𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗼

890 20 6

3:01 PM


I am currently on my way to Scarlett's house. She informed me that her husband is not home, so it will be fine if we stayed late IF we wanted too. I already know Hope does, but me?
I'm not too sure..

I'm already frightened to even go to her house. I must act as normal as I can around her. I can't let Scarlett Johansson know I have a huge crush on her!!

"Hey Hope. We're here!" I park and wake the sleeping girl up. She yawns, and I get her out of the car.

I walk to the front door, and ring the doorbell.
"Now, Hope. We need to be nice and respectful in here okay? Inside voices and we must clean up after ourselves, got it?" I ask and she nods.
Then the door opens.


"Hey..." I sigh and walk into the house after the two little girls. Scarlett pulls me into a hug and I can feel the feelings starting to hit.

Act normal. It's fine. Everything's fine.
Rose and Hope already ran up to Roses' room, so now it's just me and Scarlett.

"Make yourself at home, Mad. I just need to go clean up real fast and I'll be back." Scarlett says and I can't help but blush at the nickname.

She runs upstairs, and I let out a huge sigh. I feel like i've been holding onto 100 pounds of weight and I just put it down. I wonder what she has to clean up?


So. I might have done something. And I need to wash my sheets. No! It's not what you think! Well, maybe it is. The backstory is, while I was waiting for Madison and Hope to show up, I.. uhm.. I'm sure you can assume.

The moment at the school left me flustered and rowdy. I had to come home and solve it. Dont worry, Rose was in her room and I wasn't loud. But now I need to wash my sheets.

I untuck the sides, and take off the first sheet. Then, I take off the pillowcases because I might as well wash it with everything else. Then, I take the last sheet and roll everything into a ball. As I was about to take them to the washer, my door opens.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" Madison says and closes the door quickly. What is she doing?

"Oh, it's fine. Nothing much." I say and she opens the door again. I try to hide the sheets, but they are all not rolled up.

"I- I was just looking for the bathroom.." She says and I sigh. Oh.

"Oh, well it's the first door on your right when you walk out." I say and she smiles.

"Do you need any help.. with that?" She points to the sheets behind me and I nervously laugh.

"Oh, uhm. No, it's fine. Thank you though." I say but she doesn't budge.

"It's really no problem, let me take them." She tries to grab them but I can't let her touch them!!

"NO!" I scream at her. Her face goes from a smile, to a scared expression. Shit.

"I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream, I just-" I try to say but I see tears forming in her eyes and she runs out of my room.

I don't know where she went. Hell, she doesn't even know where she went. Fuck, I didn't mean to scream. It was for her own good.

"Madison!" I called after her and left the sheets in my room. I need to find her.

Wait, the bathroom!
I knock and the door and wait for a response. I hear small whimpers and I know it's her.

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