Eighteen [ L ]

510 24 10

(Every glass of lemonade will be indicated in the chapter number. ♡♡♡)

I am going to rip this fucking oversized espresso machine apart.

Frustrated and seething while the prototype started running the shower, his azure gaze filled with amusement at your current state. "So impatient. Seems my work is cut out for me, isn't it?"

"You're a fucking tease."

"No," Connell corrected, a finger against your lips, "I am a dom. And it is my directive to train the impatience out of you. Be a good girl, and I'll have you screaming throughout your training."

"You're all talk." That got the android to pause, blinking at you. So you brushed his hand away and continued. "You're supposed to have this weekend to show off. Doms talk enough, sure, but that's all you've done, hotshot. Complaining about not getting my attention, but you won't stop flapping your goddamn jaw to even kiss me."

"...... I see." Unblinking, the RK900 took a step back, hands lowered and prepared to strip the rest of the way down... until his expression darkened. "On a scale of one to ten, sunflower, how rough do you want me?"

"If you eventually do something, eight. Don't bruise me where my superiors would see."

"But you trust me to handle you like I will break you?"

There went the thin string of patience. "I'M GIVING CONSENT TO FUCK ME UP, OKAY?"

When your patience snapped, your words did the same. Cloud's attitude snapped in a similar manner, when a hand shot out and took a fistful of your hair, bringing your face close to his own. "Do you have a death wish?"

The sneer on your face was marvelous. "You gonna kill me?"

"The French call it la petit mort." Just as you'd asked, the prototype had his consent to be rough, and happily slid his tongue past your lips. The hand not clutching your hair pried your jaw open, and Connell growled from his open mouth while his violating tongue circled your own. You knew what he wanted, and so you kept your jaw wide open, presenting your tongue for him to suck at before his lips met yours.

The tall android had no intention in letting you do anything, taking what he wanted and showing his greed in his kisses. Half a minute passed and you'd begun to whimper, finally succumbing to his overpowering aura. The fire that had been burning low suddenly flared, core throbbing gently each time his groans reached your ears.

As a dom, he took pleasure in partners willing to ask him to overpower them. But you'd demanded it. The RK900 was already- privately- smitten with you, so feeling you submit under his touch with his rougher handling only added fuel to his own fire.

With a teasing nibble at your bottom lip as he broke the kiss, he caught your drunken expression: half-lidded hazy eyes, lips still parted just enough to entice him, and that gorgeous flush of color in your skin. Nothing was said, but the prototype stripped the rest of the way down, eyebrow raised high until you followed suit.

[Obeying a command without it being spoken. She is... delightfully submissive.]

"As I promised," he purred, hand held out until you accepted the offer, guiding you into the shower with him. "I was only a bit harsh because you consented. I will not leave visible bruises." Standing back to let you get acclimated beneath the hot water, Cloud watched, blatantly staring. "... You are by far the most sublime being to grace my life, sunflower."

Freezing for a split second, you could feel all the excitement from earlier melting and running down the shower drain, but his compliment struck far deeper. "Says the prototype built like a fucking Greek god." Tearing your gaze away, you grabbed the shampoo, but another hand covered your own.

Patience (RK900 x Reader x RK800) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now