chapter 14

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"How is Yoongi, doctor?" Namjoon asked once the doctor came out of the operation room

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"How is Yoongi, doctor?" Namjoon asked once the doctor came out of the operation room.

"He is okay; he will probably wake up next morning. His shoulder bones were broken, and we had to do surgery to fix them. Now he will be in plaster and take a month or two to recover. Tell him not to put pressure on or burden his shoulder."

Namjoon thanks the doctor and walks towards Jimin's room, where he is with other members. Jimin woke up after a few hours. He didn't get hurt much and will recover in a week. The members immediately visited him after the doctor confirmed he was okay and ready to meet others.

Namjoon went to Jimin's room and shared the doctor's words with them.

Jimin cried and said, "It's all because of me. I'm the one who pinched his waist, which led us to the accident. If I'm the reason behind the accident, then why am I the one who was least hurt? It should be me in place of Yoongi."

"No, it's not your fault, and I bet Yoongi doesn't want you to blame yourself like that. If you knew that the accident would occur if you did this or that, then I bet you wouldn't have done it." Jin comforts him.

"Exactly. Please don't blame yourself. It's just an accident," Namjoon comforted too.

The others agree and stay with Jimin until he falls asleep. Afterwards, they waited for the morning, as Yoongi would wake up in the morning. Jungkook sat on the sofa and started to doze off. He looked at the clock and saw it's 3 a.m.

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting together. Jungkook was really tired, but he tried to stay awake. Eventually, he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder and fell asleep. Taehyung let him sleep there.

Taehyung rested his head on Jin's shoulder. Jin leaned his head back on the sofa. Before they knew it, both Taehyung and Jin had fallen asleep.

Namjoon glances at them and then at Hobi who is sleeping next to Jimin's bed. He made the decision to purchase coffee for himself to stay awake. It's important for someone to be awake and take care of them.

He gets out of the room, buys coffee, and drinks it there. He witnessed numerous individuals entering and exiting the hospital's doors, some crying and others with happy expressions.

He decided to walk through the stairs as an elevator taking time. He threw away the empty cup and started climbing. When he came to the second floor, he saw a boy, maybe 6-7 years old. He is crying in the corridor.

Namjoon walked towards him and asked, "Kid, why are you crying? Are you lost?"

The kid looked at him and hesitatingly nodded. Namjoon took the kid, and when he saw a woman come running towards them.

"Jung-hyun," that woman called his name, and the boy ran towards her. Namjoon looks at her, as her doe eyes look similar to those of Jungkook. When Namjoon looks at the boy carefully, he does resemble Jungkook a little bit.

Namjoon froze as he thought maybe this woman is Jungkook's mother. She looks like she must be in her 30s. Jungkook mustn't be her son if he looks at her age. But some people don't look like their age.

"Hello mam, By any chance do you have any son who is 18 years old?" Namjoon asked. The woman looked at him weirdly.

"No, I'm 29 and I have only one son, who is only 7 years old. See, his name is Jeon Jung-hyun," the woman said, then thanked him for staying with her son and leave the corridor with him.

Namjoon stares at them until they are out of his vision. He thought seven people looked alike in this world; maybe his brother, Jungkook, and this kid, Jung-hyun, must be three of them who look alike.

Namjoon forgets about the incident and sits on the outside bench in Yoongi's room. He played with his phone until the morning came. At 6 a.m., he saw Jungkook walk out of the room and sit beside him. He yawned and placed his head on his shoulder.

Namjoon just rubbed his hair. Then, after a bit, members started to show off one after another, and at last, Taehyung came with Jimin.

"Jimin, why did you come here? Go and rest," Jin said, about to take him to the room, but Jimin stopped him.

"No, I want to wait for Yoongi to wake up and meet him, then I will leave," Jimin declared, sitting on the chair. The other sighs

After an hour, the doctor checked Yoongi and told them he had woken up. Then they meet him.

Yoongi had a plaster on his shoulder and a few scratches on his face. He had a smile on his lips after he saw them.

"You guys look horrible," Yoongi comments after seeing them with dark circles, especially Namjoon.

"Not more than you," Jungkook comments, sitting beside him. They talked for an hour, Taehyung saw Jimin who didn't utter a word.

He whispered to Namjoon, "Let Jimin talk with Yoongi. Only Yoongi can make him understand that he is not at fault."

"You are right." Namjoon whispered back then said, "How about we leave Jimin with Yoongi? They should talk, as Jimin seems to be blaming himself."

"Why is he blaming himself?" Yoongi asked.

"Because he believed it was his fault that the accident occurred. He was crying until he fell asleep." Hobi said, and Jungkook and Taehyung nodded.

"It's all because of me. I'm the one who pinched him, which led us to the accident. I'm the reason behind the accident; then why am I the one who is least hurt? It should be me in place of Yoongi. He said the exact things; I remember it." Jin repeated.

Jimin felt his face burn after seeing his friends tell Yoongi everything. Traitors.

"Well, it's not your fault," Yoongi started,but Jin stopped him.

"Talk privately; I'm hungry, let's go, guys," he said, taking Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hobi with him.

"Jin, I want to listen to what they are saying." Jungkook said.

"It's bad to eavesdrop on someone" Jin said, grabbing his ear. Jin pinched Jungkook's ear, causing Jungkook to cry out of pain.Taehyung comes to his rescue, but Jin also pinches his ear.

Namjoon and Hobi remain silent and watch as Jin punishes them.

"Yoongi, save me, Yoongi, YOONGIIIIIIIII." Jungkook shouts, but the hospital rooms are soundproof, so he doesn't hear his scream for help.

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