𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅

395 14 22

6:44 PM


It has been a while since Madison left, and all I can really think about is what happened before Colin walked in. I also can't stop thinking about what would have happened if Colin didn't walk in. I also can't stop thinking about how I could let that happen.

We almost kissed. Like, seriously. We almost kissed. I mean, I have a husband! What was I actually thinking? And no, I don't like her. Like that. I mean, at all. Gosh, I'm straight for God's sake! Ugh, I hate that this is bugging me this much.

"So, new friend huh?" Colin asks me, walking down the stairs, and sitting next to me on the couch.

Meanwhile, I am deep in my thoughts. Thinking about the one person I never thought would be on my mind. I hear a faint, 'Scar'

"Uh, what? Sorry, what? Huh?" I ask him. I wasn't paying attention, but he couldn't know why.

"I said you have a new friend." He states. Colin is a fragile person, and he takes his manhood very.... seriously.

"Oh uhm, yeah. Madison, yes. She's Rose's best friends sister, so they hang out a lot." Which he would know that if he was around more.

I love Colin, I do. It's just sometimes he's a bit.. distant.

"I don't like her." He firmly states, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

I literally stopped breathing.

I followed him into the kitchen, like a puppy who just got it's favorite bone taken away.

"What? What do you mean you don't like her? You never even met her." I said.

"I don't know.. it just seems like she's only around you for your fame." Colin says. What? What is he talking about?

"Colin, you don't know the first thing about her. She's a good friend and a good person, the last thing she wants is the fame and money." I say defending her.

"Fine. Then if that's not what she's here for, she probably likes you. You don't need that lesbianism in your life, considering all of the lesbian rumors you've gotten. It will ruin our perfect little life you and I have created." Colin says and sits back on the couch.

"What? Colin, do you hear yourself right now? I understand you're just trying to protect your manhood, but if you're feeling insecure then I suggest you feel it somewhere else and don't try and blame Madison. We're very good friends, whether we want to be or not, because if you were around more, her sister is our daughters best friend. But you wouldn't know that because you and I didn't create this perfect little life, I did and I just let you in it." I yell and storm upstairs to my room. I shut the door and slump on my bed.

I can't fucking believe this man.


After driving for thirty minutes, I finally get home and throw myself on the couch.

"Ughhhhhhhh. Hmmmmph. Mmmmmmmmmmm." I groan, lying on my front, face first into the couch.

I feel my phone ring in my pocket. It better not be fucking Scarlett. I take it out and check who it is. Willow.

"Yes?" I answer the phone. I always answer the phone like this, no matter who you are.

"Madison! How lovely to hear your voice!" Willow says in her exciting, hot, british accent.

"Aw, thanks Willow! It's great to hear yours too, you know how I love it!" I say and immediately jump up off the couch.

Crazy how one person can make your whole mood change.

"So, you remember when I said I was going for dinner with some of my girlfriends and one of them was going to be Florence Pugh?" Willow asks me. Willow has been friends with three other people in the UK, because that's where she lives now.

"Yes! I do remember! You told me all about your friends, Aretsia, Nasorie, and Florence." I say, trying to remember them all.

Willow and I are childhood best friends for 20 years now. Willow was born in the UK, traveled to the US when she was 5, lived in New York, until she was old enough to go back to the UK and has been living there now ever since.

"Yeah, so, they would all like to say hi!" Willow says. I get a facetime call and I immediately answer.

I see them all in the frame, smiling and waving.
"Hi everyone!!" I say with a smile. A few seconds later, the phone gets put down, and then brought back up.

"WHAT?!?" I shout and exclaim.

"Tickets? Are you coming to New York, Willow??" I shout and ask her. She nods her head.

"We're all coming! We figured to take a trip where we could come visit you and New York!" Willow says.

"When are you guys coming? Soon? Oh gosh, please save me. I need saving." I say in a relief.

"Our plane leaves in a couple days. It was last second, but we're finally all free so we took advantage." She smiles.

"Oh, thank gosh. Let me know when you fly in, I'll get you from the airport!" I say. Willow agrees and texts me with the landing info.

Willow left to use the bathroom, she said she'll be right back cause she doesn't want to leave me with, and I quote, 'the stripper, the hippie, and the tzatziki fein'. I just laughed.

"Alright love, we're going to head on out. Currently we're all trying to pack in an un orderly manner." One of the friends say, which is Florence Pugh. I love her.

I don't just love her because of her movies, they are great don't get me wrong. But she is just an amazing, funny, little human being, and just a ball of sunshine. And I've never even met her!

"Okay, tzatziki fein, I'll see you all in a couple days! Bye!" I hang up the phone.

Gosh, it's going to be great to have Willow here with me again. I haven't seen her in three years. With her in New York, we're unstoppable. We're the most beautiful, stargazing, jaw dropping, mesmerizing, women in New York. No doubt about it.

At this point, it's 7:30 PM and I am completely tired. Yes, it's a Friday night, and I should be going out, however, I am making an adult choice, and choosing not to. I get up and walk into my bathroom.

Just as I was about to get into the shower, I receive another call from a random number. Wait, this might be the contractor. I answer and put it on speaker.

"Yes?" I answer. It might not be professional, but I don't care.

"Hi, is this Madison Carter?" The guy asks me.

"Yes, it is."

"I'd like to inform you about the apartment you put an offer on." He says and my face lights up.

I just listen as he goes on and on about the apartment. About two weeks ago, I put in an offer on an Apartment I really really loved. It was time to move out of my mothers house, especially since I've got the money now.

Guess what.

I immediately turn on the shower, all the way and quickly jump in. I am so excited that I literally forgot to take off my clothes, and I turned the water all the way hot.

"Shit!!" I say and jump out, soaking wet. I look at myself in the mirror and just die of laughter.

By myself, on the bathroom floor, fully clothed, soaking wet, water running, with a third degree burn.

Gosh, I love my life.


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