chapter 13

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Namjin arrived after half an hour

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Namjin arrived after half an hour. They immediately jump in the water and play there for some time. Then they sat in the steam room for 10 minutes, then took a cold shower.

"Hah! This feels so good. My muscles are feeling so good. Today I'm going to have a good sleep." Jin said while munching the foods.

"Ewwww, Jin, stop talking when you are eating, the food is dropping from your mouth," Hobi said.

"Oh, come on, let me talk and eat. Is this too much to ask for?" Jin said.

"What are you two doing together, by the way?" Yoongi asked them.

"We were hanging out." Namjoon replied.

"We were on a date," Jin replied.

Jin looks at Namjoon and immediately starts scolding him, "Yahhhh! How dare you call it? ' We were just hanging out' when you were the one who told me it was a date. Namjoon, are you playing with me? Okay, let's play. The next time you ask me to 'HANG OUT," I will come with everyone. I mean, why should we 'HANG OUT' alone? Let's hang out together with everyone. Or how about Yoongi? Let's HANG OUT together next time-only me and you. Okay "
Namjoon just listened without uttering a word, as he knew he was at fault.

"We, Stan, fucking king," Yoongi shouted.

"You drop this, king," Jimin said, pretending to put the crown on Jin's head.

"Wife supremacy," Jungkook giggled. Everyone stared at him with wide eyes at what he said.

"Wife supremacy?" Yoongi repeats the word in an asking tone.

"Why are you looking at him? He said Jin's supremacy, not wife supremacy. I think you should check your hearing." Taehyung replied. Jungkook sighs in relief as everyone forgets about this and starts chatting, but Jin completely ignores Namjoon.

Namjoon tries to strike up the conversation, but Jin pretends he isn't even there. They ate their food and told Namjoon to pay for it, as he angered Jin.

Jin and Namjoon left together after Jin refused to go with him, but he didn't take his own car, but Namjoon's, so he had to go with him. Jungkook comes with Taehyung's bike, and Jimin and Hobi come with Yoongi's car. They left after bidding good-bye.


After Hobi left the car bidding goodbye to Yoongi and Jimin, the two glared at each other.

"Like Jungkook's abs, huh?" Yoongi asked sarcastically.

"Wanted to touch his abs, huh?" Jimin shot back.

"Humph" Yoongi turned his face in the other direction and started the car.

"Humph" Jimin also turned his face.

Jimin waited for Yoongi to apologise to him, but he said nothing. He angrily turned and pinched Yoongi's stomach.

"Ahhhhh!" Yoongi shouted, and they crashed into something. Yoongi opened his eyes and stared at the steering wheel in front of his face. He looked to his left and saw Jimin pass out, and blood was coming out of his head.

Yoongi tried to take his phone out, which made him grumble in pain. He felt pain in his shoulder and finally dialled the number without looking at the phone.


"Taehyungie, tell me one thing. Jungkook started the conversation.

"Hmmm, what do you want to know?"

"You were afraid of rides, but now you are driving the bike too fast"

"I'm scared of those rides because of speed. My bike isn't as speedy as those rides. They are faster than the bike. What about you? You are scare of bike but not those rides."

"How did you know I'm a little bit afraid?"

"Look at your arms; they're tightly wrapped around my waist as you are going to fall the moment you leave me," Taehyung responded.

"Actually, during those rides, we have support; I can hold the railing tightly, and my back is supported by the seat. But here, I don't have support. So I need to hold you tightly," Jungkook replied.

Taehyung's phone rang. Jungkook took out the phone from Taehyung's pocket, as he was unable to take it out.

"Yoongi Hyung, why is he calling this time?" Jungkook mutters and picks up the phone.

"Hello, Hyung"

"Jungkook, can you come to the xxx street? My car had an accident. Jimin also passed out. Call Namjoon,Jin and hobi-" Yoongi stopped talking as he passed out.

"Taehyung, stop the bike!" Jungkook shouted.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Turned the bike Yoongi and Jimin had an accident on xxx Street; let's go there. I'm calling Namjoon, Jin, and Hobi. Hobi's house is near them, so he will arrive faster than us," Jungkook instructed, dialling Hobi's number. Taehyung Turn it back and ride it at full speed. Jungkook, then call Namjoon.


Jin didn't utter a single word during the entire ride, even though Namjoon tried to make him talk.

Although Jin doesn't show it, he is hurt by Namjoon's words.

Namjoon stopped the car, and Jin thought his house had arrived. He looked outside and saw that it wasn't his house. He looked at Namjoon with a questioning gaze.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said something like that."

"Namjoon, first of all, tell me if you are serious about this or not. I don't know why you even claimed that we were just hanging out when you told me it was a date. Do you really like me or not? If you can't say this in front of our friends, then what about the future? Are you also going to decline everything?" Jin said everything on his mind.

"Look, I'm sorry you feel like this, but I was confused too. I thought, What if you were not ready to tell them about our dating things? Because we are still in the dating phase, we haven't officially become a couple. I was scared of losing the chance to be with you if I offended you by telling them the truth." Namjoon said it sincerely.

Jin smiled at him, which Namjoon returned. Then they started to lean in. Namjoon feels his heart burst out the moment their lips touch.

His hand immediately went towards Jin's waist. While Jin held his neck. Jin started to move their lips as Namjoon was too shy to do anything further. Jin nibbled Namjoon's lips and was about to insert his tongue when Namjoon's phone started ringing.

"Kiss-blocker," Namjoon whispered and picked up the call.

"Hello- WHAT" Namjoon shouted, and Jin looked at him with worry. He immediately started the car and drove towards the hospital.

"What happened?" Jin asked once Namjoon cut the call.

"Jimin and Yoongi had an accident. Hobi fetched them to the hospital; Taehyung and Jungkook are on the way," Namjoon informed them and drove at full speed.

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