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Mei Beck, a young beautiful woman with medium length black hair, bright emerald, green eyes, soft light skin, average height at 5'7.

Mei was born in a small village called Orange Town on the East Blue, to a beautiful woman named Kaija Wren, and a man named Toby Beck. Her father, an aspiring pirate who struggled to find a crew, and her mother, who naively followed his every step.

When Mei was six months old, her father Toby convinced Kaija and baby Mei to accompany him as he sailed the ocean in search of his dream to be a true pirate. Hesitant, but refusing to part from her love, Kaija followed happily.

They sailed for another six months, celebrating Mei's first birthday on the sea. Eventually, Toby had found a beautiful island to set foot on, located within the Calm Belt.

Just as Toby and Kaija walked on land to explore, search for a village, Mei wrapped in a makeshift baby carrier on Kaija's back, a group of beautiful women halted them, eyes daggered towards Toby. "This is Amazon Lily. You," A woman with beautiful, long white hair, and a dark blue snake staff in her hands, stood in front of them all, staring down at Toby Beck, "are not welcome. Only the woman and child." Her voice boomed with power and confidence as she stood tall.

Kaija denied this, begging the woman to let him stay until their child was older. The woman shook her head, allowing only mother and child to follow, leaving Toby with their small ship alone for the night.

Kaija and Mei were welcomed with open arms into the village, which was obviously only filled with women and girls. Once they settled and had a meal, the beautiful white haired woman introduced herself, "My name is Gloriosa. I am the ruler of this village. This island."

She introduced her three young, adopted daughters, Marigold, Sandersonia, and finally, Hancock. Hancock Boa was only 10 years old at this time.

Kaija tried once again to convince Empress Gloriosa to let her husband stay, even just for a little bit. She explained her undying love for her husband and father of her child. This seemed to displease Gloriosa, and the other ladies of the island as they listened. "Nonsense. He is not needed. He gave you a child, now he is useless. Let him go, or he will be executed." The Empress boomed with attitude.

Kaija had two choices. Either leave with her husband back on the waters to possibly starve or stay on Amazon Lily and raise Mei this way.

The next day, Kaija spent the day by the sea with her husband and child, still trying to make the right choice. Toby refused to leave them, trying to convince Kaija to just come with him and they will try to get to another island. "My love, please. You cannot stay here without me." Toby pleaded, holding Kaija's hands in his.

Kaija shook her head, "Toby.. Mei and I will not survive any longer on the sea. She's just a baby." Tears started to fall down her cheeks, and she brought her hand up to caress his.

Getting angry, Toby pulled away from her touch. "No. We'll be fine. Let's go." He demanded now, roughly tugging on Kaija's wrist, jolting her body forward and startling a sleeping Mei wrapped on her back. Kaija gasped, and Mei screamed in a startle. "Toby!" She cried, trying to pull his firm grip off her wrist.

Within a swift moment, the women of Amazon Lily surrounded them, weapons drawn towards Toby. Both parents wide eyed, baby girl crying on her mothers back. "Empress Gloriosa. Please." Kaija sobbed, knowing what was possible to happen if Toby did not leave right now.

Toby looked angry, heartbroken to have to be separated from his wife and child. "Fuck off, the lot of you! If you won't take all three of us in, we're leaving to the sea!" He yelled, grabbing Kaija once more, ignoring his upset child.

"Release her at once, or die, you vile man." One of Empress Gloriosa's right hand women spoke firmly, pointing her sharp, stone head spear closer to his body.

Toby scoffed, not taking the woman seriously. "Why would you dare separate a family like this? What is wrong with you people?!" He screamed, just as Empress Gloriosa lost her patience and with a swift twitch of her finger in the sky, Toby Beck was shot in the chest with four arrows. He gasped, releasing Kaija's wrist as he fell immediately. "TOBY!" Kaija screeched in shock, dropping to the ground at his body. She tried to hold her hands up against each arrow punctured wound, blood painting her hands. Kaija looked up at Gloriosa, anger and pain in her eyes. "Why?!" She sobbed.

After this terrible day, Kaija and Mei were taken in by the village. For weeks, Kaija was depressed, distant, sick. She refused to help her child for those weeks, letting Mei be taken care of many different village women, as Kaija got better mentally.

Eventually, she accepted their fate. Kaija learned the ways of the Amazon Lily women and raised her daughter happily.

In secret, Kaija spoke about her love to Mei. She spoke about how the world truly is, and how love can change your whole being if it is the right one. Mei hated having to keep this a secret. She grew up wanting to explore, to see the wonders. To find love. She kept a diary and wrote about her dreams daily.

Hancock, upon finding this diary when Mei was 16, outed Mei to Gloriosa. They were disgusted to read the wishes of Mei wanting to find a man who loves her, to sail the sea, to leave Amazon Lily.

"How dare you. We take you and your mother in. We feed you, clothe you, educate you!" Gloriosa forbade Kaija to speak to Mei, scolding her in her private sanctuary. Hancock was pleased. She never liked Mei, or her mother, since they showed up here. She had a strong hatred for this young girl who did nothing to her, except take up Empress Gloriosa's time. "You know what men want. They don't care about love. They want to stuff their disgusting cocks in any hole you have." Hancock was extremely vulgar, and vicious in her words. Empress Gloriosa did not correct her.

After what seemed like hours of scolding, Mei was over it. She had decided to sneak off. To leave this terrible island. She did not care where she ended up, if she ended up anywhere else.

With just a small boat and stolen foods to help her journey, Mei snuck off that night, and left. Not even a goodbye to her own mother.

After a rough journey, change of boats, help from kind pirates, running from rough pirates, avoiding human traffickers as well, Mei ended up finding her way to the East Blue, near the Goa Kingdom. She found a beautiful rural home on the outskirts of Goa Kingdom, called Foosha Village.

This is where Mei chose to stay put for a bit. Eventually she met Ace D. Portgas, a cocky brat only a year or so younger than her at the time. She eventually made friends with his brother, Sabo. And finally, Luffy D. Monkey.

Nosy as she was, Mei was bothered by their last name differences, eventually Ace had explained one night when they invited Mei to their home for dinner.

Garp D. Monkey, their grandfather, was a strict and rough caretaker to the three boys, but surprisingly put on a façade when Mei was around. He knew she was living on her own, working at the local grocery store to afford a room at the village inn. He did not know her history, but knew she was alone. He refused Ace and Sabo's requests to just take her in, saying "I have to deal with you three doofuses' already, I don't need a fourth!".

Once Sabo and Ace turned seventeen, Mei almost 19, they both made big decisions to leave Foosha Village, and a fourteen-year-old Luffy. They said tearful goodbyes to their close friends, family.

Mei and Luffy became close friends during the three years before he turned seventeen himself. They decided together that she would be his first crewmate, as he had a big dream of becoming King of the Pirates, just like the infamous Roger D. Gol.

His grandfather, Garp, was of course very opposed to this 'dream' that Luffy had. But this did not deter Luffy. It fueled his need to set sail.

Mei and Luffy planned to take separate boats, and find a proper boat for a crew. They were separated suddenly by a vicious storm.

This takes us to now.

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