Chapter 4

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After dinner, a lot of people head over to the park near the hostel to relax and let their food digest

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After dinner, a lot of people head over to the park near the hostel to relax and let their food digest. Jungkook tags along with Jimin and Taehyung. Observing the group of friends as they walking, talking, and laughing together.

It reminds him of his own friends, Cha eun Woo, Mingyu, and Yugyeom, and the good times they shared. He feels a pang of sadness, knowing that he may never see them again.

Feeling down, Jungkook decides to break away from the group and cheer himself up by going to the ice cream shop. He doesn't want to bother Taehyung and Jimin, who are engrossed in their conversation.

He doesn't want to follow behind them like a lost puppy. He's not trying to be a bother, especially since they just met today. They're just his classmates and roommates, and he doesn't want to make them feel annoyed by his presence. After entering the shop, he looked thoughtfully at the different flavours of ice cream.

The shop owner notices Jungkook's gloomy expression and asks, "Hey kid, you look sad. What's wrong?"

"I miss my friends," Jungkook replies.

The owner offers some advice, saying, "Why don't you reach out to them? It's better to talk things out."

"I want to, but I can't. They're far away, and we can't meet," Jungkook groaned.

"It's alright. What flavour would you like?" the owner asks.

"I'll take four of them," Jungkook says, pulling out the money Namjoon gave him.

The owner, trying to lift his spirits, kindly says, "To brighten your day, you can have this ice cream for free

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The owner, trying to lift his spirits, kindly says, "To brighten your day, you can have this ice cream for free.

"Really? Thank you so much," Jungkook replies gratefully, taking the ice cream and bowing to the owner.
Jungkook offers Melon flavour ice cream to the owner, who takes it while smiling and rubbing his hair. Jungkook bow again.

"No need for that. Come on, cheer up. It's closing time, and you should head home too," the owner suggests.

He doesn't have a home. This realisation makes Jungkook feel even more lost. He walks over to a bench and sits down, reflecting on the fact that nobody in this timeline knows him, and he doesn't know much about anyone either. It's a stressful situation for him. He took a bite of his banana ice cream.

Out of nowhere, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Startled, he let out a shout and turned around to find Taehyung and Jimin standing there.

"Where have you been? We've been searching for you. You suddenly vanished," Jimin said.

"Um, I didn't want to bother you, so I went to buy some ice cream." Jungkook hesitated and replied.

"You should have informed us instead of causing us to worry," Taehyung said, his voice filled with anger.

"I already mentioned that I didn't want to disturb you. So, do you want one, or should I eat it all by myself?" Jungkook held up the ice cream to show them.

"I'll have it," Jimin said, reaching for the blue soda ice cream. Taehyung snatched strawberries ice cream from Jungkook's hand. Who just glared at him.

It's suddenly started to rain, and all the people decide to leave. They enters the hostel and jimin heads to his room on a different floor.

After taking a shower, Jungkook stick his routine beside his bed with sticking bunny stickers as well. He notices Taehyung's routine and realises they have the same classes.

He closes the window and draws the curtains. Thunderstorms make him a bit scared, but not enough to hide under the blanket like a mouse.

Jungkook spots a friendship band near Taehyung's table, which reminds him of his friends. Besides them, he doesn't have any close relationships with anyone. He used to spend most of his time at home before his parents divorced. He only attended school and played alone with his pet dog.

Bam, his pet, was the only one he used to talk to apart from his parents, butler, and other servants. However, after his parents divorced, Bam passed away, leaving Jungkook all alone.

He then became friends with Cha eun Woo, who introduced him to Mingyu and Yugyeom. They became his best friends and stuck together like a family. Jungkook could share anything with them without fear or hesitation because he knew they would never judge him.

But now he feels alone again. He does have his dad, but still, it's the same as not having him, because he doesn't even know him in this timeline. There's also Uncle Yoongi. Jungkook thinks about him and believes they were close.

Uncle Yoongi was his favourite uncle and best buddy. He protected Jungkook from his dad's punishments, encouraged him to pursue his dreams, helped him come out of his shell, and motivated him to make new friends. Yoongi was the reason Jungkook made new friends.

However, when Jungkook made new friends, he was the one who forgot Yoongi, he started spending less time with him, and their contact became less.When he delivered in this timeline, the last time he met Yoongi was maybe two months ago.

Even though they used to text each other frequently, Jungkook still feels sorry for not being able to meet up with him. He wishes he had been able to spend some time with him.

Unknowingly, Jungkook starts crying. Taehyung comes out and sees him in tears, assuming he misses his parents and brother.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung asks.

"Yooongiii," Jungkook cries, mentioning Yoongi's name.

"I thought you were missing your brother, but you're missing his friend," Taehyung says.

Jungkook realises that Yoongi exists in this timeline too. He smiles, realising this, but then his smile fades.

But he doesn't know me.

But he can become my friend.

What if he doesn't want to?

I should meet him and become his best buddy again.

But he became my buddy because I was Namjoon's son.

But now I'm Namjoon's brother, so he can still be my friend.

But being a friend's son and being a friend's brother are different, right?

"Stop it," Taehyung interrupts, observing Jungkook's changing expressions. "Why are you crying?"

"I miss my family," Jungkook says, covering himself with a blanket.

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't have a choice."

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