Chapter 9

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Jungkook called Jin and asked, "So, how was the movie?"

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Jungkook called Jin and asked, "So, how was the movie?"

"It was terrible. I absolutely hated it," Jin replied. "Why did the female lead end up with the male lead who treated her poorly and didn't trust her? He even made her apologize to the villain for no fucking reason at all. The second male lead, on the other hand, sacrificed so much for her and protected her silently. When the villain kidnapped her, guess who saved her? That's right, the second male lead. But in the end, that bitch chose the male lead, leaving the second male lead heartbroken. I don't want to watch these kinds of stupid movies anymore. The only good things were the coke and popcorn."


"I'm exhausted," Jungkook said, collapsing onto the couch. He had been trying for a week to set up Namjoon and Jin, but his plans kept failing.

He had tried everything he found on Google when he searched for "how to matchmake".

He booked a table at a fancy hotel for them to have dinner together, hoping they would connect, but they ended up getting drunk instead. Namjoon call Suga, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook to pick them up, when they they found Namjoon and Jin shouting loudly like maniac in the middle of the road.

Then, he tried to create a romantic moment for them by sending in the garden and then create fake rain. Jungkook intentionally gave the umbrella to Namjoon to appear caring in front of Jin. But, Namjoon completely forgot about the umbrella when Jungkook turned on the automatic water sprinklers.

That day, while Namjoon and Jin were strolling in the park that Jungkook recommended, they were unexpectedly drenched by the automatic sprinklers.

"What the fuck" Namjoon exclaimed, shielding himself from the water. Both Namjoon and Jin were completely soaked.

"See, it's the automatic sprinkler," Jin explained.

"Which son of bitch started this automatic sprinkler?" Namjoon angrily asked.

"Well, let's go. I need to go to class. I'm going to the mall to change. Come with me," Jin said, leading Namjoon away while he continued to curse at the person who started the sprinkler.

"You dare curse my mother? I hope you trip and fall," Jungkook muttered as he emerged from his hiding spot. As he was about to leave, he saw Namjoon trip on a stone and fall.

Jungkook smirked slightly and walked away from the scene.

After some time, he tried again and sent them to the cinema, but this time, he made them watch a horror movie instead of a romantic one.

"You bought the movie tickets again, but then remembered you had something to do?" Jin asked after seeing the tickets.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," Jungkook replied.

"No need to apologize," Namjoon chimed in, and they entered the movie theater. This time, Jungkook followed them discreetly to see if their relationship is progressing.
He sat in the back seat, wearing a black mask, Binnie hat, shirt, and Black-Blue jeans.

 He sat in the back seat, wearing a black mask, Binnie hat, shirt, and Black-Blue jeans

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Jungkook watched them while quietly munching on some chocolate bars.

"Why are they jumping in their seats together?" he wondered aloud.

"Daymm, Namjoon was so close to holding Jin's hand, but he didn't. Why is he so slow?"

Jungkook mumbled to himself and decided to focus on the movie instead of them. Suddenly, someone tapped his arm. He turned around but couldn't see the person's face in the dark theater.

The person then turned on a flashlight and shined it on their face, creating a scary effect in the dimly lit hall just as a ghost appeared on the screen.

"There's a ghost!" Jungkook shouted, attempting to run, but the person held onto his hand.

Other people in the theater also started screaming when they heard about the ghost, causing them to quickly leave. Jungkook tried to free his hand but couldn't. The person led him out of the empty theater. It was Taehyung.

"Why did you scream like that? You scared everyone away," Taehyung said.

"But you looked like a ghost with the flashlight," Taehyung replied.
"I was about to put the flash light up, but you screamed before I could".

"Anyway, what were you doing?"

"It should be me asking why you were following Namjoon and Jin. "

Jungkook paused for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond.


"Don't lie."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Okay, fine. I was following them. So what?"

"You're trying to matchmake them."

"How did you find out that I'm trying to set them up?" Taehyung entered their room and grabbed the paper, showing it to Jungkook. The words "How to match Namjoon and Jin" were written in capital letters. Jungkook had written down various tips he found on Google about matchmaking.

Jungkook snatched the paper back from Taehyung's hand and ripped it apart. "Nevermind, I already read everything."

"Do you know what privacy means?"

Taehyung said ."It was tucked inside my book.

Jungkook glanced at the book, confirming that it indeed belonged to Taehyung. He muttered a curse under his breath. "So, are you planning to tell them?" He looked at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"Don't give me that look; I'm not going to spill the tea. I just wanted to be your partner in this."


"I want to be involved in whatever you're doing. I've noticed how Namjoon looks at Jin, and I think, not sure but maybe Jin feels the same way, but they never confess their feelings. I want them to be together, so let me help because your plans aren't making any progress."

Jungkook swung his fist towards Taehyung, who effortlessly dodged it. "Listen, my plan isn't bad; they're just taking too long."

"If you want things to move forward, why not include Namjoon as well? We may not know about Jin's feelings, but we're aware that Namjoon has feelings for him. So why not assist Namjoon in woo Jin?"

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