... you doing okay, hon?"


"Of course, Sergeant," Connor replied, masking the internal battle with his lopsided smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause your whole life seemed to have been toppled over in, what, 48 hours?" Leaning back against the counter, your arms crossed. "... both of you seem to be snake charmers. Julius adores you two, which is a huge relief. But don't worry about feeding him, that's not something I'll ever ask you to do."

A glance was stolen before the prototype focused on the pan. "Where do you keep his food? Reptiles his size surely need something larger than mere insects."

"Yup. I keep his food in the freezer." When Connor froze, turning a startled expression your way, your stomach sank. "... Connor. You can't be serious. What are you making?"

"..... nothing appetizing," he mumbled, slowly pulling the skillet from the burner.

"Connor!! Oh my fucking god--" His goddamn smirk shut you up, and you groaned at the added wink. "You ass."

The smirk spread, returning the perfectly-edible food to the stove. "Really. Why would I feed you a rodent, Sergeant?"

"It's not that, it was your fucking face! Jesus fuck, you looked so serious about it!" Punching his arm, you ignored the fact that it was like punching a fucking wall. It only made him laugh under his breath again, a low and rich sound which curled its tendrils in your stomach. "You're lucky you're hot," you muttered.

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now