Big Ass Mouth

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Mei let out a yelp as each knife flew by and hit the board, instead of her body. She kept her eyes closed, waiting for impact and pain. "Open your fucking eyes!" Buggy yelled at her, waiting impatiently. Mei opened her eyes reluctantly, looking right at Buggy, her tear-stained face looked terrified.

Buggy let out a long exhale. He searched her face with thought. Was this girl worth this anger? He felt it was justified a moment ago, but seeing her bright emerald, green eyes, tears falling from them, staring at him with fear, Buggy wasn't so sure now. His mind wandered to the very early morning, when he sprawled on the bed drunk, and remembering the feeling of her wrapping her arm around him. Buggy blinked, pushing the thought of her beauty away.

He hadn't hit her with any of the first three knives, but that was mainly that he was out of practice. "You keep your eyes open, brat." He snarled and lined up the fourth knife. Mei gulped, staring down the knife. Buggy flicked his wrist, and the knife flew, aimed right to Mei. It thankfully did not hit her, but it was close, right beside her left thigh, stabbing into her baggy pants, but missing skin. Mei let out a breath that she had been holding in but inhaled again because Buggy had one more. This one could be the knife to kill her.

Buggy sighed, rolling his shoulders back, and took stance for the last time. He decided now to not kill her, but hoped this would scare her into obeying for as long as he had her here. Mei being here these two days was the most fun he had in a while. Nobody talked back to him here, and honestly it had gotten kind of boring. No spitfire to challenge him. But his anger was an issue, and he was trying to personally work on it, getting no where in all honesty.

Mei licked her dried lips from gasping earlier, letting out another slow, deep breath. Buggy eyed her up and down, deciding on where to throw last. He finally settled on a location and flicked his wrist without any warning like the others. This time, the knife cut on the side of her left upper arm, just under her shoulder. Mei groaned, in pain as the knife gave a nice, deep cut. Blood started to drip quickly down off her arm and on to the board, her pant leg, and floor. Gasps from the crowd were heard, and they were quickly hushed by crew.

"Maybe this will teach you to keep your big ass mouth shut." Buggy snapped a verbal dig at Mei's choice of words that made him so livid earlier. More tears fell from her eyes as she looked down to the ground, her left arm pulsing in stinging pain where the knife cut. Buggy walked towards Mei, and started pulling out the knives off the board, softly throwing them back to Cabaji, who caught them easily and put them back into his satchel. With the last knife, Buggy placed a hand on her arm, assessing the damage. "You need stitches." He muttered lowly, just so she could hear him. Mei nodded, refusing to look up at him. He looked down at her face, feeling guilt build in his throat. "Take in a deep breath, and exhale when I pull the knife from your arm." Buggy said in her ear. Mei inhaled deeply to the pit of her stomach, readying herself for the sting. Buggy quickly pulled the knife out from the board, it slid against the deep cut as it exited. Mei bit down on her lip, stifling a scream. Buggy dropped the bloodied knife, and took off his glove, now soaked in blood as well. He placed his hand on her cheek, forcing Mei to look up at him, but she still refused to make eye contact. "Breathe out, Mei." He whispered, and Mei released her lip, exhaling. "It hurts." She muttered, and Buggy started to release her wrists and ankles from the straps. He hooked his arms under hers and helped her down. "I told you to watch what you say, kiddo." He sighed, still showing visible anger as show to the crew and crowd. "Let's go." Buggy snarled louder and led Mei back to her makeshift room. He made Marie grab alcohol, a towel, wet cloth and a small sewing kit, with some gauze.

Buggy had made Mei sit down on the bed in the corner, as he grabbed the supplies from Marie and shut the door, locking it. Mei sat on the bed, blood still dripping down her arm. She sniffled, wiping the tears away but not fast enough as new ones continued to fall.

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