Chapter 18

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"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked his voice trembling

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"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked his voice trembling. He can feel his heart pounding so quickly that it will burst at any moment.

"You are not from this world, but you are from this world." The man stated. Jungkook noticed his face when he finally lifted his head. He appears to be in his early fifties, his face wrinkled and his body overweight.

"Eh? What's that mean?" Jungkook asked.

"You are from this world, but your soul has troubled others for some time, and now finally you return to where you belong." "Huh? Who are you, and what the hell are you talking about?"

"You didn't get it, did you? Well, let me explain, but not right now; tonight isn't the time. Meet me at Daydream Cafe's alley by 7 p.m. tomorrow; by the way. my name is Bang si-hyuk," he said, walking quickly and disappearing. Jungkook searched around but couldn't find him.

"What the fuck just happened?"

he thought as he made his way to Namjoon's house. He had a vision of something after putting everything in the kitchen. He sat on the sofa, clutching his head. "Jungkookie, how are you, my baby?" He heard a female voice. A woman with dimples.

"He is so cute; I don't want to leave him." said the male voice. He couldn't see his face; it was blurry.

"It's my brother, so don't dare to touch him. He is fragile," a child voice said. Jungkook only sees that children have dimples.

"My brother!!!"

"Baby, don't run, you will fall."

"My boy is growing up so fast." "He is so cute."

"Jungkookoo, do you want to drink your banana milk? Brother will feed you." Suddenly everything turned blank, and he fell on the sofa.

The next day. Jungkook woke up and found himself hugging Hobi. He looked here and there and saw everyone sleeping. He remembered the scene he had seen, which made him even more. confused about the whole thing.

"First, that man claims I'm from this world, and then those visions. Who am I? I'm even real. I need to see this person, Bang Si-hyuk, at 7 today." He murmured and splashed water on his face.

"Jungkookie" Jimin suddenly appeared behind him, which scared the shit out of Jungkook.

"Ahhhhhhh, what are you doing? because of you, I almost had a heart attack." Jungkook rubbed his chest with his hand. Jimin laughs when he sees this. They cleaned their teeth while glancing in the mirror at each other.

"Shortie," Jungkook mumbled. Jimin kicked his ass with his foot.






Jimin is about to kick again, but Jungkook moves away before it hits him, which makes Jimin's foot hit the side of the table.

"Ow!" Jimin exclaimed and held his foot.

"Hahahah, shortie hit his foot." Jungkook immediately washed his mouth and left the washroom.

"Put that on the table." Jin said.

"Why should I?" Yoongi asks.

"Just do as I say: I'm older than you."

"I'm the eldest here." Yoonji interrupted, taking the kimchi meal that they had been fighting over. Yoongi wanted to eat on the sofa, while Jin wanted to eat at the dining table.

"Let's ask Jungkook where he wants to eat." Yoongi said. Then three of them look at him.

"Well, let's eat in Namjoon's room," he suggests.

"Okay, let's go." Jin said, and then they all left with the food. Namjoon walked with a brush on his face when he was pushed by Jin. Jin put the kimchi on the table, and Yoonji carried some plates and put it there.

"What are " Namjoon stopped once he spit the toothpaste and the brush fell from his from his mouth.

"Ewww, first wash your mouth," Yoonji said.

After spending the entire day at Namjoon's room, everyone began to leave for their homes in the evening. Jungkook said that he needed to buy something before leaving with Taehyung's bike. Taehyung took his gifts to their dorm in the car.

Jungkook sat in a hoodie at Day Dream Cafe, looking around for anything abnormal, because he didn't want to put himself in danger.

He noticed the man appear and sit on the alley's side. Bang Si-hyuk raised his head and looked him in the eyes. Jungkook approaches him.

"What do you want to say? I want to know what you mean when you say I'm from this world or that I'm not from this world. How do you know I'm not from this world? Can I go back? Do I need to go back? Can't I stay here? Is this you who sent me here?" He asked for everything he wanted to know.

"Calm down, young man, I will answer them one by one.I say that you are Kim Jungkook, Kim Namjoon's real brother and Kim Shin-wook's second son."

"That's a lie. I'm Kim Namjoon and Im Yoona's son," Jungkook said, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

"That was the Vision I showed you."

"Vision? The people I grew up with were just a vision? The people who made me feel warm and loved all my life were just an illusion. Are Namjoon, Yoongi, Mom, Eun Woo, Minju, my dog, my parents, my teachers, my classmates, everyone just an illusion?" Jungkook asked

"Yes, that's right. My friend accidentally sent you to the wrong timeline when it should have been someone else. My friend kind of messed up, but anyway, now we've sent the real one to another timeline and brought you back. When this happened, we immediately took you away from that timeline and sent you to the imaginary vision chamber, where you grew up visioning them, and we put the memories of them into your brain." He explained further.

"You piece of shit."

"Hey, don't curse me. I'm a respected
head worker."

"My foot"

"Okay, listen, atleast we send you back here."

"Why did you not send me sooner in this world? why now? Why would you send me to that chamber instead of my own world?"

"Because we can only do that after 14 years, that's why it took time to send you here. You were four years old when my friend accidentally sent you there. I bet you had a flashback to your life. This is to make you believe, otherwise you will not be willing to meet me today."

"You and your friends are both stupid. Tell me your friend's name. I want to report him."

"You can't report him; I willingly meet you; otherwise, you couldn't see us. I came here to solve your life."

"Why are you solving it? Ask him to solve it; after all, it's him who messed it up."

"He is with the real one who was supposed to transfer."

"What is his name?" Jungkook asks


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