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After the inevitable fly off to Buggy, his pirate crew didn't bother to stay close as they knew they wouldn't be able to take on Luffy and his friends without him. They retreated to their ship to wait for their captains' arrival to retrieve the rest of his body before they moved on, tails between their legs.

Mei and Boodle showed Luffy, Nami and Zoro where the rest of the villagers were being held and released them from their chains.

While the others were distracted, Mei snuck away to go back to that small room that was hers temporarily. She slipped past the door quietly, as if the clown was there waiting, but he wasn't. Mei let out an anxious exhale as she observed the room to be empty before moving in farther. She looked down at the box of make-up of his and traced a finger over the red lipstick tube.

Mei knew Buggy wouldn't of given up his title in this town so easily, and knew Luffy did what he had to do. But if she left, was she ever going to see the clown again? Obviously to Mei, this was insane to even think or care about. A sane woman would run so fast at this chance, but Mei was stuck on him already. 'How stupid.' She thought to herself. First guy she has actual interest in is a psycho. She felt like an idiot.

Still, she knew he would be coming for his body, and his things before he left. Mei searched the vanity drawers for a piece of paper, and a pen. She sat down on the vanity stool and started to write quickly.

A couple minutes past by, and Luffy popped his head in the door. "There you are!" He smiled bright, stepping into the room. Mei jumped slightly at his sudden appearance and folded up the paper. "Aha, yep. Right here." She smiled back up at Luffy and stood. "The old dude's looking for you. What are you doing in here?" Luffy questioned, his eyes taking a moment to wander around the small room. "Is that the cage he kept you in?" He pointed to the small cage, a concerned look hitting his face. Mei shook her head and started pushing Luffy out of the room with her. "No, no." She lied.

They made their way out of the tent. Mei noticed some of the villagers had brought in the chests and boxes with Buggy's body parts in it, to leave for the clown to easily get out of their town. She told Luffy that she'd be out in a moment, pretending to forget something. He believed her easily, and went to meet up with everyone else.

Letting out a shaky breath, Mei opened the chests, one by one, closing them back up as she looked. Finally, she found his chest. Mei gulped as if this man's body would jump out and attack. It was twitching, which she assumed meant he was slowly making himself back from where he landed. Mei reached out a hand and gently touched his chest. She could feel his heartbeat speed up, assuming he felt the touch. She pulled his shirt back, and traced her name ' M E I ' in hopes that he understood. Then, Mei quickly tucked her note to him under his shirt, closing the box as the old man, Boodle, walked in calling for her. "Mei? Oh, there you are." He smiled. "Luffy said you were looking for something." Mei turned to the man and smiled, walking over to him. "Oh, I thought I forgot something but I... found it!" She held up her wrist to show an extra hair tie. Boodle furrowed his brows slightly but nodded. "I need to speak to you." He gestured for Mei to follow along outside.

Once they were out with everyone else, they sat down for a moment by the docks. Boodle explained to Mei the name of this village, how this was the home her father was born in. The story of how her father met her mom, how adorable Mei was when she was first born. She learned that her father wanted to be a great pirate one day, earning a giant 'Woo!' from Luffy in excitement. They shared some small laughs together, and Mei thanked Boodle greatly for the information of her parents.

Finally, after many thanks from the villagers, they decided to set off to the next island. Mei was happy to be on a boat again, although it wasn't the best. "We need a proper ship, Luffy." Mei mentioned to him as they were on water. Nami was sitting down against a crate, reading a map and periodically peeking up to watch the water and sky, making sure they were headed in the right direction. Zoro was inside the little room, napping.

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