𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

419 15 10

1:34 PM


"AHHH! They're chasing me!!!!" Florence yells and I look behind her and see a bunch of people with big bulky cameras.

Scarlett and I turn to each other and just start laughing. She gets up, takes my hand, and we start running with Florence. We eventually meet up with the other girls and we run all the way to the Museum.

"Oh gosh! Are they gone?" Florence asks, trying to catch her breath.

"I think so. We ran about 16 blocks away!" I say and we all laugh.

"Come on, I think there's water by the ticket line." Scarlett says and we follow her lead. She was in fact right. We all chug the water, and by our tickets to the Museum.

"Okay everyone. Before we go in, I have one thing to say. Nobody ruin this for me. This place is my favorite place to ever be. I want my casket buried in here. Understood?" I ask them and they all nod and smile.

Scarlett and I walk them over to the first exhibit, the dinosaurs!!

"OMG!! Look at them! Look how cool that is..." I say and just admire everything.

"Remind me again how old you are?" Willow says and I roll my eyes.

We go to the next dinosaur. It's so cool. I've always wondered how they build the dinosaurs like that. Like legos?

"How do they put the pieces together and know where they go?" I casually ask the worker. I hear some of the girls laugh behind me.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I don't know either. I think it's pretty much common sense, scientists like paleontologists do it. It's basically like a little kid building a lego. They know where it goes and if it fits there then it's right." The worker tells me. I thank him and walk back over to the girls.

"Get your info?" Scarlett asks me and I nod.

"Yep. You can pretty much call me a paleontologist." I say and she laughs. It's always a blessing to hear her laugh.

I stay looking at the smaller fossils a little longer than the others. They walk behind me, and I feel a hand on my shoulder along with 'Nerd.' I knew it was Willow so I put my hand in the back of me and hit her ass. I hear a small gasp and I knew my mission was successful. She always did it to me when she was annoyed with me. So I did it back to her.

Except it wasn't Willows ass I hit. I turn around and see that Scarlett was also passing by. Oh my FUCKING GOSH. HOLY SHIT. JUST AS I THOUGHT TODAY WAS GETTING BETTER!

"Oh my.. I'm sorry Scarlett! I thought you were Willow! I didn't know that you were walking behind me!" I quickly apologize and she just looks at me with a smile.


If I'm being any type of honest, it was a surprise that Madison did that, but it wasn't a surprise that I kind of liked it and would let her do it again. I know what I said before, but I can enjoy that from a hooker I met at a club too. Not just her.


I hear her apology and just smile. What I really wanted to say was, "It's quite alright. I really wouldn't mind if you did it again.."

What I actually said was, "It's okay, hon. Don't sweat it." With a big smile so she knew I was genuine. Although that smile was genuine, I couldn't hide it.

We walked the rest of the way through the entire museum, and it took up pretty much the whole day. It was now 8 pm. We decided not to get dinner together, because we would all end up drinking wine and getting drunk. Crazy.
Anyway, I called my driver because I don't drive with the crazy paps.

"Bye, Florence! It was nice seeing you today. When do you leave?" I hug and ask her. Another adventure is probably going to be set up.

"We leave in three days. Are you free anytime?" Florence asks me and I check my calendar really fast.

"I think I'm free tomorrow at 7 pm. Would you like to get dinner?" I ask her. Tomorrow is the only other day that I am free.

"Of course. Just the two of us would sound lovely." She says and I agree. Though, It'd be nice if Madison could accompany us.

I pull in Willow for a hug, which she happily accepts. Before I let go, she whispers something in my ear, "Just know, whatever you do, I'll know." Uh.. Uhm.. Okay. I swallow really hard and pull away.

I hug Nas and Aretsia, which they also happily accept. Then I see Madison. Off to the side, yelling on the phone. Oh, geez. Two seconds later, she's off the phone and quietly crying. AWW MY BABY! I quickly walk over to her, but unfortunately, I was too late. Willow quickly swooped in and hugged her, giving me the death stare. Hm.

A couple minutes later, Madison comes over to me.

"I'll probably see you in like the next day or two or just whenever, so have a great night. See you soon!" She says with a big smile, faking it. It's amazing and almost creepy how fast she can fake her face and tone.

I pull her in for a hug. A nice, long, and warm one. I make sure she feels safe, she needs it.

"Thank you.." She says and pulls away wiping away a tear.

"You don't need to thank me. You can show up at my door when I'm at the most busiest time of my life, bawling your eyes out and I'd let you in and run you a warm bath. Please don't be afraid to come to me.." I tell her and she nods.

I want her to know that she can.

I want her to know that I'll be for her, always.

I want her to know that she can come to me whenever, wherever, however, and whyever.

I want her to come to me.


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