Chapter 1

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"Kim Jungkook"

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"Kim Jungkook"

Jungkook froze upon hearing his father's cold voice, which sent chills down his spine. He, with all his courage, turned towards his father.

"Did you forget you were grounded for a week? Go to your room and reflect on yourself," Namjoon said, leaving to meet his only friend, Yoongi.

Jungkook sighs and enters his room, feeling upset with his father. His father never talks to him unless it's to punish or order him. He didn't know where his mother was. He last saw her when his parents got divorced, which was maybe five years ago.

He didn't care with whom he stayed because both his father and mother treated him the same way.

He texted his friend Cha eun Woo that he couldn't come to the party because of the punishment.

Jungkook actually accidentally messed up with Namjoon's file, which he needed to present in front of foreign clients. That's why Namjoon grounded him and forbade him to go out.

Jungkook lies down in bed and text his favourite Uncle Yoongi to talk with his father about the punishment and save him from it like he always do.

He gets a reply from Yoongi.

"Done. Your punishment is over. Your father will stay here tonight. Eat by yourself, kid."

Jungkook chuckled and decided to order takeout. He already texted Cha Eun Woo that he would not go, so it's better to stay at home and enjoy his time alone.

"Damn, I forgot to make my father sign the camping form."

Jungkook is in his last year of high school, and they are celebrating it by camping with different schools.

He suddenly remembers that his father had a signature stamp. He smiled, took out the form, and went towards the study room.

He entered, took the stamp, and pasted it in the signature area.

"Hmmm done. Now I can submit it tomorrow," he said, about to return to his room when he saw a shining key.

"What is this? I never saw this before." He took it out and examined it. He then tried to find the hole to use this key. He rummaged around and finally found the golden box.

He opened it while saying sorry to his father in his heart for invading his privacy.

He saw a few letters, flowers, and a big, fat diary, which seemed old.

He suddenly heard footsteps. He put everything in the box, closed it, and put it in the drawer. Then place the key where it was before. He then noticed he forgot to put the diary in, so he put the diary under his t-shirt.

"Hmmm. Young master? What are you doing?" It's their butler. Jungkook signs in relief.

"I was just signing my paper. I'm going to my room. I ordered takeout, so place it outside my room; I will take it by myself," Jungkook said and ran towards his room. Butler looked at him strangely and decided to do as he said.

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