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Waking up in the morning with the sun beaming through your window and hideously obscene thoughts filling your mind was a terribly conflicting feeling. It was a gorgeous autumn morning, the whole weekend was free for you, and all you could think about was what kind of safeword the RK900 had, amongst other, more perverse, things. Wandering sleepily into the kitchen, you had every intention of starting the coffee machine before you showered.

The sight of Cloud entirely unbuttoned with a crooked smile, himself, did not help the perverse thought process.

What the fuck is happening to me this morning? It's gotta be that damned book...

"Good morning sunflower, am I correct in assuming you wanted to start your coffee?" Taking a step aside, the RK900 showed that it was already being brewed. "I have programmed it to start the moment your bedroom door opens in the morning. If you like, I can set it to a preferred time instead. Especially during the workweek."

The absolute last thing Connell expected was for you to approach, close enough to wrap your arms around his exposed torso and soaking in the android's warmth without saying a word.

"You are quite affectionate this morning, sunflower," he cooed, happy to return the surprise embrace. "... this does feel wonderful. Thank you."

Slightly muffled against his skin, you mumbled, "Your hugs are nice..."

"Now, now," the prototype purred back, voice dropping an octave or five, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. "Surely a woman of your caliber has a more extensive vocabulary than that. I do love an intelligent lady; and you, Sergeant, certainly rank high on that list. Now try again, please."

No longer able to feel your legs, you were grateful for his hold before your knees gave out beneath you. The first sound you managed to make was an unstable whimper- something you never would have made under any other circumstance.

It's that fucking book, I can't stop thinking about it. God save me.

"... a-ah..." You tried one final time: "... I enjoy your arms around me, and... your warmth makes me feel secure," came the quiet attempt, your voice laced with a weakening feeling that had already claimed your legs.

A hand laid at the back of your head, encouraging you to relax against this android... who decided that that moment was vital to growl into your ear and through your core: "That's my good girl, much better."

Jesus, the goosebumps. But it didn't seem like the tall prototype was letting you go anytime soon, so you opted to settle further against him. The only sound in the kitchen was the quiet gurgling of your coffee machine, the scent of that liquid gold wafting through the house.

"... there is something prickling the back of your mind," Connell purred, more gentle and less sultry. "I noticed that you've taken my book into your room. How far into it have you gotten?" A minute or so passed with no response from you, so the android shifted, lips at your ear again. "When I ask you a question, the polite thing to do is to answer," he added, a hardened note in the final word. The hand at the back of your head moved a fraction, ready to grip your hair. "Now I ask again, sunflower: how far into it have you gotten?"

Completely sure he could feel your pulse racing, you exhaled with unexpected shakiness. "More than a quarter through it so far," came your response, hardly above a whisper. The hand in your hair immediately loosened again; as a dom, his response time was impeccable. Still dipping your toe into the water, so to speak, you added, "I'm sorry, sir."

A low chuckle from his chest preceeded Cloud nuzzling his face into your neck. "As delightful as it is to hear you call me sir, you have not made a decision to be my sub. So do not fret over being proper just yet. Enjoy the freedom."

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now