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As absolutely distracted as you were, time didn't pass nearly as quickly as you'd have guessed. It was just about seven in the evening by the time Connell offered his arm to you, walking out of the lounge with a vague smile on his face. "What now, sunflower? Shall we venture elsewhere, keep me in your wonderful company for a little while longer? Or should we return home and ensure the puppy hasn't destroyed anything?" He wasn't even trying to hide his grin; your glare only brought on his laughter. "I'm kidding, please don't look at me like that. I told you I bear no ill will towards your partner, but he is far too easy to get wound up."

"Probably because you know how to wind him up," you muttered back, the annoyance dying on your tongue. "... walk with me for awhile, Cloud. I have some questions for you, and Connor is fine by himself for now."

Barely able to suppress his glee, the RK900 patted the hand clutching his arm, turning and walking down the sidewalk with you. The night was still relatively warm but there was the threat of the winter's chill on the horizon; autumn had a firm hold on Detroit. "... I am not accustomed to being in the company of the same person for this long, and I believe it is helping to settle me. So thank you."

"Yeah, well, just remember that I won't take all your bullshit the whole time, hotshot." Stared at, you wiggled your eyebrows. "What? You're learning to settle, and I'm learning my limits with your dom crap."

Connell's features softened; in the streetlights, he seemed almost ethereal. "Are you trying to hint that you aren't curious, then?"

"I'm saying the same thing I did before: don't come on so strong. You can't waltz into my house, that I paid for, and assume that you're gonna have me under your damn foot."

The prototype's response was not what you'd expected: "I can indeed waltz, sunflower." All in one beautiful gesture, the hand on his arm was clasped to spin you around right then and there, his free hand taking your hip. Dancing to no music but the busy nightlife of the city, the RK900 ensured that the two of you essentially blocked the width of the impromptu dance floor.

You hardly managed a squeal, breath stolen as you were led in his waltz. The height difference never seemed so pronounced until that moment, when you had to tip your head back to meet his eye. But that crystal gaze glittered in the lamplight, betraying the fact that he was enjoying himself far more than appropriate.

..... shit. He's so goddamn attractive. But...

The silent waltz slowed to a stop minutes later, when the android's hands cupped your face, keeping it tilted to meet your stare. Yet... he hesitated. "... well, I did say I could waltz, and much to my delight, you are swift on your feet."

[Why can I not close the gap?]

You'd had to close your eyes against his staredown, hoping that the prototype could not visually see your cheeks being lit on fire. "... so... for curiosity's sake... which algorithm in your dom programming taught you to dance?"

"None. I wanted to learn purely for the sake of dancing with you."

When you gently pulled back, out of the prototype's hands, his regulator pumped painfully hard, all of his hardware seeming to slow down in his inexplicable disappointment. The corners of your mouth curved up, but only just. "Right. Well, we should head back."

Lagging terribly, the RK900 had to override his commands just to follow you as you headed back towards where you'd parked. "... have I upset you?" When he received no answer, Connell's indicator flashed red.

[What mistake have I made to earn this sudden cold treatment?

... and why does it bother me? It shouldn't. This has nothing to do with fulfilling my purpose, yet... my desired sub is upset and I cannot decipher why.]

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now