Chapter 17

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"What should we do now?" Yoongi asked

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"What should we do now?" Yoongi asked.

"We can't call him as he isn't picking up any calls," Hobi said.

"Should we call him from other phones?" Jim suggests.

"What's going on?" They hear a familiar female voice from behind them. They all turned and saw Yoonji, Yoongi's sister.

"Noona!" Yoongi exclaimed and hugged her. Yoonji rubbed his hair affectionately. They were always closer to each other, more than they close to their parents.

Hobi looked at her with a foolish smile. He also hugged her, and although Yoonji gave him a disgusted look, she still hugged him back.

"So what are you all talking about?" she asked, playing with her shoulder-length black hair.

Before anyone says anything, Hobi has already started to explain the whole situation in detail. She nodded, thinking deeply.

"I have an idea; I will call him. Give me his number." she said, and Hobi gave Jungkook's number.

She called, and Jungkook picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, who is this?" she hears a soft voice ask.

"Hello! I'm Yoongi's sister; actually, Yoongi had an accident; he fell from the terrace and his body smashed on the ground. His whole body's bones are broken. We found his body, but the skull is missing. Can you come here and help us find it? We are at Namjoon's house." She said that and cut the call.

Everyone: =⁠_⁠=

"The fuck," Yoongi cursed, and Jin immediately smacked his head, followed by another smacked by his sister.

"No cursing," they both said in unison.
Yoonji saw her phone ringing, and it's from Jungkook, which she didn't pick up.

Jungkook, in his room, freaked out after hearing about Yoongi's accident. He calls everyone, but no one is picking up.

"They must be finding his skull. Oh, my god. I should go and find it with him" Jungkook said, leaving the dorm.

When he was coming out, he met a student named Heechul. They are classmates. He asked Jungkook what happened, to which Jungkook replied. "Yoongi had an accident; his body's bones were smashed. They found his body's bones, but his skull is missing. I'm going to help them find it."

"Oh my god, go fast then." Heechul said, and he dialled his group number to share this news. Jungkook doesn't know Heechul is a social butterfly, and everyone will know about this by tomorrow.

Jungkook took Taehyung's bike. After arriving, he immediately entered the house when someone burst the confetti.

"Happy birthday!" everyone shouts.
Jungkook looks at everyone, then starts crying.

Hobi said. "What happened? Are you still angry that we ignore you, or are you overwhelmed by the part-"

"Yoongiiiiiiiii!" Jungkook shouted. "Why are we having a party when we should find Yoongi's skull?" He cried more and more.

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