Big Ass Nose

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It was around 3:00am, Mei was sleeping peacefully, cuddling up to a pillow, hidden under the comforter. She felt so comfortable and at peace in this bed, that sleep seemed to come to her a lot faster than she had thought. With all the excitement the last few weeks, being separated from Luffy, having to handle herself alone again for a while, and then having to now deal with her current predicament, Mei was exhausted physically and mentally.

Footsteps stumbled to the door to the room, the door opening, and a drunk body spilled in through the door. Buggy, completely black out drunk from the small bonfire party, pushed himself up to steady his body and made his way to the bed. His body had this routine down pat, unbeknownst to his sober self. Whenever he would get obliterated on booze, Buggy always found his way to this room instead of the captain's quarters on their ship. In all honesty, it was much easier to just stumble in here instead of having to make his way to the boat, with a risk of drowning himself from drunken stupidity.

Placing down a bottle of rum on a shelf, Buggy finally found the bed and sat down. In his drunken stupor, He had forgotten about the woman he let take over his second bedroom. Buggy leaned down sloppily, letting out a heavy sigh as he ripped his boots off his feet and looked up annoyingly at the lamp that was still turned on. He reached up and searched for the string to pull, almost falling off the bed, but quickly sat back up, "Oops..." He grumbled, yawning after and finally finding the light. In the pitch black, Buggy pulled off his bandana and tossed it on the floor, and pulled the hair tie off, letting his messy long hair flow over his shoulders. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing out the flyways, and lay down on the bed.

Mei was still sound asleep, barely stirring at the feel of a heavy body sit down aggressively on the side of the bed, nor when it laid beside her. Instinctively, Mei released the pillow and turned her body around, facing Buggy. He squinted down, noticing movement, and saw a silhouette of Mei's body. Being so piss drunk, Buggy didn't really clue in, and shrugged. He adjusted himself to get comfortable, his long locks sprawled out on the other pillow that was unused. Mei stirred, reaching out looking for the pillow she was cuddling in her sleep, and wrapped her arm against Buggy's waist. She pulled her body closer, resting her head on his chest. Somehow, she did not notice the difference in her sleep. Buggy smiled sheepishly at the body contact; eyes closed. He pulled his arm around Mei's back, hugging her closer as he fell into a deep sleep as well.

7am; Mei inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of sea salt, liquor and firewood. She was warm, hugging her pillow close to her. As she slowly stirred awake, Mei furrowed her brows, eyes still closed as she realized, one; her pillow had a heartbeat. And two; it was...breathing? Mei slowly opened her eyes, pulling her head up to observe her pillow in confusion. Except it wasn't a pillow, it was the damn clown himself, Buggy. Mei's eyes widened, taking in the beautiful sight of Buggy sleeping so peacefully. Her eyes looked down to see his beautiful long hair sprawled. 'Wow... He's... honestly good looking.' A soft smile formed on the corners of her lips as she rubbed her eye of the sleep stuck in it. Suddenly, Mei clued into what this was. She gasped and pushed her body off Buggy, his arm falling off her shoulder and landed beside her thigh as she sat up beside him. "What the fuck..." She muttered. Why the hell was he in here? Did he plan this? Mei was livid. This man told her she could use this bed, and she assumed safely. Now he was trying to get into bed with her. He told her last night that he didn't force people into sexual situations but look at this sick fuck go.

Buggy stirred, sucking in a breath before exhaling deeply, finally waking up. He slowly opened his eyes to see a very angry young woman sitting up beside him, only in one of his t shirts and panties. Buggy furrowed his brows in confusion, and then remembered her face. "Oh, shit. What are you doin' here, toots?" He smiled, propping his body up on one of his elbows and running the other hand through his hair to push it out of his face.

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