The Clown

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Separated from her friend, her captain, Mei Beck found herself on a new island, taken up from her broken sailboat in the sea by some weird looking men. One looked like some dude dressed in a weird animal suit. Or was that his hair? Creepy. It was obvious that they had ill intentions, as she fought them tooth and nail to be let go. "Get off me you creeps!" Mei snapped, leaning down as she tried to connect her teeth to the animal man's hand that was roughly grasping her wrist, the other holding on to her upper arm which was leaving a bruise with the force. The man on her other side had the same strength in his grab on her. "Shut up, kid!" The animal man spoke, pulling his hand off her wrist before her teeth could find his skin, and took a knife out from his side, hitting Mei hard in the back of her head. Mei gasped, losing consciousness in moments.

Music filled Mei's ears loudly as she stirred back into consciousness slowly. She opened her eyes slowly, her head aching from being whacked by the blunt end of a knife. "W-Where am I?" She muttered. Looking around a small room, Mei realised she was tied up, her body hanging off a hook that was hanging out of the wall. She continued to scan the dark room, taking note of the cage that looked like it could fit a small human, a circular wooden board with obvious knife holes riddled around it, a small vanity mirror with miscellaneous make up and fabrics. Taking in a deep breath, Mei exhaled slowly as she tried to figure out if there was any possible way to get out of this situation. She tried to push her body up, in hopes to maybe unhook herself and fall to the floor. Her thought process was halted as she heard footsteps entering with urgency.

A young man with black and green hair, parted to one side of his face. His shirt was opened, and he had a sword fastened to his side. Mei eyed him with panic in her sight. The man released a big smile with a hint of evil in his eyes. "Well, well. Look who's up." He put his hands on Mei's exposed upper hips, and she tried to kick him away at the feeling of his touch. "Don't even think about it." She said through gritted teeth. Mei was wearing a grey crop tank top, and black army style pants that sat just on her hips. The man laughed, dodging her boots, and pushed pressure on to her hips. "Boss wants to meet all new captures. Let's go." He hoisted her body up and pulled Mei off the hook, flinging her over his shoulder and exited the room. Mei looked around the new area, realising this was a circus tent, a big one. 'Where the hell did I end up?!' Mei thought to herself, trying not to let fear engulf her body. 'Boss?' Mei started to focus on her breathing, trying to keep calm.

The black and green haired man roughly dropped Mei down on to the stage with a thud. "Ow! What the hell, asshole." She growled, trying to show a tough persona. In all honesty, Mei was a soft-spoken girl for the most part. She could be rough and vicious with her words, but her heart truly tried to see the good in all. Gosh, how the hell was she going to be a ruthless pirate on Luffy's crew when she was like this?

The man flashed that same vile smile down at Mei again before walking off. She sat up, looking beside her to see a few other people who were also tied up at the wrists, some standing, some on their knees. Mei opted to stand, struggling to stand up steady with little mobility while her wrists were also tied together.

"Ugh." She grunted, finally standing up straight, and immediately started to look for a way to run. Mei thought it was weird that they seemed to trust these people with their legs freed. It seemed all the freaks were preoccupied with setting up the stage behind her, and chairs down in front. She could easily just make a run for it to the tent door, right?

Mei licked her lips, eyeing her exit target closely. She took a deep breath before saying 'fuck it' in her head and bolted for the exit quickly. Mei jumped off the stage and landed on the floor, taking only a second to settle her balance again and continuing to make a run for it.

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