Gum Gum Bazooka

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-[A/N; Please know that as I write this, it will not be canon to the anime nor the live action. I will add things here and there, but for the most part its like a reimagined story I guess? I hope you all will still enjoy as I continue. Don't forget to vote and/or comment <3]-

Early in the morning, Mei woke up to an empty bed. She slowly sat up, holding the side of her head, groaning. "Ow, my head..." She mumbled to herself, scratching her scalp as she looked around the room. She sat there for a moment, slowly remembering the things that happened in the night. She let out a loud gasp, clasping her hands to her mouth in a moment of shock. "Oh, my gods..." Mei exclaimed, her mind replaying the scene of Buggy thrusting his fingers inside her, and the delicious orgasm that she had. "What did I let happen." She moved her hands from her mouth to cover her whole face, leaning her head down in shame. Buggy had warned her this feeling would happen. But then her head rose, hands slowly running down her face to fall into her lap. "Damn, that felt incredible though." Mei sheepishly smiled, and bit her bottom lip softly while she thought of his gift to her.

She didn't know if she would be able to look him in the face properly now, though. A wave of embarrassment washed over her body, and Mei let out a long sigh. She swore to herself she wouldn't become curious of him, and promised she wouldn't give in to such a loon of a person. Although it wasn't his fault, she was ready to climb him like a tree that night.

Mei then remembered the conversation they had before she basically had jumped the poor guy, she nodded to herself as she pulled out some clean clothes from the cupboard and got dressed. He hadn't always been such a terrible guy his whole life. He had been through a lot in his short life. Maybe that guy was still in there? Somewhere, under all the criminal activities. She rolled her eyes as she looked at herself in the vanity mirror, wiping off the red make-up remains smeared on her mouth from his with a wet wipe. Mei quickly brushed her rats' nest of a hairstyle and pulled it up into a ponytail, stealing one of his hair ties from his stash. She fluffed her bangs down to frame her face and nodded to herself in approval. 'Seeing as how he left without a word, maybe he regrets it, or even forgot?' She hoped.

Buggy was in the big tent, reading a newspaper as he leaned against a wooden box. The headlines read of Axe-hand Morgan's downfall, and the Grand Line map being stolen from his base up in Shells Town. He shook his head angrily. His crew and him had been working on a plan to do just the same and now it was foiled because of some skinny brat kid and his friends. "Fucking bullshit!" He crumbled the newspaper and threw it. The ball of paper flew until it hit Cabaji, who was panicking as he ran up to his captain. "Ooh!" He stumbled for a second, not expecting to be hit in the face. "What is it." Buggy narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. Cabaji straightened himself out and sped walk to Buggy, "Sir. We were counting the captures for the crowd today." Buggy nodded, eyebrows raised as he waited for Cabaji to get to the point.

Cabaji stuttered for a minute before continuing. "Uh- well... We're missing someone." He managed to mutter, already flinching and ready for the captain to burst expectedly. Buggy tilted his head, his brows twisting in anger. "Pardon?" He spoke, taking a step closer to Cabaji. "One of them escaped."

Buggy licked his lips, eyes wandering the tent and he shook his head. "You are fucking idiots." He let out a laugh. "Well, sir... They escaped somehow last night, but we didn't want to disturb you." Cabaji's voice level lowered, hinting that the captain was obviously busy with a certain someone.

Buggy stopped himself from a yell, to clear his throat awkwardly. He hadn't initially planned to be distracted by a girl last night. He had followed her thinking it was a simple little talk, but it ended up being much more. Lost in thought, Buggy let a small, satisfied smile appear on his lips as he was remembering the events that unfolded in the night. The passionate kiss, the sound of her moaning in bliss. His cheeks flushed pink as he tilted his head down. "S-Sir?" Cabaji spoke, interrupting Buggy's dirty thoughts. Buggy looked up quickly, dropping the smile and clearing his throat again while straightening his long brown coat against his body. "W-Well, get fucking searching!" He snapped, "Send out Mohji and Richie, sniff the fucker out in the town!" Buggy waved Cabaji away angrily, stomping away to grab an apple. He pulled out a pocketknife and started to cut the apple, taking a slice into his mouth.

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