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"Wait," Connell urged, taking your wrist before you could even think to step away. "Please. I am aware that he is your partner, and the two of you will be spending plenty of time together. But..." His grip around your wrist tightened by a fraction. "... may I request your company for the evening?" When you expectedly didn't respond at first, a tiny smile appeared. Almost... shyly. "It won't be romantic if that is your main concern. I only ask to spend time with the one who saved me."

It was like being thrown in the completely opposite direction. You'd stormed in, prepared to chew the RK900 out... only for him to not only quell your fury but ask to accompany him out of the house. "..... Connell, I..."

Those damn eyes see through everything. He looks so... hopeful.

"... yeah, all right. Let me, uh, change out of my work clothes first."

The android's smile widened, doing wonders for making him feel more human. "Splendid. I will do my homework and locate places that cater to both of us, but especially for you, seeing as how you will need sustenance." When you turned to head back inside, Cloud caught your hand and spun you back around in one fluid motion. Your heart jumped right into your throat, face warming up nicely. "Forgive me, it... seems I keep doing this. B--... But..." Oddly enough, he couldn't finish his sentence. Only when the violet flush rose on his cheeks did he let your wrist go, frowning and turning away from you to avoid looking foolish yet again.

[I am not a man to be at a loss for words. So then why did my voice module fail me when she gazed up at me so?]

After several long minutes of glaring at nothing in particular, Connell finally ventured back inside the house. Out of habit- or programming- he paused in front of the decorative mirror, ensuring nothing was out of place. He was as flawless as always, but proceeded to bump right into his predecessor when he tried to continue down the hall. "--Connor. You seem perturbed. Is this about the diner?"

"What occurred in the diner is none of your concern," the RK800 replied in a hushed tone. Dark eyes narrowed against the blush beginning to form once more across his face. "What are your intentions with her?"

Oh, boy. Eyebrows high, Cloud's head tilted by a few degrees, hands linked behind him. "Connor. Surely you trust me to mind your partner in public. Or do you not trust her?"

"I do not trust you alone with her."

"Tsk tsk... so protective already. I thought you and I were on the same page," the taller android simpered, his features carefully situated in gentle disappointment. "I told you, I am already diligently guiding her down this path. I have not forgotten about you. She favors you already, but if I am to be her dom, does that not entitle me to spend some quality time with the flower I am cultivating?" Connell leaned forward, getting in his predecessor's face with a terrible expression. "Without her mutt sniffing around?"

The RK800 did not take the bait, mouth thin. "Taunting me will only get you so far. You've already gotten one foot out the door, so to speak, so I imagine one more transgression will have you removed entirely." The darkness in his successor's face was matched. "And you will remain useless, should you take it too far. Lay a finger on her tonight and I will personally ensure you never serve your purpose. Not under her roof."

"Are you challenging me?"

"I am promising you. Do anything remotely intimate or romantic in my absence tonight, before I myself have gotten a chance to, and I will obliterate whatever meager efforts you've put in."

The grin was slow but no less cruel. "But what if she makes the first move? Mm? What of that?"

"She won't." LED flashing a bright red, Connor's upper lip twitched, curling back a touch. "Understand that you have gotten under our skin and wheedled your way here. If I discover you've tricked your way into kissing her--"

Throwing his head back, Cloud cackled loudly; the sound was horribly demeaning. "Oh, you poor, innocent little pup, jealousy doesn't become you. You think I want to steal her from you? Don't play dumb. Keep trying to intimidate me; I do need a good laugh."

"So are you two gonna kiss or what?" Both prototypes fell silent, finding you in the hallway with your hands on your hips and a wicked smirk on your lips. "My God, I leave for five minutes and you two are just staring at each other and muttering." There was a lot of grumbling and blushing on the males' part, and you snorted. "Oh boy, this is better than I thought. Connell, you sure you wanna spend time with me and not my handsome partner instead?"

"Why would I choose anyone else over you, sunflower? Mm? Nevermind the fact that I have no interest in my predecessor romantically, but I cannot compare any other being to the blossom on my arm," the RK900 replied smoothly. A hand reached out for you to take, with his lopsided smile. "You look exquisite. And do not tell me anything resembling a protest, I will continue to compliment you until all you can do is blush."

"All I did was change my clothes..." you mumbled, succumbing to the blush.

"Sergeant, before you leave," your partner cut in, a bit too loudly, "is there anything you need me to do in your absence? I am unsure if Julius needs to be fed, or if there are any tasks you'd like to have done..." Connor had stepped forward, directly in between you and the taller android.


[So are your chances.]

"Ah, well.... I keep my baby on a strict feeding schedule, hon. And I would never ask you to feed him, either," you added, patting his chest a bit. "Feeding a snake isn't for the faint of heart, mechanical or otherwise."

"I do not mind, but if you insist, I will leave that task to you for the time being. Though I encourage you to share that feeding schedule with me," the RK800 murmured, covering the hand on his chest with one of his own before he stepped close. "Now, if it is not too forward of me... may I?"

For reasons you couldn't place, your pulse sped up, and you were damn sure the android could feel it just with your hand being covered. Everything around you faded to nothing; all you could focus on was the dark eyes seeking your consent for a hidden purpose. "... what exactly are you asking from me?"

"Well..." Connor trailed, chuckling in that rich tone that lingered in your spine, "... I'm afraid that with all of your flirting and compliments, I have not returned the favor sufficiently." Taking your chin, your head was tipped up, meeting his gaze. "So I ask again... may I?"

Where the hell is this coming from...? That goddamn book?

When you could only manage a nod, and hardly that, the rush of warmth in your face doubled as your adorable partner pressed a kiss to your cheek. But he stayed there, pulling away reluctantly, just enough to speak. "This is hardly the time nor the place to be stealing my first kiss, and I am being selfish in making your new houseguest wait." Letting go of your chin in favor of cupping the side of your neck, the prototype chuckled again. "Go. Enjoy your evening, get to know my successor. When you return, with your permission, I would like to... sit down with you. Talk about what you might find to be an equal offering to your... compliments."

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now