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Gaining consciousness, Mei kept her eyes closed and rolled over on to her left side. She had been in such a deep sleep before, forgetting the injury she received, or where she was. For all she thought as she woke from her long nap, Mei was still in Foosha Village.

As soon as Mei's weight pushed down on her wrapped wound, a shockwave of pain erupted through her left arm. Mei's eyes opened suddenly as she groaned in agony, "Oh, fuck." She gasped, sitting up in the dark, carefully caressing her left arm. Once the pain subsided again, Mei slowly looked around the dark room. She wasn't at the inn, in her room, or her bed. Mei was sitting in that tiny room, in a psychotic clown's bed. She let out a disappointed, deep exhale that she unknowingly was holding in.

It seemed that it was late. She slept the day away, in a drunken dream of being safe at home. Mei crawled over to the side of the bed and reached out to turn the lamp on. Light filled the room, and Mei looked down to see a cold plate of cooked fish, which seemed to be salmon, rice and steamed of mixed vegetables. Mei smiled at the sight of food, but she first opted to grab the bottle of water first. Her head had a dull ache and felt drier than the desert. Unscrewing the top, Mei used both hands to hold the water up to her lips, chugging the water as if she hadn't had a sip in weeks.

Putting the bottle back down, Mei gasped for air after that large gulp. She looked down at the plate of food, trying to decide if she should eat. It was cold by now, but Mei hadn't eaten a thing since the night before. She was so used to being with Luffy, who could eat a whole villages worth of food daily. Mei grabbed the plate, and settled back down on to the bed, taking the fork off the side of it and dug in. She started scarfing down the food, pulling the bones out of the fish as she ate. "Mmm." Mei hummed as she consumed the food, mentally complimenting whichever chef cooked it. It wasn't perfect quality, but it was better than nothing at all.

After Mei finished, she stood up off the bed. She looked to the door with a hint of confusion. 'Just how long did I sleep?' She thought, realizing that it was silent outside to the massive tent where the circus performed almost every night.

She placed the plate down on the side table, fork clinking as it hit the plate, and proceeded to walk to the door. Mei opened it and peeked her head out. "Well, I'm not locked in, so maybe he's not that angry anymore..." She mumbled to herself, remembering how scary Buggy had been when he was livid with her hours ago. Honestly, Mei was extremely lucky in that moment. He could have left her wound to get infected and open. He could have shoved her back into that small cage, which she expected it to probably happen again at some point. He could have killed her with no hesitation. She pushed her body out from behind the door, entering the pitch-black stage area. Mei could hear a faint sound of people laughing, some singing sea shanties together by the tent exit. 'Why didn't he kill me...?' Mei realized he had the chance to just get rid of her, but he chose not to. He was so angry when she insulted his nose, she swore she saw steam exiting his ears. Mei quietly walked down to the exit, hesitant to continue for a moment. She technically wasn't part of this pirate crew, not welcome to their parties. But Mei decided to take a chance so she could find Buggy, maybe ask him why he chose to let her live. Why he just left her sleeping there, instead of shoving her violently back into the cage and leaving her starved, bleeding. She also wanted to apologize somehow.

Pushing the tent curtain to the side, Mei slowly walked out, seeing a big fire lit and people of all circus kind sitting, dancing, laughing. Majority of them were drunk off their asses. It was night, and the fire lit up the sky.

Mei made note of a smaller tent off to the side, which must have been where the crowd of people were kept until each show. Unbeknownst to her, behind the massive tent was a once beautiful town, where her parents fell in love, destroyed. Mei had no idea of this and couldn't see it in the location where they were.

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