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[Lovely. He is exploring this new concept of being a pet, while I have had a gun pointed at my head.]

To say Connell was sulking was an understatement. The book was in his lap, being read for lack of anything better to do. He knew better than to interrupt; hell, he'd even held himself back from kissing you. But considering how you'd been cold after the sudden dancing, he wasn't sure you'd have consented.

[I have gotten nowhere. As badly as I want to fulfill my purpose, I have been warned that I am too forward, amongst other things. Now I am on a deadline, and at this rate she will want nothing to do with me because of my predecessor.]

Several long and silent minutes passed. Cloud continued to read until the pages were splashed with tears he did not feel forming.

[... what is wrong with me and why can I not get this right? How do I tell a woman who hardly tolerates me that she is all I can think about?]

Closing the book, it was set aside on the cushion beside him; otherwise, he did not move. Now that he'd broken the dam, tears poured from the android's eyes, no effort made to stop or even clear them.

[I am a fool. I expected obedience because it is in my code. The others who paid for my time had already given consent. Now that I am free, I have not been given the time to learn how to be a deviant android. I am still in a Dom Mode that will never be silenced entirely.

... I do not know how to speak freely without worrying if I am still myself. Being a dom is all I know.]

With agonizingly slow speed, the RK900 leaned forward, burying his face in his hands.

[I do not know who I am, but I do know what I've become: useless.]

For once, Connell did not know how much time had passed. All he was aware of were the gentle hands taking both of his wrists, wanting to pry his hands away from his face while he sobbed. Seeing that it was you attempting to mind him only broke his resolve further, face breaking worse than ever and now without the use of his hands to bury his shame.

Stepping forward, you laid the prototype's head against your chest, arms draped around him for the sake of comforting. "It's all right, sweetheart. Let it out," you murmured, one hand in his black hair, running gentle nails along his scalp.

Arms wrapping around you, the RK900 let go, crying terribly hard against you. Clinging to your form, the android was finally letting his barriers crumble, so his dom protocols could be set aside in favor of the true man burdened with them. "I... am s-so... s-sorry...." he choked, words broken amidst his sobbing. "Please don't kick me out......."

Lifting your head to find your partner sitting beside his successor, you rubbed the taller prototype's back with the hand not entangled in his hair. "... it's nice to finally meet the real RK900," you replied gently. "... Connell, it's okay. I'm sorry for snapping at you. And... for pointing my gun at you. Mostly the gun thing." The crying didn't taper off. It didn't even slow; it seemed to get worse instead.

He's honestly terrified of being thrown out.

...... damn it. If that shit can't be turned off at all, it's no fucking wonder he has a hard time. He's stuck expecting things to go a certain way.

Meeting Connor's gaze, he nodded to you before your head lowered, face burying in his successor's soft hair. "...... Cloud, sweetie, it's all right. I... I'm sorry. I won't kick you out for things you literally have no control over. So instead... I'll make a bet with you."

Succeeding in catching his attention, his crying fell quiet, head lifting and settling his chin on your chest to gaze up with ocean eyes. "...... I... enjoy that name..."

"--what? You like being called sweetheart?"

"....... yes..." There was no way to avoid seeing that violet flush in his cheeks, however faint it was. "... thank you for... letting me cry. As ashamed as I am. Now... what bet are you making with me?"

Brushing the lock of hair that had fallen from his careful style, you ended up smiling at noticing how incredibly at peace he seemed. "We'll keep the Monday morning deadline. So you have the weekend to... How do I put this... Entice me enough to consider this contract thing." Pausing, your weight shifted. "If Monday comes and I'm not convinced, then you lose. I don't know what punishment you'll get, but I have time."

"... and if I convince you...?"

"Then you best have a contract for us to look at when we return from work."

His indicator stayed yellow for a long few seconds. "... what are the guidelines for my efforts to entice you? What is and is not allowed? Guidelines are important."

Good point. But the RK800 answered before you could even open your mouth: "The main rule is, of course, consent. But as long as she gives consent, do what you feel is enough to gain her interest."

"Think of it this way," you added, "pretend I paid for an appointment. How do you handle a client who is new for you?"

For whatever reason, the android did not pull away; rather he turned his head, resting it against you as he answered in a soft murmur. "We sit down and talk, determine what they seek and in turn, what I can provide to give the experience they desire. A verbal, short-term contract of sorts." Unseen, his eyebrows came together in the middle. "What changed your mind...?"

"Honestly? Two things. One, you were entirely right about Connor." The prototype in question ignored his warming cheeks, his smile strained. "And two... seeing you cry." Something, some hidden line of code, made your admittance hit the RK900 just enough for his entire body to endure a numbing shock from his wiring. "... machines don't cry, sweetheart. I'm sorry for doubting you. If you've been cooped up in the Eden Club for two years, there's no way it wouldn't have affected you. So I'm sorry." Cloud mumbled something too quietly for anyone to understand. "... can you repeat that, please?"

"I said, you wonderful, radiant woman," the android clinging to you repeated, grateful to be turned away from the RK800 so his burning face wasn't noticed. "As impatient as you often are, your heart outshines all else." The arms around you tightened by a hair. "... it would be my greatest honor to claim you, train you, and call you my own." The skies were clear, the bold blue gazing up at you with a crooked smile. "With your consent, of course."

It was too difficult to explain why his calmed, gentle expression combined with his words quickened your pulse. Yet aside from his yearning to dominate, beneath the repurposed code lay a deeper, far more dangerous emotion beginning to grow. As much as Connell wanted to cultivate his sunflower, he was ignorant to the possibility that she was causing his own growth, somewhere in the middle of his chest.


(So this is a strange question. I've got a few ideas already, and since this is a BDSM fic, things will get intense.

But I want to know if there's anything you want to see, or something you'd like me to avoid? There are some of the more gross things I won't write, of course, but...

I've done pet play in Surrender, and now our cinnamon roll is going to experience it. Yes, he is being collared. No, no one can stop me. Is there something else you guys want me to try?

Just let me know in the comments, or send me a DM if you're embarrassed about it, that's fine too. ♡♡♡)

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now