𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

579 20 4

8:34 AM


Today is Friday! Yay! I really love the weekends. I might ask Madison to spend the day together, just me and her. I don't know, would it be weird? It'd definitely be weird. Right?

"Rosie come on, you need to get on line to go into school." I say but she isn't budging.

"Not until I see Hope there." Rose says. I sigh, knowing this would be super hard. Is Hope even coming to school today?

"Look Rose, she's already in line." I say and point to Hope. Rose then goes running over to her.

It was a fight to search for Hope, so where is Madison? Did she leave already? No, she usually waits until Hopes class goes in. I look around the drop off area and don't see her.

I decide that looking for her was very creepy, and I probably shouldn't. Maybe I'll go get coffee to calm my nerves, yeah. I watch as Roses class goes in and I visit my favorite cafe.

As I'm walking in, I hear a voice which I can immediately recognize. I look over to my right, and see that Madison is here.. with some girl?


I shake it off and go to order. Normally, I'd order and leave, but today I'll be sitting in.

"The usual, please." I say to the worker that has a huge crush on me. He's sweet, but he has to be at least 16 years old.

That's a no-go for me. That reminds me, how old is Madison? She can't be that young right? Maybe like 22 or older. She can't be younger.

I sit at a table that is not far from Madisons table. I then wait for my coffee. I stare at the wall realizing what I am doing right now. What am I doing?

I'm literally a stalker!! What the fuck?
I grab my coffee and I was just about to leave when a girl comes up to me, asking for a picture. I turn around and see that it is the girl who was here with Madison.

Before I say anything, I look over at Madison and see that her head is in her hand and she's sighing. Huh.

"Uhm.." I clear my throat and bring my attention back to the girl. "Sure.." We take a quick picture and I decide to say hi to Madison.


Don't come over here.
Don't come over here.

"Hi!" She says.

I turn my head with a smile. "Hi, Scarlett."

I see that Clara is completely fangirling over Scarlett right now, and I think flabbergasted that I know Scarlett.

"YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER??" Clara yells and I immediately regret coming here.
Clara was just not the girl for me, right off the bat.

"Uh, yes we do." I say with a small smile.

"Very well. We know each other very well." Scarlett says and winks at me. Uhm. WHAT?
I think I have a sense of what she really means by that deep down.

"Oh. my. gosh. This is gold." Clara says.

"Mhm, very golden. As a matter of fact, Madison and I hangout a lot. We text and call all the time.." Scarlett says and flashes a toothy smile over to Clara who is now probably taking a hint. A wrong hint.

"Oh.. so.. you guys are like.." Clara says trying to pick up what Scarletts putting down.

I see Scarlett nod as she takes my hand in hers. What. The. Flip. Is going on here. I add a small smile to show that it is true, whatever this is. I don't really like Clara. I guess this could scare her off.

"Oh, I get it. Okay, I'll go. It was nice meeting you!" Clara says and leaves. I feel bad now.

I didn't know Scarlett could get like this when she's jealous but.. It's kind of.. hot?

I glare at Scarlett with a death stare and she stares at me cluelessly. "We need to talk."

Scarlett drove us back to her place, because we do desperately need to talk. She said her husband won't be home until later, So I'll be fine. We get to her house and settle in the living room before saying anything.

"What was that?" I ask her.

"What? I saw a friend and I wanted to say hi." Scarlett innocently says. Does she think this is a joke?

"Scarlett." I say firmly.

"Yes?" She replies instantly. Gosh, she's so fucking pretty. She's literally a goddess.

It's hard for me to even fake being mad at her.
How could I ever?

"You scared her off! Poor girl.." I say with a worried tone.

"It's fine, I could tell you weren't really into her anyways." Scarlett says and adjusts her position on the couch.

"But still. Scarlett, I get we are friends or whatever, but please don't try to but in to my love life. I don't with yours, so don't interfere with mine." I say. I feel like I insulted her in her own home, because I literally just did. I sigh.

I watch as she gets up from the couch, walking over to the kitchen. "Scar.." I say and follow her. She stands by the refrigerator, looking in it. I guess for food.

"Scarlett, I'm sorr-"

"Shut up." She says and closed the refrigerator and turns around. She pulls us closer, her hands on my waist.

I'm not sure where this is going now, but if I had to guess, she wants to kiss me.

Our faces are inches apart, I could feel her breath on mine. Seeing her features up close like this is beyond heaven. As if it's even possible, we get closer, still without our lips touching. Just as we were about to kiss, the door swings open and we immediately jump off of each other.

"Colin! What are you doing home? I thought you'd be home later!" Scarlett says with a wide smile running over to him and kissed him.

Are you fucking kidding me. If we had kissed, and Colin came home three seconds later, she would still kiss him like she didn't just kiss me.

"I got off early, I wasn't expecting guests. I guess we'll just have to wait for later to see the surprise I have for you.." He says and I actually am about to barf. I see Scarlett smiling.

"Sorry, Colin. Madison and I were just having coffee and small talk. Whatever you have, it can wait until later, we're still chatting."Scarlett says. Oh so, almost kissing me is small talk? Mhm.

"No, it's fine. Whatever you have can happen now, I was just leaving." I say obviously mad. I was fucking infuriated. But then again, that's her husband, she's allowed to do that. I have no say. I'm just a girl.

But then again, why would she do that if he had a husband. Ugh! This woman is frustrating.

I see myself out, and I hear Scarlett say my name a couple times, but I just wave her off with a smile, pretending everything is fine.

But, it's not.

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