Drunken Curiosity

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[Warning; 'Light' Lemon/smut]

Both drunken beings were lying down on their backs, facing the ceiling. They had found themselves lost in conversation about everything. How each of them grew up, what they've dealt with, experiences or lack thereof. Laughter was shared, smiles exchanged. Mei exclaimed how amazing she thought it was that Buggy had grown up on the King of the Pirates crew, and he laughed at her for being scolded for wanting to love a man by the Empress of her island. 

"You really haven't done anything sexual?" Buggy pulled his arms up under his head to rest his neck. "You left your village at sixteen, you had what –"He pulled one hand out from under his head to use his fingers to count for a second, "Like, six years to get railed." He put his hand back in spot, looking over to Mei.

Mei rolled her eyes, her hands resting on her stomach. "I told you; I don't want to do things like that without being in love. Its not like people haven't been interested." Mei paused, her mind flashing to Ace and his stupid bushy eyebrows wiggling up and down at her when they were younger. "I haven't even kissed someone." She shrugged, letting out a sigh after.

Buggy shook his head. He didn't fully understand her reasoning at all, but how would he. He didn't grow up in the same world as her. "Life's too short, kiddo. And real love is the hardest thing to find." Buggy took in a deep breath, "You're going to waste your life without knowing what its like to be kissed, touched. Pleased. That's sad." He raised an eyebrow as he looked into her eyes.

Their eyes lingered on each other as Mei was processing what he had said. She was curious of how it felt. Would she get butterflies from a simple kiss? Her skin tingle as another being traced their fingers down her body? Mei's mother told her when two people come together to express their love, it felt magical. Mei truly wanted to feel that, but she felt like love was the key ingredient to that magic.

"But isn't it better to be in love and do those things?" She questioned him, eyes still secured to his gorgeous blues. Buggy smiled gently and shook his head. "Not necessarily." He licked his lips before continuing, "I've had plenty of chicks, and it felt pretty good to me. Didn't love a single one of 'em." He winked, and Mei scoffed, tearing her eyes off his to look back up to the ceiling. "You're gross." She grumbled. Buggy laughed loudly at her disgust. "I am not. It's normal for grown adults to search for pleasure between each other. Sometimes they fall in love, sometimes they get their fill and never see the person again."

Mei's brows twisted up in confusion. She couldn't say that wasn't a normal thing for people to do, even if she hadn't experienced it herself. She raised her hand up to her lips, tracing the bottom one softly. "So, I could just... kiss someone because I want?" She wasn't asking Buggy this question, but more so herself in thought.

"Go for it, if that's what you wanna do." Buggy sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. Mei nodded her head, deciding on what she wanted to do with this new thought process, new idea of love.

She sat up abruptly and looked down beside her at Buggy. Mei's sight sat on his lips, which were hidden under messy make-up. She softly bit her bottom lip for a moment, trying to give herself this courage to just try it. What harm could it do? She was tipsy, feeling good emotionally. This surely wouldn't do anything. Just a kiss, to see what it felt like.

Without anymore thought, or even a word, Mei leaned down over Buggy, placing a hand on the bed to steady herself, tilting her head and pressing her lips to his with pressure. Buggy's eyes opened in shock, pushing Mei off him. "W-What the..." He held her shoulders, looking confused as hell. A blush appeared across Mei's face, "Ah, sorry. Was I really that bad?" She let out a drunken giggle, covering her mouth with her free hand. Buggy blinked a couple times, processing what she was trying to do. Mei was trying to practice on him, right? 'I mean, as long as she's the one that wants to.' He thought, a soft smile forming on his lips. "No, I..." He stammered, "Just a bit too aggressive, toots." Buggy chuckled. He released her and sat his body up, Mei scooting her body back to give him space. "Are you sure you want me to be your real first kiss though?" He questioned her, concern appearing on his face as he looked into her eyes. Mei's eyes wandered for a minute, and then she nodded. "You say you're very experienced. I guess I could learn a thing or two, right?" Her eyes found his again and she smiled.

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