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Seated on the edge of your bed, you stared down at the thick book in your lap; Connor had already finished the damn thing and handed it to you before you bid both prototypes goodnight.

I still don't know how he figured out all that stuff about me, but... I guess as long as he doesn't spread all that shit around the precinct. Still... he even knew I was with Gavin. What the actual fuck; we both take a lot of fucking care to make sure no one could have even considered that.

With a knot beginning to form, both between your eyebrows and in your chest, you lifted your phone from where it lay on the bedside table.

This probably isn't the best idea, but... then again, if I tell him now, it'll help to not get my partner in deep shit later on.

[Hey, you still awake?]

[Unfortunately. Why?]

Gavin's response was instant, probably as wide awake as you felt. [Listen. I don't know how he found out, but... Connor knows about... us.]

[...... are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is the matter with you? You're the one who wanted to keep it private in the first place.]

[I didn't tell him! I haven't said a damn thing to anyone, but he fucking knows!]

[Well, I didn't say a goddamn word to the walking scrap heap, so someone's lying. And it ain't me.]

[I didn't fucking tell him. Why would I?!]

[You think I know what goes on in your head? I've dealt with it enough, so I'll pass.]

Already regretting having messaged in the first place, you bit at the inside of your cheek. [Right. Well, he knows, and I wanted to tell you now so you didn't somehow find out later and try to murder the kid.]

[Still might.]

[Don't, Gav. Please.] Then, a second message right after: [He knows everything, I think. Not just that we were together. But also why it didn't work out.]

[Seriously, how the fuck did he find out?]

[I don't know...] With a sigh, you simply decided to end the conversation for the night: [It's Connor. He won't tell a soul, especially if I tell him not to. I'm gonna try to sleep. See you Monday?]

[If I can drag my ass outta bed again, sure. Sleep well, dolcezza.]

Surprising that he wasn't more bitter, but... I won't jinx myself.

Hand groping wildly for the book again, you sat back against the headboard, opening the tome and wondering just what this Professor Seán McLoughlin had to say about being a dom.


"Connor, do you have a moment?" The RK900 had knocked softly at the open doorway to the spare bedroom- which had now become your partner's. "I apologize, but... I feel we need to talk."

"I agree," your partner replied curtly, hanging up his gray android jacket. Judging by the open suitcase on the bed, he was unpacking and trying to feel as if he belonged. "Are you feeling more settled with everything off of your chest, so to speak?"

Why his predecessor seemed salty was a mystery, but Connell nodded as he stepped into the room. "Yes. As ashamed as I am for crying, yes." When nothing was said on the RK800's end, the taller male simply went on. "... if this is to happen, Connor, we both must put aside the jealousy."

Motions slowing to a stop, the detective cast his narrowed gaze towards the other prototype. "Jealousy. You believe I am jealous of you."

Up went an eyebrow. "I know you are. And if this is going to go smoothly, as I predict it will, both of us must come to an agreement." When no effort was made to show he'd cooperate, the RK900 simply stood in front of the other android. "Hate me all you want. I said I held no grudge against you, and still do not. Your aggravation is without reason; you stated you would assist earlier. Why balk now?"

Only a few inches shorter than his supposed upgrade, Connor's mouth pressed into a thin, hard line. "... I do not know if I can truly stop myself from feeling jealous of you."

Lifting his hands for emphasis, Cloud shook his head. "This is not going to happen if you do not, pardon my honesty, get the fuck over it. I could be insistent that you not be involved. But I see that she is drawn to you, moreso than to myself, and it would not be right to exclude you. This is not a case of two sames, Connor; you are gifting her something she does not realize she wants just as badly." Only when his predecessor's hardened expression began to ease did Connell continue. "This is not unusual. Contracts involving more than two beings are common, and I would rather it be you than anyone else with my sunflower."

Only half a moment was spared to consider that you'd been with Reed before the thought was pushed out of his memory files. "... then I trust you to make this fair."

"This is not about us. This is about her and what it is she desires above all else." Stepping closer, the RK900 exuded an aura of pure intimidation- his Dom Mode in full swing. "You have already gotten a taste of what you will be experiencing as a pet. And I expect you to wholly embrace it the moment you sign your contract. If you wish to be her pet, then you will put every damn selfish thought aside for her sake. Loyalty and devotion are paramount in household pets; show them both and she will shower you with the affection you crave."

Unable to even pretend his face wasn't starting to burn, the RK800 nodded, regulator thumping at the mere thought of being told to get on his knees again.

"Were you finally given a command, then?" Another nod. "Good. How did that feel? I know you obeyed. So how enjoyable was it?"

Your partner had to sit down on his bed, head lowering in a feeble attempt to hide his burning face. "... had we not heard you, I... may have..."

Connell's head tilted, leaning forward a bit with a wicked smirk. "Oh, I know. You want this. You want her. You want her to control your every move. You thrive on praise and doing good, and you exist solely to benefit your partner." The smirk spread, blue eyes darkened like the sea. "Tell me, Connor. We already know you desire a collar. What about a leash, mm? Something for her to walk you around on, truly controlling exactly where you go?"

When the boy twitched, head still down, Cloud knew he'd struck gold. But there was still a minor setback, and it wasn't that you hadn't made up your mind.

It was that you would be both his sub and Connor's owner, a delicate balance of power that the RK900 would have to train both of you on.

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order tomorrow, my dear predecessor," the taller prototype cooed, standing upright and making the RK800 look up at last. "You see, you are still quite virginal. And this may be overwhelming for you, what with being controlled as I control her." That damn smirk again. "So I will give a demonstration of this curious power chain."

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now