Chapter 22

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When the old guy threw water at Jungkook, he woke up

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When the old guy threw water at Jungkook, he woke up. With his leg and hand stinging, he glanced down to see that he was tied to the pole. When Jungkook failed to unlock the robe, the old man laughed.

Then he approached him and put the knife up to Jungkook's throat. He applied a slight pressure, causing the blood to flow out of his skin. Sensing discomfort, Jungkook groaned and attempted to shift his neck, but the older guy applied further pressure.

The old guy grinned at him and said, "Stop trying; it will be less painful to die."

"Please stop," Jungkook cried.

"Why would I stop?"

"Why are you doing that? I don't even know you," Jungkook asked. After moving the knife, the man stabbed Jungkook in the arms.

"I am Yun-seol, and your very presence makes me upset. I attempted to murder you fourteen years ago." Upon observing Jungkook's look, the man chuckled. "Sure, that is me. Who was responsible for the accident. Seeing you fall into the water made me satisfied at that time. I made an attempt to locate you as well, but for some reason, you vanished. I thought you had died. But you're still alive, which has irritated me more than I believed. This time, the unfinished business will be completed, so you need to die."

"Still, why? I never caused you any harm. Why are you so angry?" Jungkook's hand ached, and he felt like crying.

"I'm already angry enough just by your existence. I should have Mi-si all to myself. She sleeps with me, which is why at first I believed you were my son, but she played with my body and then walked away from me. She also cheated on me with her husband. What a bitch! Have you ever wondered why she chose to remain at that mental health care over her house?"

"You tell lies. You want to destroy our family; you're not telling the truth." Shaking his head, Jungkook refuses to think about that possibility.

"I tell the truth. Because she is certain that her husband is aware of her affair, that's why she is staying at a mental health care rather than at home. It shames her to look at Shin-wook. Did you ever witness Namjoon paying a visit to his mother during those months? No, right? Your father was devastated by her and forbade him from seeing her, claiming that something wasn't right with her." Yeon-seol laughed.

"What makes her want to cheat on my dad with someone like you?" Seeking to buy some time so Namjoon or anyone else could quickly locate him, Jungkook inquired.

"You ask too many questions, but I should tell you this since you are about to die. I'm your mom's ex-boyfriend. When she was eighteen, her father set up her marriage to your father. Throughout her marriage, she cheated on your dad all the years with me. I mistakenly believed Namjoon to be my son for the same reason as you, but he is not. She always carries this Shin-wook's child in her womb; I have no idea how she manages to avoid getting pregnant by my child. When she became pregnant with you, she ended our eight-year relationship."

Hearing this disgusts Jungkook. He had no desire to discuss this subject any further.

"Every time Shin-wook departed for work, your mom would always invite me to her room. She used to invite me to the hotels while he was in the city. What a day it was! But your mother ruined it all. I made the decision to flee with her by stealing all of Shin-wook's money, but she constantly brings up other subjects and makes excuses." He paused then continue.

"She completely shut me out of her life when she got pregnant, so after waiting four years and treating myself to nothing but drugs and alcohol, I decided to exact revenge," Yun-seol continued. "And I'll kill you again in revenge."

"You were and are still a failure; you will never succeed, just like you failed fourteen years ago. You are never going to succeed." When Jungkook made fun of him, Yun-seol hit him in the chest and other desired places. Anger sprang in his eyes, turning them red. Afterwards, he started to look around and noticed several metal rods. He began to beat Jungkook's legs after picking them up.

"I'll break your head after breaking your arms, waist, and legs first. I'll have a nice sight when I use this to break your skull, and the blood flows from your head like a river." Upon saying so, Yun-seol smacked Jungkook on the leg.

Abruptly, the place is filled with white light, and the wind picks up a lot. Crying, Jungkook tries to pull the rope open.

Suddenly, a man who resembles Bang Si-hyuk appears; his white hair and glow give him a divine appearance. The moment he turned to face Jungkook, the rope vanished.

"What made you open the rope, and who are you? Before I decide to kill you along with him, leave. I'll give you only one chance. Go and hide somewhere while keeping your mouth closed; otherwise-" the man smacked Yun-seol, who instantly passed out.

"W-who a..are yo.u? Jungkook inquired about it.

"I'm Bang Si-hyuk's father and I'm sending you to that timeline where I sent you fourteen years ago. It's a waste of time and energy, yet my son waited fourteen years to bring you back. It would be better if you stayed on that timeline; you shouldn't be here. You see, you would have made wonderful friends and developed a relationship with them if you had been there."

"No, I want to live with my family; I don't want to live anywhere else. Please don't send me away," pleaded Jungkook.

"I'm not going to change my mind; Yun-seol isn't the only one but someone else is going to try to hurt you too. You will be disappointed if you stay and discover who else is out to hurt you."

"I have my family, and I will protect myself; therefore, I don't care," says Jungkook.

"And what if I told you that a member of your family was the one who intended to harm you? How are you going to defend yourself and your family when that person might hurt them? For this reason, I advise switching to a different timeline." His hand began to glow as he said that. His hand went out to Jungkook.

With his nearly broken leg, Jungkook began to crawl. As soon as lights flooded over him, he blacked out, and his name was the last thing he heard from Taehyung's mouth.

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