Chapter 6

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"Who won"

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"Who won"

Jungkook heard a familiar voice and turned to see a boy getting up from his seat. He hadn't noticed him before because he was lying down.

"Yoongi," Jungkook whispered with wide eyes, immediately dashing towards him and giving him a hug. Yoongi was startled, looking at the boy who hugged him out of nowhere.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" Namjoon tried to make Jungkook let go of Yoongi, but he held on tightly.

"Hey, why are you hugging me?" Yoongi asked, Jungkook realised that he didn't know him. Jungkook felt embarrassed and rubbed his red ear.

"Ummmm, sorry," he said.

"It's okay, so this is the kid you were talking about," Yoongi said to Namjoon. "So who won the arguments?"

"It's me, obviously. That's why she asked Namjoon hyung to visit her office," Jungkook said, looking at Namjoon.

"This is the first day, and you've already caused trouble."

"I'm sorry, but she was talking about my parents and saying a lot of bad stuff. I couldn't control myself."

"But you should just mind your own business."

"You can't blame him when she's such a bad teacher. You can't expect him to behave when the teacher behaves like that," Yoongi defended him, which made Jungkook admire him.

"Yoongi is right; she's the one we should blame. Look at him; does it look like he did anything? It must be her intentionally picking on him," Jhope also supported him.

"I know it's not his fault, but arguing with her will create more problems. Now she'll pick on him even more; she'll create more problems for him. I know it sounds like I'm taking her side, but I'm not. I just want him to stay out of trouble. I'm just worried, okay." Namjoon stated.

Jungkook felt grateful and emotional to see them caring for him. Yoongi and Hobi had just met him today, and they were already on his side. He had met Namjoon yesterday, and he was already looking out for him. He also thought about how Jimin and Taehyung looked after him.

Jungkook's eyes filled with tears, and he said, "I'm so grateful to have all of you.

"Look, you made him cry," hobi said, putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, and then they walked towards Jungkook's next class.

"Our last class is in room number 18. We'll meet you there and then go to Mr. Yoongi's office," Hobi said.

Yoongi punched his arm. "It's Ms. Yoori, not Yoongi.

"What's the difference? It sounds the same to me."

"If you think it sounds the same, then you should get your hearing checked because there's no way you're hearing things right."

"Okay, go inside; your class is about to start," Namjoon said, rubbing Jungkook's hair.

"Hey Jungkook!" Jimin waved at him, and Jungkook sat beside him. Taehyung just looked at him.

"Hi Jiminie."

"I heard about your arguments with Ms. Yoori. I hope you're not in trouble."

"No, I'm not. I just talked to my brother, and they'll go with me to the office."


"Yes, Yoongi and Hobi hyung are also going with me."

"Oh," Jimin suddenly sounded sad. Jungkook noticed the change in expression and was about to ask when the teacher entered the room.

After all the classes, Jungkook went to room number 18, where he met Yoongi, Namjoon, and another boy whose back was facing him. Yoongi noticed him and waved at him.

"Here you are," Yoongi said. The other male turned, and Jungkook recognized him as his dad's crush. He is really handsome, and Jungkook understood why he was his dad's first love.

"Hello, you must be Jungkook. I'm Seokjin, but people call me Jin. You know Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi keep talking about how cute you are, boy," Jin said, patting Jungkook's shoulder.

"Hi Jin Hyung. Are you also coming with us?"

"Yes, we need to deal with this bitch. Oops, I mean Mr. Yoori," Jin laughed after saying that. Jungkook looked at Namjoon, who was looking at Jin like a lovesick fool.

"Hey, where's Hobi Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"He's with Taehyung and Jimin," Yoongi replied.

"Alright, let's go," Namjoon said, and they all headed towards the office.

They knocked and heard an irritating voice say, "Come in. Yoongi couldn't help but make a disgusted face upon hearing her voice. "Sounds like a dying duck," Yoongi commented.

Ms. Yoori looked up from her desk and saw them. She immediately stood up in shock. "Oh, it's you."

"Yes! I'm Jungkook's brother," Namjoon introduced himself.

"You're his brother?" She couldn't believe that this brat had a brother like Namjoon, who is the top student in their class, the class president, and very respectful student.

"Yes, Ms. Yoori. Now, can you tell us why you called him?" Yoongi asked, sounding irritated.

"Well, he was arguing with a teacher. Even though I'm older, he spoke to me disrespectfully. He even mentioned my parents. How you all raised him. I can see his future going downhill. If you don't teach him a lesson now, he'll end up as a troublemaker. It would be better if he just dropped out. What's the point of studying?" Ms. Yoori explained.

"It would be even better if your parents made you drop out. That way, the futures of many kids would be saved," Jungkook retorted.

"See, this is how he behaves. Such a disgrace," Ms. Yoori said.

"I can also see your future in Seoul National Cemetery," Yoongi added.

"What did you say?"
"Guys, speak louder when you talk to her. She can't hear properly,"

"Yoongi, if you don't stop, I will call your parents," Ms. Yoori threatened.

"Oh my god, why are you so obsessed with students parents?" Hobi chimed in.

"Okay, everyone, calm down. Ms. Yoori, I understand that Jungkook's behavior is bad, but your behavior is also unacceptable. I will teach Jungkook how to behave, and I hope you also learn some basic manners or seek help from someone who can guide you," Namjoon said.

"I have many contacts and people in higher positions. If you need help, I can provide it," Jin offered.

"Enough! I want all of you out of my office right now." Ms. Yoori knew she couldn't say anything else to them, so her only option was to make them leave.

They all exited the office, bursting into laughter as they recalled her expression.

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